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"Are you crazy? What are you doing getting drunk with some guy you just met not even two week ago?" Jimin scolds Tae as they enter their shared apartment.

"He's not just some guy, he's Jeon Jung-Kook" Tae-Hyung smiles at the sound of his name, leaving his shoes at the entrance.

"Wether he's famous or not, you shouldn't be getting drunk with a stranger" Jimin throws the keys that he had used to both drive and unlock the door, on the kitchen counter.

"He's not a stranger, I know him quite well. He's fun"

"Whatever. I was worried sick Tae. You were out all day it's 4:30 in the morning." Tae-Hyung goes to sit on the couch since he was beginning to grow a headache.

"Sorry I lost track of time" He massages his temples trying to see if he could clear the slight headache.

"Just drink some water and Advil before bed" Jimin always seemed to care deeply for all his friends. It could be a complete stranger and Jimin would still care, that's something he and Tae-hyung had in common.

"Mhm" Tae hummed as he heard Jimins footsteps disappear into his room. If they had just a few seconds before Jimin appeared, Tae-Hyung and jeongukk would be more than just friends at this moment. But all good things must come to an end.

A sudden ring appears on Tae-hyung phone. Unknown number. He answers it out of curiosity, being sober.

"Hello?" Tae answered.

"Stay away from Jeon Jung-Kook. It's for your safety, and for his. It won't do the both of you any good so stay away from him" a male voice says bluntly and directly through the phone.

Tae-hyungs heart drops. He straightens his posture.

"Is that what Jung-Kook wants?" Tae asked assuming it was one of jeongukks managers.

"Sure is. He couldn't bring himself to tell you directly so here I am telling you for him. Stay away, and don't contact him." The man hangs up leaving Tae-hyung shocked. He thought after today they'd gotten closer. Guess it's to soon to be true. He threw his phone on the couch and went to bed. Thinking that he was imagining everything that had just occurred.

"Shit" He muttered to himself, thinking where did he go wrong. Why did he fall for a man in under one week? It's stupid, humiliating, absurd even. Jimin was right. It's to soon. That night Kim Tae-Hyung fell asleep with tears streaming down his cheeks. He was hurt like any other human being. Partly because Jeongukk didn't want to see him any more but also because jeongukk didn't tell Tae himself. Instead got someone else to do it.

But Tae decided to do as told. He stayed away. He blocked jeongukks number, un-added him everywhere and erased him from his mind. Trying roughly. His mind went blank, and Tae-hyung was asleep with tears in his eyes.

Next morning jeongukk woke up, feeling the need to ask Tae-hyung if he was comfortable since there's rumors going around. He texts but his messages don't send. Instead he decideds to call but it goes straight to voice mail. Jeongukk goes to instagram.

'Tae' jeongukk texts, instagram regrets to inform him that he's been blocked. Did jeongukk do something wrong? Where did he go wrong? He did have Tae-hyungs address but decided not to go since it was early in the morning and it was probably a mistake or something, Tae didn't have a reason to do it purposely, that jeongukk knew of.

It was the next day, the afternoon. Jung-Kook decideds to call again, goes straight to voicemail. Texts him on both messages and instagram. Again no answer. Jeongukk sits there on his couch with his face him his hands wondering what he did. Was it the almost kiss? Did Tae not feel comfortable? To take his mind off of things he decided to begin cleaning the living room since it was still a mess from yesterday.

Tae-hyungs voice still echos in jeongukks head 'I'll call you' but no call back. When jeongukk wanted someone or something, he didn't give up so quickly. He fought for it, him.

After an hour of deep cleaning his living room and kitchen, instead of it distracting him from the situation it actually got him to thinking. Maybe he should go to Taes house after all. What if something happened to him. No he wouldn't block jeongukk if something happened to him. But jeongukk figured out that the only way to know is to find out. So he decided hes going over to Taes. He may not know what's the apartment number but he'll knock on every door to find Tae.

And so he did just that. Jung-Kook drove to Tae-hyungs apartment, not knowing that Tae had decided to forget about jeongukk for the sake of jeongukks future. Kookie got out of his car after parking it in the apartment parking lot. He went to the first door, asking for Tae-hyung.

"Is Kim tae-hyung here?"


It was the same answer always ending with a door slammed to his face. Until he came across a black haired man.

"Oh you're looking for TaeTae?" The guy asked as if he knew Tae-hyung.


"He lives in apartment 45, third floor. Tell him Hobi said hi!"

"Will do, Thank you so much" Jeongukk rushed to the stairs that were at the end of the hall. He was only at door 28, he would've had to do a lot more knocking if it wasn't for that man. As soon as he found door 45 he knocked. After a few long seconds and a couple muffled voices, The same grey haired guy from yesterday answers the door, the so called best friend.

"I'm looking for Tae-hyung" Jung-Kook spoke.

"He's apparently not here" Jimins tone doesn't sound convincing, but Jung-Kook couldn't just give up like that. He looked down and saw Tae-hyungs black high top converse, he knew Tae was avoiding him he just didnt know why.

"Well when Tae does get home, you mind telling him to un-block me?" Jeongukk sighs, again thinking what the hell he did wrong. "And that hobi says hi"

"Sure thing mister" Jimin gives a soldier salute before closing the door in jeongukks face. "Dude!! You have the Jung-kook asking for you to un-block him. I envy you so much right now" Jimin says with a low voice just in case jeongukk was still around to Tae-hyung that was sitting in a corner in the kitchen hoping Jung-kook wouldn't find him.

"I'm doing this for his own good, besides didn't you say it's too soon" kim gets up from his corner sighing deeply.

"Don't listen to me. Tae-hyung these past days that you've been with him you've actually let go a little. You've come home late, you've been drinking. You only do that if you feel safe with someone and if JK is that someone than so be it" Jimin was right. Last time Tae-hyung was like this was with his ex, Dae-hyun. But he was abusive and manipulative in to many ways. So no matter how hard it truly was, Tae had to let him go. "He doesn't even know your apartment number, he must've went through every door just for you"

"He probably has better things to do than that. I'm leaving for work now" Tae said with a roll from his eyes as he put his shoes on that were waiting for him at the front door.

"Love you!" Jimin shouted before Tae left.

"Mhm me too" Tae never really was one to say I love you back, jimin was. He took his house keys that were attached to his car keys and left the house.

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