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Tae-hyung arrived at the beach. Except this time he actually went prepared. He checked the weather app just in case it would start raining again. Negative. There was zero percentage of rain. Tae had brought the lent umbrella. Determined to return it. First he looked at the bright round sun that was in the sky shining. He took a deep breath in, enjoying the smell of salt water. It was quite refreshing.

After a few minutes of enjoying the warmth of the sun, Tae decided to search for said beach house. He walked towards the corner of the beach, which the busy man had mentioned. There was a beautiful tall and large house. The ones Tae-hyung had always dreamed of.

"Maybe this is it?" Tae asked himself since it was the only house on the beach. He rang the doorbell that was located on the side of the wide door. The bell echoing inside the house as soon as he presses it.

"Help me! Someone" Tae heard a faint voice try and scream out. Tae-hyung started panicking, he had no clue what to do. Was it serious enough to call an ambulance.

Tae-hyung tried to slide the door open with his credit card by sliding it into the crack. Finally the door budged open.

"Hello? Busy man? Where are you?" Tae-hyung called out.

"Kitchen" The voice said tiredly. Tae tried his best to follow the voice. With that he took a left into the massive house. He saw a lot of blood, coming from the back of the counter.

"Shit" Tae muttered to himself rushing towards the blood. There was the busy man. On the floor with blood streaming out of his arm. "Here let me call an ambulance" he takes his phone out of his pocket, completely shaking.

"Hello? Yes I need an ambulance at.." Tae looks at the busy man, not knowing the address, hoping the the injured man had enough strength to atleast say his address out loud.

"House 10, only house located on the beach" the man struggled, his eyes barely open. Tae repeated exactly that to the doctors, not a word less, not a word more.

"Please hurry" was what Tae-hyung ended the call with before hanging up. "Listen I might not even know you're name, but you're going to be just fine" he tried looking around the kitchen for a piece of cloth. Any piece in particular. He spotted a towel that seemed like it was used to wipe your hands. He grabbed it, trying not to step on the blood. Once he had it he bent down and wrapped around the busy man's arm.

Tightening it to stop blood from leaving his body. It was a pretty deep cut and a lot of blood had already left his system. "I know it's hard, but DONT fall asleep. It makes it worse"

"T-thank you" injured man breaths out a grunt due to how tight it was.

"Sorry it needs to be tight" Tae-hyung said feeling remorse. He never did get a good look at the busy man's face until right now. The busy man had bangs that fall to his eyes. And what seemed to be a bob that made him seem like Dora. His eyes were dark brown and his lips a rose color. He was beautiful. In that moment Tae-Hyung realized he seemed familiar. The other arm that was perfectly fine, resting on the busy man's stomach was completely covered with tattoos, meaningful tattoos. Or at least they seemed that way.

"Is he going to be okay doctor?" Tae asks already making it to the ER. Still not knowing the man's name.

"The patient, Jung-Kook. Lost a lot of blood. We'll need to transfer blood to his body" the doctor that goes by the name, Lee-Hyun informed Tae-hyung. So that's his name? Jung-Kook?

"What's his blood type?" Tae-hyung asked,
Hoping that he and jung-kook were a match.

"O positive" Lee-Hyun answered looking down at his chart. It's like destiny.

"Perfect. We're a match. Hyung, Can I transfer some of my blood to his body?" The younger felt relived, he couldn't just leave the poor bleeding man on the floor. He was to nice for that. If he left without helping Jung-kook, he'd never forgive himself.

"Yes. Follow me." Hyun guides Tae to a room. Jung-Kooks hospital room. There he was, resting. Needle in his left arm injecting something into him, maybe a pain killer? His right arm was bandaged, completely. And a monitor that watched his heart beats.
" Just sign here so we know you're fully on board with this" the doctor says giving Tae-hyung a form to fill out. At the end was a blank space that needed his full signature.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, Tae was finished filling out the form. He was getting ready to donate a bit of his blood to jung-kook.

"You're sure you want to donate a whole bag of blood?" Lee-hyun triple checks with Tae.

"That is what jeongukk needs after all isnt it?". The doctor nods. "Then so be it. Use me" Tae puts his arm out while sitting on a chair, directly telling the doctor to strip his blood out. After a pint of blood was gone and transferred to jeongukk, Tae was left in the chair with some orange juice to help with how much blood he got removed. His mind started to go blank, with that he fell asleep.

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