Chapter 5

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Will, Hannah, Janet, Kyle, and Mike walk to the professors office to see what is going on. They all sit down.

"What's going on Professor?" Asks Mike.

"We got a message from Paul," says Professor.

He pulls out his computer and pulls up a video and plays it.

"Xavier it's Paul, Little news for you, Jace is alive,"

Jace pops up on the screen looking very weak and sick.

"If you want want him back I will need something new in return, I want the new kid Will. You have four days to bring him to me and I will give you Jace."

The video ends and Will's face turns pale. He thinks of why Paul would want him. What does Paul need him for?
"Professor what do we do?" Asks Mike scared.

"I don't know, how is Jace still alive?" The Professor asks.

"He's been missing over a year," says Janet.

"Guys what about Will?" Asks Kyle.

They all turn to look at Will. Will turns stone faced and feels sick inside.

"Are you guys really gonna turn me in!" Says Will sacredly.

"No of course not," says the Professor.

"Who is Paul?" Asks Will.

"Paul is a scientist, ever since he found out about his abilities he's been capturing mutants and testing them to see how their powers work," says Hannah.

"Jace went to stop him and he was captured and we all thought it was dead," says Kyle.

"Here's what we are going to do," says the Professor, "We will send a rescue mission and they will need to find him in four days, I will send Anne to lead this and Kyle, Hannah, Janet, and Mike go with her,"

"What about me?" Asks Will.

"Are you kidding me! There is no way in hell your going. Paul is after you and you need to be here to train and work your power!" Screams the Professor.

"Don't worry Will, you will get your chance soon. Let's go guys we have to get suited," says Kyle.

The four of them leave the office and leave Will and the Professor alone.

"Professor please I have to go," says Will.

"Paul is dangerous, he can duplicate himself and you never know if it's the real him or not, he could kill you Will. Plus you are not familiar with your power yet," says the Professor. "You are excused."

Will leaves the room frustrated. He wants to help out, but then he's scared if he would. Will goes to get an apple from the cafeteria and grabs a banana. He starts to walk upstairs to go to his dorm. Before he makes it to the hallway someone grabs him and pulls him into a room.

"Shh quiet for a moment," says the person.

It was a girl with black hair and red streaks.

"What are you doing?" Asks Will.

"I need to know if Jace is alive," she says.

"Why?" He asks.

"Jace and I were very good friends before he went missing. I over heard about Paul. I need to know if he's alive," she says.

"He is alive," he says.

"Thank god, so when do we leave?" She asks.

"I can't go because Paul wants me and the Professor didn't ask for you to go," says Will.

"Why would Paul be going after you?" She asks.

"How am I suppose to know!" Yells Will.

"I need to help go get Jace. We are going on I sneak on the plane and help save him," she says.

"How are we going to sneak in?" Asks Will.

"We can just get in beige they do and hide in the plane where all the weapons are stored. Mutants never go in there since they have powers themselves," she says.

"Okay but wouldn't it be dangerous for me to come?" Asks Will.

"Yes, but don't you want to go and help out?" She asks.

"Of course I do," says Paul.

"Then come with me on the plane. Don't worry we probably won't get caught," she says. "Oh an by the way I'm Nicki, I have a very interesting power."

"What is it?" Will asks.

"I can summon skeletons," she says.

"Can you raise people from the dead?" Asks Will thinking about David and Bob.

"No, only the skeleton forms of them," she says. "I will see you tonight," she says and then leaves the room.

Will walks out and goes to the dorm and puts on some comfy clothes and lays in bed. He wonders about if he should sneak in. Paul wants him and could be dangerous but then I would help out. While he keeps thinking Kyle walks into the room.

"Are you guys leaving tomorrow?" Asks Will.

"Yeah, we leave in the morning to get in the plane and track Paul down," Kyle says.

"Do you think four days is enough to find Jace?" Asks Will.

"Hopefully, we just have to find him and then leave. We are not gonna let Paul get anywhere near you which is why your gonna stay here," says Kyle.

"Well good luck," says Will.

"Thanks," says Kyle.

Will turns of the lights and gets underneath the covers of his bed. He thinks about his family and friends back home. He thinks about being at the X-men and if he actually belongs here. He closes his eyes and Will goes out.

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