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"Tae-Hyung." Jeongukk stopped what he was doing, back faced to Tae. His voice sounded serious, husky even.

"Mhm" Tae-Hyung hummed as he took his last bite out of his pasta. All of dinner jeongukk was quiet and zoning out, as if he was thinking hard.

"We should break up." Jung-Kook couldn't dare to look back at Tae-Hyung, he couldn't bring himself to see the look on his face. Taes heart dropped just as much as the fork in his hand.

"W-why? Did I do something?" Tae-hyungs voice began to crack, making a tear drop from Jeongukks eye. He was hovering over the sink with his back turned to Tae, head down closing his eyes.

"No I'm just stressed over work and this relationship it's- it's exhausting." Jeongukk lied. He loved Tae-hyung, more than he should've. But his love for Tae-hyung is what was putting Tae in danger, how could he hurt the only person he cared deeply for?

"But-." Tae got cut off by Jung-Kooks husky voice that sent chills down his spine. And just how Tae-hyung never came prepared or ever was prepared, he was definitely not prepared for this break up.

"Leave" more tears started to leave jeongukks eyes just as much as Tae's. "I'm sorry I can't do this relationship anymore. Just leave" no don't go. Stay with me. With you I feel safe. Is truly what Jung-Kook felt, but anything to protect Tae-Hyung.

"Jung-Kook, I love you." Were the last words Tae-Hyung said to Jeongukk before getting up from his seat, and walking to the door. As soon as Tae turned around jeongukk turned around to his back. Tears falling from his eyes. When Tae reached the door he put his shoes back on, not correctly though. He was to afraid that due to how much tears were leaving his eyes it was going to affect him sobbing. Once he was out the house he cried his whole way home in the car.

"FUCK" Jung-Kook yelled as he threw a glass plate at the kitchen wall, feeling just as hurt as Tae-hyung did. Probably a little more. The plate completely shattered onto the floor, a few pieces of the glass reaching Jung-Kooks arms. He screams in anger. He let this perfect person out of his life.

When Tae-Hyung got home he was a mess. Jimin was surprisingly in the living room watching TV. When Jimin heard Tae's sobs he quickly turned his head and turned off the TV.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jimin rushed to Tae. Trying his best to comfort him.

"He- he broke up with me Jimin." It felt wrong coming out of Tae-Hyungs mouth. He couldn't believe it actually happened. "He said our relationships exhausting" Those words made Tae break down even more. He couldn't even hold himself up, he fell on his knees and cried hard just infront of the door.

"He did what?" Jimin tried his best not to freak out. He was just trying to be supportive at the moment but he knew later he'd give jeongukk a piece of his mind. "But I don't understand, you guys are so in love it makes me want to throw up. How much he loves you isn't fake. What happened?"

"I-I don't know. Before I went to the bathroom he was happy and fine but when I got back he was quiet and lost in thought. Next thing you know h-he broke up with me. Maybe he got tired of hiding how much he hated the relationship" Tae cried, wiping the tears away with his sweater sleeve.

"Holy fuck. Come here" Jimin gives him a big comforting hug. Allowing Tae-Hyung to wipe all his boogers on his shirt shoulder.

For days, Tae-Hyung felt like shit. He wouldn't get out of bed and hadn't went to work in a week. Jimin. Yoongi and his coworkers were getting worried.

For days, Jeongukk felt like shit. He would look at his phone and at Taes number and wonder if he should call. He'd look at old photos of the two, wishing he hadn't had to do what he did. He missed Tae, deeply but in order to not risk losing him it had to be done.

The doorbell rang at Jeongukks house. He was confused since beside Tae-Hyung no one really went to his house so thought Tae was back.
Jeongukk rushed to open the door only to find...

"Jimin?" Jeongukk asked confused as to why Jimin would show unexpectedly at his house.

"Didn't I tell you that if you broke his heart that I'd kill you? And yoongis given me full permission to do so, so you better get to explain and it better not be that "this relationship Is exhausting" bullshit" Jimin got straight to the point, he never did play when it came to Tae-Hyung.

"Um- come in?" Jeongukk asked unsure if he should let such a threat into his house. Jimin walked in, not even taking his shoes off. He had no time to waste.

"Explain, quick"

"I love him Jimin. I still do, way more than I should. But It's just his life could be in danger thanks to me. When him and I was dating he'd get followed home and he'd get dangerous packages sent to him but when I saw the messages that told him to go kill himself, I couldn't keep his life on risk any more. I had to let him go, for his sake I don't care about mine"

Jeongukk did make hella of a good point. Jimin was impressed honestly. When he haunted down Tae-Hyungs ex he hadn't said half of what jeongukk did. He in fact encouraged Tae to kill himself.

"Hmph" Jimin scoffed with a roll of his eyes. "I get you're trying to keep tae-hyung safe but this, this is just messing him up even more. Why don't you guys just move in together? Like that you can be on the look out for him and protect him. Tae's been depressed ever since you guys broke up. He's barely said a word to me or anyone for that matter" Jimins idea did make sense. He hated himself for not thinking that sooner.

"If I were to do that now, he'd never take me back." Jeongukk put his face in his hands regretting his decision.

"I can help you with that" Jimin told jeongukk his brilliant plan to get back with Tae-hyung, Jung-Kook was impressed.

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