Chapter 10

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Will wakes up and looks and the window to see that it's morning. Kyle walks into the room.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yeah," replies Will.

He puts on his suit and walks out of the room into the main room. Everyone stands there wearing the same thing.

"Alright guys I'm about to land the plane so everyone be prepared," says Anne.

She lowers the plane softly and everyone stands there as the latch door opens and they all walk out. They all walk for a few minutes through a forest with a lot of trees. They walk for about 30 minutes until they make it to the house. It's a huge house that's all black and has broken windows and the painting on the house coming off.

"Jace should be in there somewhere," says Mike.

"Okay let's go," says Janet.

Will, Kyle, and Janet walk over to Hannah and they all hold hands.
Hannah teleports them and go into the house. Will looks outside and sees the other three walking around the house making sure no one comes in.

"Okay let's split up and see if we can find Jace. Hannah and Janet go together and Will ad I will go," says Kyle.

Thy split up around the house as Will and Kyle walk up the stairs. The second level of the hose is a huge railing where you can see the bottom floor with two ends that have different rooms.

"Come this way," whispers Kyle.
They go to the right and walk into a room.

The room has a bed in the middle of it with a dead body on it then surrounds it is closets all over the place.

"What's in the closets?" Asks Kyle to himself.

Will walks over to one of the closets and starts to open it gently. He opens it all the way and gasp a little bit covering his mouth.

In the closet is a human hung by a belt in the closet hanging a few inches from the ground.

Kyle goes to the other closets and finds more dead bodies hanged by the neck.

"Are they all mutants?" Asks Will.

"I think so," says Kyle looking at the bodies.

Kyle looks at the bodies and sees a tag hanging from its pants. He grabs it and on the tag it says "Name: Terri, Power: grow or shrink."

"Come on let's go," says Kyle.

Will follows out of the room into another room. They walk in and all that there is is one bed and nothing else.

"What the," says Kyle to himself then all the sudden the door closes.

Kyle and Will look behind them and see four duplicates of Paul walking toward them.

"Congratulations on finding me," says one of them.

Then all the sudden the duplicates start to go into one of the bodies and one just stands there.

"Are you the real Paul?" Asks Kyle.

"Yes I am and I see you have brought me what I wanted," he says.

"Will is not going anywhere with you!" Exclaims Kyle.

"We will see about that," says Paul.
Paul starts making me duplicates of himself and they start running after them.

"Run!" Screams Kyle.

They both try to make it for the door but one grabs Kyle and pushes him through the floor making a hole and goes to the first floor.

Will runs out of the door running down the railing. The duplicates start going after him. Some of them block the stairs and some block the other side of the hallway.

Kyle sets himself on fire and flies over the railing on the second floor.

There he sees Kyle fighting some of them and Janet in diamond form freezing other duplicates.

"Where is Hannah?" Asks Will setting duplicates on fire.

"She's trying to find Jace!" Yells Janet freezing more duplicates.

Will runs into a room fighting off more duplicates and sees a boy sitting in a cage with no where to go.

"Are you Jace?" Asks Will.

"Yes," he replies crying.

"Don't worry we are here to get you," says Will putting a hands on two bars trying to melt them.

"Stop!" Jace yells.

Will turns around and sees Paul stab a needle into his neck and Will goes to the ground.

"You honestly thought you could stop me Will," he says, "I have an army against all of you. Forget the deal your both coming with me."

Paul makes two copies of himself and takes another needle, opens the gate, and stabs Jace in the neck with it.
The two duplicates grab Will and
Jace and they walk out as the others keep fighting the other duplicates.
They walk out the door and Nicki and Mike sees him.

"Get him!" Yells Mike.

Paul makes more copies of himself and some run to Mike and others to Nicki.
Mike runs into some of them but two grab him by the arms and hold him down.

Nicki summons skeletons to attack the duplicates. She runs to Paul but one runs right into her and they both go flying to the house and fall in it.
Paul and the duplicates holding Will and Jace walk to the side of the house and a helicopter appears lowering a ladder for them.

The duplicates walk up the ladder. Paul follow behind but Anne grabs Paul and yanks him off of it.

"You are not going anywhere!" She yells.

She puts him in a choke hold and he starts hitting her trying to break free from her. He makes more copies of himself then soon they start grabbing Anne away from Paul. he goes on the ladder and it starts to go up.

"No!" She yells as he goes out of her sight. She stabs the duplicates hurting her and she runs into the house. Then all the sudden a duplicate runs up to her and hits a chair against her head causing her to black out.

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