Chapter 16

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At the X-men mansion, Hannah teleports them there after the plane explosion.

"Do you think the Professor is upset with us?" Asks Kyle.

"No the professor loves us we are fine," replies Nicki.

They all walk into his office and the Professor sits there at his computer looking like he's about to murder someone. The professor looks up.

"Everyone sit down! He screams, "Anne you leave!"

Anne walks out of the room and closes the door on her way out. Everyone takes a seat.

"Now tell me what happened!" Screams the professor.

Everyone stars talking at the same time and or gets very loud. The Professor tries to listen but can't hear.

"Everyone shut up!" He yells "I will call on you if I want you to talk!"

The Professor takes a deep breathe and tries to calm himself down.

"Okay, Nicki you explain yourself fire since you were not even suppose to be apart of this mission," he says.

"I don't understand how you expected me not to come!" She cries. "He was missing for a year! I didn't what to do with myself! When I heard he was alive I was thrilled and saw that Will was not invited to take part in this mission! So we sneaked on the plane!" She exclaims.

"Now look at where that leaded to. He's with Paul!" Exclaims the Professor. "Okay now Kyle tell me what happened when you were trying to find Jace."

"Well Paul found us on the plane and sent duplicates to hijack us. We were able to kill them off but then we made it to the house he held Jace but escaped with him and Will while we were distracted trying to kill of more of the duplicates," Kyle says.

"Then did you try to locate Paul again?" Asks the Professor.

"No he blew up our plane with a bomb and we lost all of our equipment," replies Mike.

"Paul might be on his way here but I'm not sure what he plans to do. Until then get all the mutants together and prepare for him to come," says the Professor, "You guys can leave now."

They all leave the room and close the door behind them. Janet goes up to Hannah.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" Asks Janet.

"Sure," replies Hannah.

"Do you like Will?" She asks, "You guys seems to have the connecting on the plane."

"I don't know maybe a little," Hannah says blushing.

"That's all," says Janet laughing a little.

The Professor slams his desk angrily. He thinks about what Paul could do to them. The phone rings and he picks it up.

"Hello," he says.

"Professor it's me Will,," he says through the phone.

"Will! How are you calling from Paul's layer or whatever!" He exclaims.

"Jace and I are at the hospital. We escaped from Paul's place," he says.

"Thank god you're alive. What hospital is it?" Asks the Professor.

"Covenant on.......... North street," he says.

"Okay I will send someone to come get you two. I am just so happy to hear you guys are okay!" Exclaims the Professor.

"Thank you," says Will.

"You are an idiot for going on that plane! You were suppose to stay here at the X-men mansion!" Exclaims the Professor.

"I'm sorry I just had to because I wanted to try out a mission," Will says.

"Well you got the other in trouble so I'm sure they will all write you a thank you card," says the Professor sarcastically.

"Okay see you then," says Will.

"See you," says the Professor hanging up.

The Professor puts two fingers up to his temple.

"Anne I need you to do me a favor," he says telepathically to Anne.

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