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After getting dressed, They were in the living room. Sitting on the couch infront of each other. Half of what was in the pizza box was gone and also half a tequila bottle. "Ok my turn. I've never gotten a tattoo before, never had sex, love the beach" Tae says. They were playing 2 truths and 1 lie, who ever lost a round had to take a shot.

"I'm guessing the sex one is the lie. Who wouldn't wanna fuck you?" Jeongukk's reply leaves Tae-hyung shocked. This man never failed to leave Tae shook.

"N-no. The tattoo one is"

"You've never had sex before?" Jeongukk asks not believing Tae. If Tae-hyung would allow him, he'd do it anytime of the day.

"No, never really paid mind to it" Tae-hyung answered un-bothered still half shocked by Jeongukk's "who wouldn't want to fuck you" comment. "Take your shot, you think I'd forget?"

"Shit. I was hoping you did." Jeongukk served himself some tequila in the shot glass that they were both drinking from. He took a shot being a man of his word. Making a face after it due to how strong the tequila was. "Wait what tattoo do you have?"

Tae-Hyung lifted his left leg and rolled up his sweatpants. Revealing a snake going downs his thigh.

"Sick" Jeongukk says amazed as his eyes draw down to Tae-Hyungs thigh.

"I know" Tae-Hyung says with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Ok my turn. 1: I think you're a very good looking man, 2: Im CEO of Netflix, and 3: Im on the road to being broke." Jeongukk was nothing but honest. Tae-hyung obviously already knew that jeongukk was the CEO of Netflix so that was one of the truths. May jeongukk really think that Tae's a good looking man? No imposible.

"You think im a very good looking man is the lie, others are true" Tae-hyung was sure he was right.

"Nope, the broke one is. Drink up" jeongukk say with a smile passing Tae the bottle since Jeongukk's been losing all these rounds so far. Tae-hyung being the light weight that he is, took a shot. Suddenly started feeling floozy.

"You think im good looking huh?"

"Who doesn't?" Jeongukk begins to flirt. Tae-hyung follows back.

"I don't care if anyone else thinks im good looking, as long as you do" Tae and jeongukk began to laugh lightly. After seconds of laughter jeongukk got closer, so did Tae-hyung. This is it, there about to kiss. They're only a few centimeters away from their lips touching until the sound of the doorbell echos into Jung-kooks house.

"Shit" jeongukk muttered under his breath. "Coming! Wait here" jeongukk got up and walked to the door that was only a few steps away. When opened, a short, grey haired guy stood infront.

"Where the hell is Tae-hyung?!" Tae heard jimin's familiar voice.

"Ugh fuck me" Tae rolled his eyes knowing that he was about to get the biggest scold ever.

"Who are you?" Jeongukk asked confused. 'Could this be Tae's boyfriend?" He asked himself praying it wasn't true.

"Tae-Hyungs best friend, I already know who you are he's talked about you. Tae let's go it's hella late! Besides, you're the Jeon Jung-Kook, who wouldnt know you?" Jimin shouted into the house making Tae's ears ring sounding like the mother he always seemed to be.

"Hes talked about me?" Jeongukk smiled asking jimin.

"Yeah don't flatter yourself budddy, Hurry V!" Jimin insists. Tae begins putting his shoes on and grabbing his phone and bag.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. What are you doing here?" Tae asked jimin once he got to him.

"I got worried so I checked your location. Have you seen the time? It's 4am. You never stay out this late, now come on" Jimin basically drags Tae-hyung out the house.

"Ok mom" Tae rolls his eyes annoyed "I'll call you" He whispers to jeongukk before he left, leaving jeongukk standing there with a smile.

'He talks about me' butterflies swim in jeongukk's stomach, he again felt special. Jeongukk closed the door after what seemed like an amazing day with Tae-Hyung. If it wasn't for Jimin, jeongukk might've token Tae's virginity.

After a couple of minutes of standing infront of his couch, remembering each moment he had with Tae. He walked to the couch happily and sat down. He turned the TV on to watch something since he wasn't going to be able to sleep. The news caught his eye.

"Famous actor and CEO of Netflix Jeon Jung-Kook was found yet again with the blonde boy at the beach swimming, laughing and having fun. Is this something that just friends do?" The same news reporter from the last time says. Jeongukk began to get annoyed. This was the down side of fame. People can't mind their own business. He can't have a boyfriend or even girlfriend without there being rumors about it. Nothings ever private in Jeongukk's life, never has been nor will it ever be.

He turned off the TV and roughly through the remote across the room dragging his hands through his hair and sighing, thinking 'what the hell am I gonna do? I can't lose Tae'. Even though he was a little tipsy he knew he'd remember this night, better than any other.

A sudden ring appears on Jeongukk's phone. His manager.

"Have you seen the news?" Brenda asked over the phone.

"Yes Brenda, yes I have" He said with an annoyed tone.

"You need to end things with this boy now. He could ruin your future and your fortune" Brenda says bluntly, making jeongukk even more pissed than he already was.

"End what? There's nothing going on him and I are just friends" jeongukk said wishing they weren't just friends.

"Friends?" Brenda sounds like she's about to laugh "Jung-Kook you cant have friends, they'll destroy you or use you. Only friend you're allowed to have is Min-Yoongi, you know this."

"I don't care. Tae-hyungs nothing like that image you have in your head" he let out a loud stressed sigh.

"That boys gonna be the end of you."

Another loud sigh escapes out of Jeongukk's mouth. "Listen, him and I are just friends" for now. "What I can't be friends with someone now?"

"Just watch your back" with that Brenda hangs up the phone. Leaving jeongukk pissed off. Why couldn't people just mind their business? He walked upstairs, angry. He fell asleep with a lot on his mind.

He likes Kim Tae-Hyung? They just met. But in those few days he's also become the only person that's ever token such good care of jeongukk. Not even Min-Yoongi, his closes friend, treats him like this.

The news reports are breathing down Jung-Kooks neck, not letting him freely have the fun he so deserves.

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