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A year had already passed. Now Jung-Kook and Tae-Hyung have been together for a year and 6 months. While Jimin and Yoongi have been together for 3 months. Everyone knows about Tae-hyung and Jung-Kooks relationship but Tae-hyungs been receiving death threats from jeongukks fans. Saying that jeongukk belongs with Mi-sun, his on screen wife. But Tae tried hard to ignore them. Jeongukk was his and his only.

This night Jimin was spending the night at Yoongis massive house. Both Jung-Kook and Yoongi are not so surprisingly loaded with money.

Tae-Hyungs phones been blowing up with messages from instagram, until he decides to open them.

'You should be disgusted in yourself, just let Jung-Kook and Mi-sun be'

'Just kill yourself already'

'What does Jeon Jung-Kook even see in you? You're ugly and have no money. You're probably using him.'

'If it weren't for you Jung-Kook and mi-sun would be together'

There was many more but Tae-hyung stopped himself from checking them, for the sake of his mentality. He obviously hadn't told Jung-Kook, he was already busy enough with CEO work and castings he didn't want to add more to that stress.

To get his mind off of things he began working on his architecture project that his professor gave to him, although it was due 4 weeks from now why not start early? If he passed with this project he'd be able to graduate and he'll be a documented architect.

After - what seemed like an hour of carving and cutting and shaping and shading things, Tae-Hyung was half way done. He received a sudden call from the boy he loved so much.

"Hello?" Jeongukks voice made Tae-Hyung feel at peace. Everything he had going on, all of it wiped away just by a simple glimpse of his voice.

"Hi" he let out a relaxed sigh.

"Are you okay baby?" Jeongukk asked worried, he could feel Taes stressing through the phone. Tae-Hyung hummed a simple 'mhm' with closed eyes, enjoying jeongukks voice. "You know what, why don't you come over?"

"I thought you were busy with work at home, I don't wanna distract you" Tae-Hyung said, even though he wanted to see him so badly at this state.

"You don't distract me, you actually allow me to focus better. Now come over or I'll go get you myself" Jung-Kook demands. He too has been missing Tae. They haven't seen each other or barely even talked in the past two days. He missed his presence.

"Ok" Tae-Hyung giggled trying not to sound to excited, no matter how much he was. He ended the call and rushed to get his keys from the counter top. He slipped his shoes on that were waiting for him in front of the front door. He drove to see his loving boyfriend.

Jung-Kook ran to the door as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. It was obviously Tae.

"Hi" Tae smiled. Seeing jeongukks face again soothed him.

"Hi baby" Jung-Kook pulled him in for a hug making Tae-Hyung squeal. He closed the door behind Tae and started walking as they hugged tightly. "I love you so much"

"I love you too" Tae sank into their hug, finally feeling safe again. "Now go work. I'm not here to distract you" Tae-Hyung pulls way from the hug.

Jeongukk sat on the couch, that all his paper work and computer was on. Tae-hyung sat next to Jung-Kook, back to the arm rest. Kookie lifted taes legs and put them on top of his thighs.

"Better" Jung-Kook said. He then began working again. He put his computer on top of taes legs, which Tae didn't mind. That night jeongukk actually got work done. Tae-hyung just watched his man work, observing the ring on his finger that he remembered buying jeongukk a year ago. After Jung-Kook got it, he never took it off. Only to shower of course but he then never forgot to put it back on.

After JK finished his work, he looked over to see his boyfriend's beautiful face. Tae had fallen asleep so Jung-Kook decided to start cooking for him, not knowing if Tae had eaten or not. He guessed not. He rested Tae-Hyungs legs on the couch and got up to make Tae-hyungs favorite. Seaweed rice rolls along with some pasta.

Tae woke up to a delicious smell and the sound of cluster. He looked over to the kitchen and smiled once he saw his boyfriend cooking. He just sat there, observing jeongukk cook.
Jung-Kook at some point felt Tae looking so he looked back, a smile showing on his lips.

"How long have you been awake?" Jeongukk asked, stopping what he was doing and walking to Tae-hyung to give him a forehead kiss.

15 minutes.

"Long enough" Tae smiled at the feeling of Jung-Kooks lips on his face. "What are you making?"

"You're favorite" Jeongukk answered, making Tae's eyes light up.

"Pasta and rice rolls?!" Tae asked excitedly. Jeongukk nods which makes Tae jump out of his seat and rush to the kitchen stove. Jeongukk just watched, he enjoyed when taes kid side popped out un-expectedly. "Smells delicious" he looks over at jeongukk that was walking back to the stove to continue cooking.

"Sit, it's almost ready" Jung-Kook couldn't stop smiling. Thinking that his boyfriends so perfect. Tae-hyung listened and sat down, waiting excitedly for his food.

"Hold on I have to use the bathroom real quick" Tae said before leaving his phone on the counter top and rushing away to the upstairs bathroom. A lot of buzzes came from Tae's phone, to many for Kookie to ignore. He lowered the stove fire, put his utensils down. He trusts Tae-hyung, with his life and he knows Tae would never cheat but the longer he stayed next to the stove the more notification's he got.

So jeongukk walked to the phone. Him and Tae-hyung did share passwords so unlocking it wasn't a problem. There was all kind of messages from instagram or from iMessages. Jung-Kook decided to open a message for his iMessage. When he read the messages, his heart sank.

He saw death threats. People telling Tae to kill himself, to leave Jung-Kook, that Jeongukk doesn't want Tae-Hyung, that their relationships a lie. A tear fell down Jeongukks cheek as he read the messages. What if Tae-hyung dared to do one of these things one day and I lost him? Jeongukk thought afraid of what's coming next.

The only solution that jeongukk could find for the situation was to break up with him, for Taes protection. He couldn't bring himself to, he loved Tae so much, more than he loved himself. So how could he? He left the phone back on the counter wiping his tears and went back to cooking, pretending as if he saw nothing.

"I'm back" Tae ran down the stairs and back to his chair, not knowing what jeongukk had just seen.

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