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Tae-hyung didn't know why he did what he did. Why he went back to their meeting place 5 years later. Years ago they had told each other that they'd go to the place that they first met every year that fell on the day that they first met. This was the first year after their break up that Kim Tae-Hyung went there.

All those memories of when they first met, are all here, in this very beach haunting him deeply.

Tae-hyung still remembers that day as if it was yesterday.

It was Friday June 10th, a cloudy day at that. The weather was gloomy, it was as if it was about to rain. Which made Tae sad along with the weather because he was quite excited to see the waves of the water.

"Seriously?! I wanted to enjoy the breeze" Tae-hyung muttered to himself. He tried rushing out the beach but the rain caught up with him. It was to late, the rain had begun. Tae obviously didn't come prepared. He never did. All he had was his book bag, no umbrella. Which the book bag is what he used to cover his head after all.

Without realizing it Tae had roughly bumped into a man slightly taller then him who also seemed to be in a rush.

"I'm sorry" Tae-Hyung slightly bowed out of respect. This man. He had a black business suit on with a tie and dress like shoes holding an umbrella. He seemed older and also seemed like a busy man. What was a guy dressed like that doing at a beach.

"No I should've seen where I was going." The busy man responded. He couldn't help but see the other guy infront of him use nothing but a book bag to cover his head. So he offered "here take my umbrella. The rains getting heavy"

"You need it more than I do, you're wearing important clothing" Tae refused.

"No, no I insist. My beach house is right around the corner anyway, you can return it another time." The taller hands the shorter his umbrella before walking away quickly before he got completely soaked.

Tae-hyung took the umbrella gratefully. Trying to get to his car even though he was already drenched in water. Tae entered his car, closing the umbrella. All that was on his mind was remembering to return the umbrella to the kind man tomorrow, he doesn't like having things that belong to other people.

The next morning the rain had cleared and it was finally sunny again. Tae-hyung woke up, running his hands through his hair trying to remove it away from his face. Today Tae was determined to enjoy the beach weather correctly. Praying that the rain wouldn't return. He did after all enjoy the beach and it's breeze. Tae got up from his bed, headed straight to the kitchen to prepare himself coffee.

As he awaited for the coffee maker to be finished with his coffee, he did nothing but stand infront of his large living room window and just sit there and think as he saw the big buildings that looked much better at night but so dry in the mornings. Few minutes passed and his coffee was ready.

"Why are YOU up so early?" Jimin, Taes former roomate and best friend asks while exiting his room.

"It's 11:30am Jimin, that's late enough" Tae takes a sip from his coffee, before yawning still kind of tired.

"Yeah, late for you. You making me one too?" Jimin gave tae-hyung those puppy eyes that never fooled tae, but tae enjoyed seeing Jimin try so he grinned.

"You're funny. You have two sets of hands and legs don't you?" Tae leans on the counter top, making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Is that a way to respect your hyung?." Jimin begins making himself his own coffee, after all it only took a few seconds to put it in the machine and a few minutes to make.

"Hey I'm going to the beach again today so I won't be home early." The younger tells his hyung after taking the last sip of his own coffee.

"Man what's up with you and the beach?" Jimin begins to ask "I know it's your 'safe place'." He air quotes 'safe place'. "But do you seriously have to go again today? It's the third time this week."

"Yesterday I barely even stayed, it started raining. Besides I have to give the busy man his umbrella back" Tae answers while setting his coffee cup in the sink. Making Jimin confused.

"Woah, woah, woah. Who's this 'busy Man' guy you never mentioned any of this" the coffee machine starts going off, informing that the coffee was ready.

"No one, just this guy that was wearing a suit at the beach that looked like a busy man. He lent me his umbrella"

"And what makes you think that he's going to be there again today?" Jimin drinks from his cup. Making a loud sipping noise that made Tae cringe. Sometimes Tae couldn't believe they were best friends.

"He apparently has a beach house on the beach. Shouldn't be to hard to find" Tae shrugs and with that leaves the kitchen. Leaving Jimin still filled with confusion.

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