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That morning Jung-Kook woke up to Tae-Hyung laying next to him and staring at him with eyes of love. The same eyes that always made him smile. After all they were his favorite feature of Tae-Hyungs.

"Morning" Tae-Hyung smiles as he brushes his hand through Jung-Kooks messy dark hair.

"Good morning" Jeongukk smiles, fully opening his eyes now, sinking into Tae-Hyungs touch. He couldn't be happier. "I think you should move in with me, what do you think?"

Tae-Hyung was happy. He thought it'd take forever for Jeongukk to ask him this question. After all he does feel safer with Jung-Kook.

"I think that's a really good idea" Tae smiles.

"Oh yeah?" Jeongukk teases as he fills Tae-Hyungs face with kisses. They get interrupted by a sudden ring from jeongukks phone. He groaned annoyed as he reached over for the device which was on top of the night stand next to him. The caller ID said "Jiminnn"

"What" Jeongukk answered annoyed that him and Tae-Hyung had been interrupted.

"Excuse you" Jimin gasps.

"Yes?" Jung-Kook corrects himself, afterwards putting it on speaker so Tae-Hyung could hear as well.

"Better. So did our plan work out?" Jimin asks excitedly. After all he did put his blood, sweat and tears into the surprise. "I suppose it did because TaeTae didn't come home last night"

"It did Jiminie! Thank you" Tae-Hyung shouted into the phone, making jeongukk smile from how adorable he was.

"Good because if it wouldnt of had worked out, Jung-Kook would be run over with my car" Jimin says innocently marking his own words making Tae-Hyung giggle and Jeongukk worry about his safety. "I'm hanging up now buh-bye"

Tae-Hyung and Jeongukk were happy. There was no one or anything that could ever ruin that. But alas, all good things most come to an end.

Jung-Kook had never told the press that him and Tae-Hyung had broken up. He wanted to wait exactly a month just in case they got back together, and so they did.

"I'll get people on moving your things in today" Jung-Kook says to Tae-Hyung as he holds him in his arms, leading with forehead kisses.

"I love you" Tae-Hyung says, making jeongukks heart fluster.

"You do?" Jung-Kook thought that Tae-Hyung stopped loving him the minute they broke up. Jeongukk for a fact never did.

"I never stopped loving you" Tae looks into his eyes. "No matter how much I tried, my love for you never stopped"

"I love you too" Jung-Kook smiled. He was finally able to say this to Tae-Hyung again. The only person he's ever really meant it to.

That morning, the now happy couple fell asleep wrapped around each others arms after a few kisses. They both felt safe in each other presence, a type of safe jeongukk never knew before Tae.

"Yeah just put that box right there please" Jung-Kook says to one of the movers that were moving in Tae-Hyungs things. Suddenly the blonde haired boys phone began to rang. He saw the caller ID "Dae-Hyun" his heart quickly dropped. He hadn't seen that name call him in what seemed like ages.

"Hey I'll be right back, I gotta take this" Tae-Hyung says to Jeongukk. Kookie gives him a nod, allowing Tae-Hyung to go upstairs to their room leaving jeongukk bossing around the movers.

Tae-Hyung quickly answered his ringing phone.

"Hello" There's that husky voice he hadn't heard in a while. The voice he didn't miss.

"What do you want?" Tae-Hyung got straight to the point.

"You" Dae-Hyun said "I never stopped loving you"

Tae-Hyung almost broke out laughing. "Yeah right, you loved me enough to cheat on me?"

"I was drunk Tae-Hyung. That was ages ago besides You didn't let me explain, before I could you had already kicked me out and blocked me on everything" Dae-hyun tried to explain everything before Tae-Hyung hang the phone up how he usually does.

"Why now?" Tae-Hyung asks. Why now that he's finally happy without him?

"I heard from a little birdy that you and famous Jeon Jung-Kook broke up"

"We did b-." Before Tae could finish he was cut off, Tae-Hyung despised being cut off.

"Exactly. I'm gonna pursue you, I'll do anything to win you back" Dae-Hyun felt the slightest bit of hope. He really did miss Tae-hyung. "He's gonna break you into pieces Tae-Hyung."

"No wait. We're back together. I love him and he loves me" Tae-Hyung declared trying his best to make Dae-Hyun understand.

"Well you obviously don't love him enough or else you still wouldn't be here talking to me" Dae-Hyun grinned, Tae-hyung could sense it through the phone. His cocky smile.

"Whatever. Don't contact me again" with that Tae-Hyung finally hung up. He wanted nothing to do with Dae-Hyun. Absolutely nothing. He took a deep breath in, afterwards a deep breath out. His phone buzzed. It was a message from Dae-Hyun.

"I'm not giving up."
"I want you back."

Tae-Hyung simply just blocked his number and ignored the previous messages. He walked back to jeongukk that had just finished telling the movers where to put everything. The movers had left.

"Everything done already?" Tae-Hyung asked as he skipped down the stairs.

"Mhm" Jung-Kook smiled at the sight of Tae-Hyung. He was so happy to have him back. "Let's go put your things in our room"

Tae nods as he helps JK bring boxes upstairs of his belongings. Like I said, all good things must eventually come to an end.

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