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"Thank you. For today, I had fun actually." Tae-Hyung smiles to jeongukk as he gets out the Uber that was infront of his apartment building.

"I should be thanking you. You saved my life." Jung-kook couldn't get over that. How someone actually cares.

"Seriously it's nothing. Bye now" Tae waves before closing the car door and seeing it drive away. He went home with a smile and a new friend on instagram.

"Where the hell have you been!?" Is what Tae-hyung went home to. Jimin was waiting for him, sitting on the couch with the living room lamp on, looking like a mother. "It's 1 am Kim Tae-hyung! You didn't answer your messages either!"

"Sorry my phone died. And I saved someone from dying today" it sounds weird coming out of Taes mouth. As if he was bragging. But who wouldn't? He saved the Jeon Jung-Kooks life.

"You saved what now?" Jimin got up following Tae to his room, wrapping his bathrobe tighter around his waist.

"So you recall how I went to give that umbrella back?"

"Uh-huh" jimin nods.

"So when I go there the busy man was injured. Badly. Like I mean a whole lot of blood was coming out of his arm and he was collapsed in the kitchen badly. So I helped him out then called an ambulance. He needed to be given blood and to my surprise we were matches. So I donated a pint. After I fell asleep. He woke me up around 11:30 then offered to pay for my meal as a thank you. Then that's when I realized he was THE Jeon jung-kook. We added each other on instagram And now I'm here at this hour" Tae explained, making Jimin's mouth drop further and further down the deeper he got into the story.

"Youre friends with fricking Jeon Jung-Kook?!" Jimin almost freaks out. Closing his mouth back up.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. But you can't go bragging about it everywhere" Tae-hyung smiles at that thought. Not because he knew the famous Jung-Kook, but because he had a good feeling about Jung-Kook.

"I swear I won't" Jimin was stil quite shocked, still not passed the Jung-Kook part. He was even frozen in place.

"Wanna watch a movie? I don't think I'm gonna be able to fall asleep yet." Tae asked zoning back into the conversation.

"Sure come on." Jimin agreed, finally unfreezing. They had went to the big living room couch to watch tv. First thing on there was the news.

"Famous CEO and actor Jeon Jung-Kook was spotted today at a Korean BBQ restaurant late at night after coming from the hospital." The news reporter said as pictures of Tae-hyung and jeongukk laughing and eating were shown. "Could this man with Jung-Kook possibly be a boyfriend? Or just a friend? Who knows. What did Jung-Kook leave the hospital from? Is he ok?"

They hadn't even seen the paparazzi take these pictures. They were to busy enjoying their day. "Dude you're famous for being Jung-kooks boyfriend" Jimin almost breaks out laughing.

"It's just news, it'll be cooled down in a few days. Besides! I'm not his boyfriend" Tae shrugged not paying attention to the news.

"Not his boyfriend, yet" Jimin joked around, trying to purposely get on Tae's nerves.

"come on just put a movie on!"

The next morning Tae woke up to a whole lot of messages from Jung-Kook on instagram.

'Are you up?'
'We need to talk'
'Just call me when you wake up.'

And Tae-hyung did as Jung-Kook ordered. He called the second he saw the messages.

"Hyung?" Tae-hyung heard what seemed like Jeongukks voice on the line. He never thought he'd hear famous Jeon Jung-Kook calling him 'Hyung'

"Yes, hello? You told me to call you" Tae spoke.

"Right. I'm guessing you saw the news?" Jung-Kook asked praying Tae hadn't seen the news, but he was to late.

"Yeah I saw them when I got home. How'd it reach the news so quickly?" Tae-hyung wondered. "Is your cut okay?"

"I'm fine the cuts already clearing up and It's news, it usually spreads quicker than how these news did. What about you? How are you after loosing so much blood?".

"Im fine, just had a little headache when I got home. And I don't have a problem with it. It's gonna clear up in a few days anyway right?" Tae-hyung prayed the answer was yes.

"Hopefully" Jeongukk replied with a sigh. "It's Sunday, and I don't have any work to do. Wanna come to my place?"

"And do what?" Tae asked with a smile that jeongukk clearly couldn't see but he could sense it.

"I don't know. Maybe go for a swim, talk, hang out." The younger answers crossing his fingers that Tae-hyung would scream yes.

"Yes. I'll go" Maybe it wasnt a scream. But close enough.

"Alright, see you then" and with that, jeongukk hung up the phone, excited. He finally had some to call friend. Someone to hang out with. Hopefully his fame doesn't end up ruining things.

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