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That night for Park Jimin and Min Yoongi was quite interesting.

"Hey Jiminie Jung-Kook just told me we have to share a room." Yoongi said to Jimin whom was sitting in the living on the couch as the other couple was asleep.

"Ok I don't mind sharing" Jimin shrugged already adapting a small crush for the introvert. They both walked into the extra room, stopping at their feet once they open the door and realized there was only one bed.

"I'll just sleep on the floor" Yoongi proceeded to go inside.

"No. Let's just share the bed. That way we both sleep good." Jimin requests. Yoongi soon agrees not hesitating since he too had grown a small crush for the now pink haired boy.

That night Jimin had slept on the right side of the bed and Yoongi slept on the left. Both back to back. Yoongi trying his best not to make him feel uncomfortable and Jimin trying not to make his hyung feel inclosed.

A trait that Yoongi had discovered about Park Jimin that night was that he moved quite a lot in his sleep, sometimes maybe to much. At some point, Jimin ended wrapped around his hyungs arms feeling warm. Yoongi tried his best to keep his distance since the boy was sleeping but Jimin wouldn't stop moving closer, even while sleeping. So eventually Yoongi gave in.

The next morning Jimin had woken up alone. Seems that Yoongi was already up for breakfast. Jimin was a late sleeper so it was already 12 in the afternoon. He brushed his teeth then walked over to the yacht kitchen. On his way he passed by the living room and found Jeongukk and Tae-Hyung cuddled up watching a movie. He found Min-Yoongi in the kitchen, on his phone.

"Morning" Jimin said. Yoongi puts his phone down and gives all his attention to Jimin.

"Morning" Yoongi replied back. Jimin had no clue the position they had slept in, only Yoongi since he's a light sleeper. "I saved you some breakfast. Don't skip your meals." Yoongi gets up and opens the microwave revealing waffles.

"Thank you hyung" Jimin smiled as he sat on the kitchen counter seats.

"How was your sleep?" The black haired boy asked while pouring syrup over the waffles, afterwards giving Jimin a fork and a kitchen knife.

"Amazing honestly. And you? How was yours?" Jimin starts to cut the waffle and put a piece of it into his mouth.

"Same old, same old" He shrugs.

"I want your number" Jimin said straight forwardly, having no shame.

"Huh?" Yoongi questions his hearing, almost choking on his own saliva.

"Your number, I want it. You're a pretty interesting guy id like to get to know more". Yoongi was surprised by how brutally bold Jimin woke up to be. Jimin got up from his seat and got closer to Yoongi.

As soon as Jimin realizes he has feelings for someone, he won't think once to ask them out.

"Alright." Yoongi smiled.

After that morning, their friendship was never the same.

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