Chapter 15

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Will starts to dream while he as out. He finds himself in a room. He is sitting on a chair with chains holding him down. He tries to get out but no luck.

"Don't worry Will," a voice says. Will looks to see that it's Hannah. "We are here to help you."

"Even you?" He asks.

"Even me," she says unlocking the chains. "You're free."

She smiles at him and then he smiles back. He grabs her arm and she lands sitting on his lap and he kisses her. She puts his hand on her neck as she puts her hands behind his head.

Then all the sudden she gasp and releases her lips from his. He looks and sees a knife went through her back and out the stomach. She falls out of his lap and lands on the floor.

"No!" He yells.

Will looks up and sees Paul standing their with his bloody knife.

"It's hard losing someone you love. Soon the whole X-men will be dead. Then I will be the most powerful mutant there ever was," Paul says.

Paul life's up his knife and stabs Will into the heart. Will wakes up screaming.

"Calm down!" Yells the doctor holding him down.

Will looks to see that he is in a hospital bed. He looks at the doctor and starts to calm down.

"What happened?" Asks Will.

"You blacked out after we didn't let you see your cousin," she says.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Asks Will.

"Yeah he's gonna be fine. He got shot in the shoulder it wasn't to close to the heart," she says.

"Okay that's good," says Will.

The doctor leaves leaving Will all by himself. He thinks about the last time he was in a hospital. He was almost burned to death. He wonders how he got his powers.

Will gets up from his bed and tries to think of a way to contact the X-men mansion. Maybe they have a phone number he thinks. He gets up from his bed and walks out trying to find Jace.

He goes down the hallway looking through a few doors seeing all kinds of people. Some sick or some with missing arms and legs. He walks into a room and sees that it's Jace.

Jace sits there in a cast with his shoulder all bandaged up. He sees that he is eating some food too. Will walks over to Jace.

"Hey, how's your shoulder?" Asks Will.

"It's fine, just hurts when I move it," Jace replies.

"We need to get back to the X-men," says Will. "We need to warn them about Paul."

"Paul told the others remember and Paul sent the video to Professor," says Jace.

"Yeah but they don't know about his plan," says Will. "When you were back at the X-men did they have like a phone number or something?"

"I think so let me try to remember," replies Jace, "Yes they did have one."

Jace tells Will the phone number.

"Thanks, I'm gonna see if they have a phone I can barrow or something," says Will.

"Did they not tell you the phone number?" Asks Jace.

"Yeah I wasn't there long enough to mention it," says Will.

"Okay," says Jace.

Jace finishes his food and lays back. Soon Jace falls asleep and Will leaves the room. He walks around trying to find the front desk from last time.

He finds the front desk with the same doctor from the last time he was there. He walks up to the desk.

"It's you again. Are you here to pass out again?" She asks sarcastically.

"No I'm here to ask a question," says Will.

"Well what's the question?" Asks the doctor.

"Do you guys have like a phone or something?" Asks Will.

"Why?" Asks the doctor.

"I need to call someone to pick us up," replies Will.

"Okay you can use the phone on the desk," says the doctor.

Will walks behind he desk and grabs the phone. He types in the number and calls the X-men mansion.

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