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After 2 hours of decorating and 4 calls from Jung-Kook asking Tae when he's going to be home that he misses him, they were finally done. Come to think of it Jeongukk and Tae-Hyungs lives have been great. Jung-Kooks new movie is #1 on Netflix, not because he runs it but because it's the most watched. Tae-Hyungs life of an architect has been great but he did get an offer to become a full time architect in Busan, that he'd make triple the money he makes now.

Duh he was planning on talking it over with Jung-Kook but first he had to talk it over with Jimin.

"I say take the Job" Jimin shrugs as they both finally finish and sit on the couch.

"But what about Jung-Kook? We can't go back and forth to each others houses because I know he has to work a lot and I most definitely can't drag him with me, besides long distance NEVER works." Tae's been asking himself this question ever since he got the call. Well not exactly this question giving the reason that he got the call 2 days before they got back together. It was more like "should I take the job to get rid of Jeongukks presence?"

After all he did see Jung-Kook everywhere. There was posters of his new movie everywhere he went, he was on magazines, street walls, even on the news which Tae enjoyed watching. At first he was willing to take the job and was going to reach out to the company in a week. He had told them to give him exactly a week to think it over. Think about it, all of Tae-Hyungs memories are here. His best friend, the beach he adores, his grandma which he visits once in a while. Everything, here. How could he leave it all behind?

But again this is a great offer. Triple money, dream achieved, good wealthy life. But now, he just can't leave jeongukk.

"Have you talked to him about it?" Jimin asks, Tae-Hyung stays quiet. Answering Jimins question. "So you're telling me you got this offer- what was it a week ago? And you haven't talked about it with the boy you now live with?" Jimin scolds like the mom he is.

"What do you think he's going to answer with?" Tae was afraid of the answer, he wanted both to stay in Seoul and become a full time architect.

"If he really loves you, he'll tell you to take the job". Jimins right, Jung-Kooks never been the selfish type. Tae sat there quiet imagining what was going to happen if he had told jeongukk. After a few seconds he broke the silence.

"Okay well I should get going before Jung-Kook sends a whole SWAT team after me because I haven't gotten home yet. Good luck" Tae-Hyung gets up from Jimins couch, giving him a forehead kiss before completely straightening his body out.

"You too" Jimin laughs watching as Tae walks over to the door and slips his shoes on.

"Buh-bye" Tae waves with a smile before leaving.

When Tae-Hyung had gotten back to their house. He had seen a note left on the kitchen counter.

"I'll be home late. Had a sudden modeling shoot. Don't worry and Don't wait up, rest my love"

"My love" Tae mumbled to himself, crushing the paper as he smiled. He left it there on the counter and went up to their room. Tae-Hyung changed into fresh PJ's and watched a movie or 2.

'Don't wait up' Jung-Kook wrote. 'Don't worry' Jung-Kook wrote. So why is it that Tae-Hyungs waiting up and worrying? Even though Jung-Kook did say he'd be home late he couldn't possibly mean this late. The clock had already struck 2 am. Tae-Hyung didn't sleep a wink that night.

The first time Jung-Kook and Tae-Hyung had gotten together, Tae-Hyung developed a habit. He couldn't sleep well or at all without Jung-Kook or his presence. That's why most nights they were always together. But Jung-Kook didn't know about this habit of Tae's, it was never really brought up. He could only get comfortably sleepy with Jeon Jung-Kooks touch.

After they had broken up. Tae-Hyung couldn't sleep correctly for days on end. The night they had gotten back together was the first night he slept at peace after their intense break up.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours. Tae-Hyung tried melatonin, rain and thunder noises, warm milk. Everything he could think of. But nothing worked perfectly.

It was already 5 am. It had been 5:30 when Jeongukk got home. He found Tae-Hyung awake in the living room, doing nothing but sitting on the couch and look at a TV which was off. The sound of the door shutting startled Tae-Hyung. When he looked at his right, jeongukk's presence appeared.

"You're home?" Tae-Hyungs voice and face seemed exhausted.

"Yes baby. Have you slept? I told you not to wait up" Jeongukk asked taking off his shoes and walking over to pat Taes head. Tae-Hyung instantly relaxed back.

"I couldn't sleep. You weren't here. I can't sleep without you" Tae confessed. Making Jeongukk both confused and happy that Jeongukks Tae-Hyungs zone of comfort.

"Come on let's sleep Tae" Jung-Kook practically dragged Tae-Hyung back to their room after turning off every light that was on. Jeongukk didn't even change into PJ's, he js threw his bag into a corner and laid down next to his boyfriend. Assuring that Tae would sleep.

As soon as Tae-Hyungs body reached the bed, he had cuddled Kookie and fell right asleep. That morning, Tae-Hyung began to sleep comfortably. Jeongukk scratched Taes head lightly making sure Tae-Hyung slept peacefully with all lights turned off. They both had fallen asleep, one happier than the other. Tae-Hyung fell asleep happy, Jung-Kook fell asleep guilty.

Why would that be?

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