Chapter 14

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Will walks around he forest to see if there is any sign of Paul. Will can't find any sign of him so he walks back to Jace.

"Does it hurt really bad?" Asks Will taking a look at his wound.

"Yes very!" Says Jace in pain.

"Come on let's get up," says Will helping Jace up, "We need to find a hospital or something."

"We can't go to a hospital because we don't have money," Jace says.

"We will figure out something," says Will trying to walk.

Then all the sudden a guy walks up to them. Will looks and sees that it's a duplicate on fire.

Will starts to back up away from the duplicate.

"Paul left in another helicopter he has. He sent me to come kill you guys," the duplicate says getting out a knife.

He starts to walk over to Jace and Will slowly. Will pulls up his hand and sets the duplicate on fire even more. The duplicate screams and goes down in flames.

Kyle walks around him and carries Jace deeper into the forest. Will's back starts to feel heavier and heavier as he carries Jace.

"Do you know where your going?" Asks Jace in pain.

"No clue," says Will in pain.

He keeps walking and walking until he starts to sees there are less trees as they keep waking and see civilization.

"I see people!" Exclaims Will, "There has to be a hospital somewhere,"

Will keeps waking and ends up on the side of a road and sees a bunch of tall buildings everywhere. Will runs across the street.

"Will, I don't think I'm gonna make it," says Jace slowly.

Will looks at Jace and sees that more blood is leaving his body. Will runs into a building.

"Someone help! He was shot and needs to go to the hospital!" Screams Will.

Everyone in the building starts dreaming out a women runs over to Jace as Will sets him down on the ground. She gets out her phone and calls the ambulance. Then a guy comes over to Jace and puts pressure on his shoulder. Jace screams at the top of his lungs.

"The ambulance is on their way!" Exclaims the lady who called them.

A few minutes later they comes and out Jace in the vehicle. Will walks over to them and asks if he can ride with them.

"What's your relationship with this boy?" Asks one of the guys.

"I'm his....... Cousin," says Will.

The guy let's him on and watches them try to revive Jace. Will sits there scared not knowing if Jace will make it.

They arrive at the hospital and they take Jace out and wheel him into the building running. Will gets out of the ambulance truck running into the building to see what they are doing to Jace. He runs in following them but then a hand grabs him.

"Sorry but you are not allowed to be in there when the operate on him," says the doctor that grabbed him.

"But I need to be!" Exclaims Will.

"I'm sorry but it is dangerous," says the doctor.

The doctors walks away following the other doctors taking Jace into a room. Will walks away breathing heavily. He looks up and starts to see the room spin. He feels his heart beating at the speed of light.

Will walks down the hallway stumbling to a front desk. He walks up there and sees a women sitting there.

"Are you okay sir?" Asks the doctor.

Will looks at her for a few seconds then falls to the ground. She gasps and calls other doctors to get him. Doctors surround him and start to lift him up.

Will starts to see everything blurry and breathes very heavy. Then all the sudden Will blacks out.

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