Chapter 6

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While Will is in bed. Nicki sneaks into the room while the rest are going over the plan getting ready.

"Will, Will, Will," she says shaking him.

"What," he says tiredly.

"Did you forget?" She asks, "They are about to get on the plane any minute now we have to go!"

Will gets up and they run down the hallway to outside. The plane sits there.

"Hurry let's go," whispers Nicki.

They go through the back to the plane. The plane is huge and has a bunch of rooms and a main room where the pilot controls the plane.

"Here into here," says Nicki.

She leads Will into a room with bombs, swords, and other types of weapons. She gets out her bad and pulls out a computer.

"What's the computer for?" Asks Will.

"There is cameras all over the plane and I'm gonna hack them so that way we can watch and see everything that is going on," she answers.

They look at the cameras and they all start to board on the plane. A tall women leads the four of them on the plane and she goes to the pilots chair.

"Who is the women?" Will asks.

"That's Anne, she has magnetic powers," Nicki answers.

The plane takes flight and all of them go on their way to find Jace. Nicki gets the computer set up and the see every section of the plane.

"We need to locate all places that Jace has been, Kyle get to that," says Mike

"On it," he replies.

"Find coordinates on Paul Hannah and Janet copilot with Anne," he says.

Kyle and Hannah go on one of the computers they have and do the things Mike tells them to do.

Nicki goes back to her bag and pulls out another computer.

"What are you doing?" Asks Will.

"We are gonna do our own investigation. We need to find him and if they can't do anything about it, I'm getting him myself," she says.

Will sits right next to the computer where he watches them work. He wants to help them so bad but they can't know he's on the plane.

"What will they do to us if they find out about us on the plane?" Asks Will.

"You are full of questions Will," she says, "They will probably just take us back to the mansion or let us stay and punish us there."

Janet gets up from the pilot seat and kneels next to Kyle.

"You think we will find him?" She says as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know," Kyle replies.

"It must of been hard for you to lose him," she says.

"Yeah it has been, I have lost someone that I care about. I'm just worried I will lose more people," he says.

"You're not gonna lose anyone else Kyle. We are here for you and we love your, especially me," she says.

He smiles and kisses her on the forehead and rests his head on hers.

"You promise you will never leave?" Asks Kyle.

"Promise, I will always be here for you," she says as they both kiss.

They seem perfect together Will thinks.

"Ok I'm taking a small little break I'll be right back. I have to go grab something from the weapons room," says Hannah.

Will and Nicki gasp.

"Hurry hide!" Nicki exclaims.

Hannah teleports while the two of them hide behind barrels that are in the back of the room. Hannah appears and grabs a pair of knives and teleports back.

"That was a close one," Will says.

"Yeah it was," says Nicki.

Then all the sudden everyone hears a thud on the roof of the plane.

"What is that?" Asks Janet.

"I don't know," answers Mike.

Nicki and Will stands by the computer looking to see what is happening. Then a huge knife cuts through the roof and makes a huge circle. Then a few guys who look the same all jump through the hole.

"I have a message from Paul," says one of them.

"It's a Paul duplicate!" Exclaims Nicki.

"I know your coming from Jace. Excited to meet you guys at my fortress. If you make it alive," he says then they all pull out a knife.

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