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Hey y'all🌚🌚🌝🌝 now I know i went MIA on everybody but like hear me out lol. Got busy and stuff and like me and my partner broke up so that was that lol.

I need everybodys helpppp!!! Our teacher asked us to make a "motto" for our yearbook and its due until July 2 and I haven't thought of any yet cuz I've been really busy.

So like I need everyone to write down a motto in the comment section. May it be funny or inspirational aslong as its a motto. (Pwede Tagalog at English)

The winner will get a sneak peek for the next few chapters😋🫀. So please help me yall🥹🥹🥹 I promise to update next week!! Thankyou all!!

P.s. please dont be shy and com down below cuz i really need this lollll❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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