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"Coming!" Jeongukk shouted from the living room as he heard the doorbell ring. He finished tidying a pillow on the couch before going to open the door.

"Hiii" Tae-Hyung's face lit up with a smile as soon as the door broke open.

"Hey come in" Jung-Kook made space for Tae to slip into his house.

"You know, this is the second time I'm here and this house seems bigger" Tae chuckles coming in and taking off his shoes to the side of the door as he looks around.

Jeongukk giggles with that perfect smile of his. "Come on, let's get changed so we can go swim in the beach" Kookie starts walking upstairs, Tae follows behind. "This is my room. Did you bring a bathing suit?" Tae-hyung was to focused admiring the large room to answer the question, it was massive. A- what seemed like a king bed at the end of the room with a night stand to its right and a large walk in closet to its left. And what Tae guessed was a bathroom to the lower left. Jung-Kook found this side of Tae adorable.

"N-no. Shit I knew I was forgetting something" I did say, Kim Tae-Hyung never comes prepared.

"It's fine. I have extra's. Come follow me" Jeongukk begins walking towards his walk in closet. Which left Tae-hyung in even more shock. It was as big as his room in his apartment, and Tae's room was fairly big.

"Woah-." Taes mouth couldn't help but hang open, he always wondered why rich people needed so much space.

"Here you go" jeongukk pulls out one of his many bathing suits from his drawer. It was simply just bathing shorts, which is all Tae needed anyway.

"Thank you" they leave the closet after Jung-Kook had took a bathing suit for himself as well. "Hey, if you're a man that wears suits for a living, then why are you living on the beach? Sand get everywhere"

"I don't really know. I just love the beach" jeongukk begins to simply change infront of Tae-hyung, not minding he was there. Tae looked away out of respect, making Jung-kook smirk. "It's fine you can look I don't mind. What about you? Why are you always at the beach?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not always at the beach" Tae sighed as he began to turn back around and change into nothing but underwear and jeongukk's red swimming shorts.

"Yes you are. I knew you seemed familiar. Every time I look out my window to see the beach view, you're in it. Not that I'm complaining though. Even though this is private property"

"Really?! I'm so sorry I never knew! Why didn't you call the cops on me or something?" Tae-hyung asked confused.

"Because you seemed at peace, and I didn't want to ruin that. And also seemed like the only person that didn't know that this property belongs to me or that it even was me that lived here." Jung-Kook smiled that cocky smile that made Tae smile as well. Jeongukk was already ready to go out to the beach, now he was just waiting on Tae.

"Why thank you" Tae bowed like a prince jokingly which made Jeongukk giggle. He again loved making people laugh, it made him feel proud. Like he was actually good at something. "Alright I'm ready let's go"

Tae-Hyung smelled that fresh beach air. The salt water air. It was refreshing, always was. "Tae-hyungie hyung, let's go in" Jung-Kook said taking the olders hand and dragging him into the water. They laughed, went on each others backs, had swimming races, even had there own little moment. Then a thought crossed jeongukk's mind 'might I like him? No I cant. My fame will crush him' but he destroyed that thought.

Tae too had a thought that also scribbled in his head 'is it possible that I like him? No to soon to know' they both continued enjoying their day. They stayed in the water for much longer than planned. They were out the water and in Jeongukk's house.

"You hungry?" Jung-Kook asked.

"Yes, very" Tae answered with a towel wrapped around his body and a mini towel that he had driving through his hair.

"Sit. Let me cook for you" He taps on one of the counter chairs, informing Tae to sit, so he did. Jeongukk began cooking shrimp. Tae watched him feeling to shy to say that he was allergic to shrimp. 'Wow he's hot' Tae-hyung thought to himself, quickly erasing that thought from his head. Jeongukk began to cook as if nothing ever happened to his left arm at all, like it was cured. His bandage was off, revealing the stitches.

After what seemed like 20 minutes of Jung-kook cooking and Tae just observing him with a smile, dinner was ready.

"Here you go, enjoy" jeongukk handed Tae-hyung a shrimp plate with a huge smile. Tae couldn't bring himself to tell Jung-Kook he was allergic and ruin his smile, so he ate it. It did taste good even though he couldn't finish the whole thing. Soon enough Tae's throat felt like it was closing. He couldn't swallow anymore. He started turning red. "Are you ok? Are you allergic to shrimp?" Jung-Kook rushed to Tae-hyung. Tae nodded slowly with all the strength he had. "Stay here"

Jeongukk quickly ran to his room and searched for the allergy pen he had in his sock drawer that he kept for whenever his brother was moved since his brother was also allergic to shrimp. "I'm here!" Kook rushed to Tae and quickly injected Tae-hyung. Finally Tae could normally breathe again. "Why didn't you tell me you were allergic?" Jeongukk asked worried as Tae leaned his back in Jeongukk's chest.

"Because you seemed so excited to see me try it and I didnt wanna ruin your mood, plus you worked so hard to make it." Tae took a few deep breathes.

"Listen my hard work isn't worth your life" jeongukk ran his hand through Tae-hyungs hair trying to calm him down.

"Okay I'm sorry"

"No I'm sorry, I should've asked if you were allergic to anything. Here I'll cook something else" Jung-kook was about to head back to the stove until tae pulled him back.

"Or we could just order pizza?"

"Yeah, that sounds great" jeongukk smiles at Tae-hyungs now well face.

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