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"Hey. Hey" Tae-hyung felt himself get shaken. Which is what woke him up. "Hey wake up" it was jung-kook. His cut was now securely bandaged.

"What time is it?" Tae-hyung rubbed his eyes at the bright light above them.

"It's 11:00 at night" he gave a nice smile. "Hey, thank you for helping me. I know people that are closer to me and they wouldn't do half of what you did"

"It's no problem really. Just heard you calling for help so I helped" the blonde smiled back while stretching since he had slept in an uncomfortable position. "How did that happen anyway?"

"I-I um was cooking breakfast for myself and accidentally shoved the knife on my arm thinking it was something else" Jung-kook seemed healthier, given the reason that he was pale in the kitchen. Tae-hyung almost laughed not convinced with the nervous man's story.

"Well Jung-Kook, I call Bullshit" Tae-hyung grinned.

"Let me buy you a meal. To thank you for, you know, helping me out"

"No,no you don't have. Seriously. Consider as my good deed of the day" Tae stands "plus it's getting late"

"It's not that late. Please I insist, I'll never forgive myself if I don't find a way to thank you." Jung-Kook gave puppy eyes. It usually cringes Tae, people making eyes like this. But he actually gave in to Jung-Kook. That name, it surely rings a bell.

"Okay fine, something's telling me that if I don't say yes now you'll somehow bug me about it later" Tae-hyung gives Jung-kook a genuine smile as he nods.

"Alright let me get checked out first. In the meantime here call an Uber for us" Jeongukk gives the shorter boy his phone, opening the Uber app. With that jung-kook went to check out leaving Tae to order the Uber. After a few minutes jung-kook was done checking out and the Uber arrived just in time.

"Hello, take us to any Korean BBQ please" Jung-kook says as they both enter the white honda Jeep.

"Will do sir!" Their Uber driver said. What they look like isn't important.

"Hey I never got your name. You know mine but I don't know yours."

"Kim Tae-hyung. Nice to actually meet you" Tae put his hand out, expecting Jung-Kook to shake it. Jung-Kook, out of being polite did shake it.

"I'm sorry you had to see all that blood back there at my house" The younger cleared his throat, trying to unable the silence.

"No it's fine, you don't have to explain it's none of my business really" Tae answer, knowing his place. The car ride to wherever they were going was calming. It got Tae to thinking. What the hell was he doing with a guy he doesn't even know? He should've just went back home when the ambulance got jung-kook. But then he would've spent the rest of the week wondering what ever happen to him.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" Jung-kook gave the driver his payment and opened the door exiting the car, Tae-hyung following behind him. "You ever been here?" Jeongukk asked as they both stood infront of the restaurant.

"Yeah I've been here with my friend a couple of times actually" Tae nodded remembering the place.

"Alright let's go inside. I'm paying" Jung-kook demanded with fierce eyes. Tae-hyung went into that restaurant with Jung-Kook knowing that he wasn't going to leave with a full wallet. He despised making people pay for his things. They sat infront of each other.

"That's weird, there's no people here" Tae-Hyung looks around, not a single soul but the people that work there.

"Yeah that's because I rented it for the night" Jeongukk and Tae-Hyung took the first table in the middle of the room.

"Seriously?!" Tae-Hyung was shocked, he didn't obviously believe Jung-Kook.

"Mhm. While you were sleeping"

"Wow" Tae-Hyung says amazed as they sit across one another.

To spend the time while their food was getting prepared they decided to get to know each other since they didn't really know anything about one another given the reason that their relationship all started due to an umbrella.

"So busy man, what do you work as?" Tae asked the question he's wanted to have the answer to.

"Well, I'm the C.E.O of Netflix".

"No way you're the Jeon Jung-Kook?" Taes mouth falls wide open. Tae-hyung knew he seemed familiar, and the name to it rung a bell. He never asked because he didn't want to be nosy. Jung-kook had worked in some of the Netflix movies. He was both a C.E.O and an actor? Impressive. Tae thought.

"Y-yes. I thought that was the only reason you helped me" Jung-Kook chuckled thinking that Tae's surprised expression was adorable. "Plus why do you think I rented the restaurant out? I want no interruptions."

"No I helped because I'd beat myself up for it if I didn't help you. You looked seriously injured I couldn't leave without knowing you were okay. No way I know THE Jeon Jung-Kook? That's so cool."

Jung-Kook laugh lightly at how shocked Tae-hyung was. He never really thought he was this important. "So what do you do Tae?" He sips from his glass of water.

I'm one step closer to becoming an architect. Meanwhile working at a cafe to pay rent. You know what's crazy? I'm older than you yet youre more successful then me" Tae chuckles drinking his lemonade from the metal straw.

"So you think that younger people can't have more success then older, hyung?" Jung-Kook asked with a debatable tone.

"Well since I've lived 2 years longer you'd think I'd be somewhere better. Did you become CEO and an actor on your own? Or was the CEO thing passed down" Tae explains his part of the debate.

"My own."Jeongukk answered yet again shocking the boy in his presence. Which again, made jeongukk smile.

"If I was youre parents I'd never shut up about you." Tae-hyung let out a jealous sigh. How can someone be, self made, rich, and hot at the same time?

"They used to never shut up about me" Jeongukk's smile slowly drops. The vibes kind of off. Tae can sense it.

"Past tense?" Tae asked confused.

"They, um- died in a terrible plane crash 3 years ago. They were coming back from they're anniversary trip from the Bahamas, but never made it back." Jung-Kook says while looking down at his hands. Fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.

"Holy shit. You know, I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas. Always wanted to visit its beaches." Tae tried changing the conversation. Jeongukk loved how he didn't say "I'm sorry" like any other person did. It just made him feel shittier. "My best friend Jimin, went without me. I wanted to choke him out as soon as he came back to our shared apartment. I told him that I was going to slit his throat in his sleep and shove 15 fireworks down it and watch them go off on the 4th of July"

Jung-Kooks smile was back. It was more than a smile it was a genuine laugh. Tae-hyung felt proud that he had made jeongukk smile. after all that is what he did best, make people smile.

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