Chapter 2: Belos Problems

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Hunter's POV:

Another few scars to add to the collection. Teardrops stained my face, and blood trickled down the lines on my arm. Setting the knife back down into the drawer, I got up off my bed and checked the hallway.


I quietly walked to the bathroom and locked the door. Washing off my arm and my tear stained face, I then grabbed a bandage wrap from the cabinet.

Wrapping up my arm and pulling my sleeve back down, I began to sneak back down the hallway towards my bedroom.

I looked down at the ground. It was quiet, too quiet. Usually you would hear the whispers of the guards down the hall talking to each other, or if they fell asleep you would hear at least faint snores. It's not exactly comfortable sleeping standing up.

"Hunter, what are you doing up at this hour?" His voice was easily recognizable.

"Uhh- I was- going to the bathroom." I lifted my head, looking up at him. He was wearing his usual golden mask, and now that I think of it, what was he doing up at that hour?

"No you weren't, not unless you forgot to flush the toilet.." He leaned down slightly, now his face just above mine.

"Well- Uhm- I was washing my hands because I forgot to earlier. I was outside doing a maintenance check on the castle, but forgot to wash my hands afterwards. And- I just remembered." I scrambled to piece together a story that sounded real.

"Ok, then why did you lie to me Hunter? That's not something you would need to lie about." He was catching on, so I had to make up something quick that sounded real.

"Well- It was kind of embarrassing that I, the Golden Guard, forgot to wash his hands after doing something.." My voice became quieter. "And I thought you would punish me." That last part though, was the only part of this story that was true.

"Very well then. Head back to your room now." He stood back up straight, gave me a pat on the back, and walked away.

A look of confusion plastered on my face, I slowly walked back to my room to try and get some sleep. Creaking the door open, Flapjack looked up and greeted me with a 'hello' chirp.

"Sorry I left you Flap, I had to do something real quick." I lied down next to Flapjack, getting comfortable without irritating the fresh scars on my arm.

Thankfully, I was finally able to fall asleep after laying there for about an hour.


I woke up at five am sharp as usual, and rushed to the bathroom to "fix my face" as Belos calls it. I grabbed my hair brush and ran it under the tap to help it go through my hair more easily, before brushing through my messy hair.

Grabbing hair gel from under the cabinet, I slicked back my hair which was previously quite fluffy. My bangs hanging just below my eyes, making it difficult to see when going on missions.

"Tweet-cheep chirp?" [Whatcha doin?] "AAH- FLAPJACK! Why did you follow me? You know if someone sees you hopping around the castle they'll send you to Belos! AND BELOS WILL EAT YOUR FUCKING SOUL." I rambled a bit before hearing Flapjack LAUGHING.

"What are you laughing at?! I AM DEAD SERIOUS, I PROMISE YOU."

"Chirp chiirp." [Uhuh suure.]

"Uhg you are so difficult. And by the way, what I'm doing is fixing my face." I said, trying to slick back that one little piece of hair that's slightly longer than the rest of my hair, and never stays back.

"Chirp chirp cheep, tweet cheep." [That's not your face, that's your hair.] The little red bird chirped back to me as he began preening his feathers, still sitting on the edge of the sink.

I didn't respond, I just glared at him, meeting his gaze as his eye looked up at me. "I swear to titan bird if you weren't my first, and only friend, then I would've turned you in a long time ago."

Leaving me a little shocked, he responded with "Cheep tweet. Chirp chip tweet cheep chirp chirp cheep." [Not only. The captain and her crew are your friends.]

Oh. I guess they are. That means my only friend isn't a palisman who no one else can understand. I have friends.. I thought to myself, before being snapped out of it by a swift knock at the bathroom door.

It was Kikimora. "Ehem. Golden Guard, are you done "fixing your face" as The Emperor calls it? He requests your presence in the throne room."

"Coming!" I shouted, making sure my hair was good enough, and the bandages on my arm are still tight. Bursting out of the bathroom, I ran to my room and got dressed as quickly as possible, topping it all off by putting on my mask and hiding Flapjack in the hood so he isn't visible unless I take it off.

I speed-walked to the throne room, trying not to cause a commotion. Opening the door slowly, I walked in to see Belos standing with his back facing towards me.

Oh I'm in trouble aren't I?

876 Words


Also I know y'all hate it, but it's just so fun leaving you on cliffhangers >:3


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