Chapter 36: Scars

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i almost forgot it was friday lol 😭

Hunter's POV:

Wednesday went by fast, and so did Thursday, even though I had homework that day. Friday came and went even faster since it was the end of the week. And soon enough, it was Monday morning, and for the first time ever, I woke up late. "Shit!" I cursed, throwing on the first thing I saw, which happened to be a black hoodie with a band logo on the back. I also put on a pair of cargo pants Camila had bought me over the weekend, and slipped on socks and shoes before running upstairs with my backpack in one hand. I combed gel through my hair with one hand and brushed my teeth with the other trying to save time, then joined the others in the car. "Sorry," I panted, "Woke up late."

Buckling my seatbelt, I sat my backpack down on the floor of the car and rested my head on the window. As I watched the outside world pass us by, I saw a man jogging on the side of the road with no shirt on, which was strange since it was getting so cold outside. Which reminded me- I'm not wearing my binder.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath, unheard by the others. But soon enough, the car was coming to a stop and we were piling out of it and into the school building. I guess it's a good thing I decided on a baggy hoodie that day. I went to my homeroom, where I did not have a very good relationship with the teacher because I wouldn't stand for the pledge. I talked with Aspen for a bit while we walked to class, then talked to Asher during math. "Be right back," I paused, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick."

As I was washing my hands, though, one of the annoying nosey boys from my other class came up to me in the bathroom with another trailing behind him holding back a laugh. "Hey, are you an elf?" He got uncomfortably close to me as he asked.

"..No? Wh-"

"Do- Do you have a tail too?" The dude behind him laughed.


He held his phone close to me, which made me wonder if the boy was recording. "Do you-" He started to say, before being cut off by the kid I assumed was his friend behind him. "Oh shit dude it's an emo!" He pointed out the scars crisscrossed over my coven sigil. I froze momentarily, thoughts starting to spiral in my head, before I shut off the water and rolled down my sleeves. I pushed through the two, -who laughed behind me- and out of the bathroom. Even having just gotten into the human realm at the beginning of the summer, I already knew that the rumors would spread like wildfire. I sat back at my desk next to Asher and dropped my head onto the desk. "You okay, man?" He whispered to me, trying not to grab the attention of the teacher. I paused, then nodded.

The rest of the class I stayed quiet, other than a short 'mhm' every now and then when Asher asked me a question. I think I zoned out for the entirety of the next hours as well, because I only recall the moment Luz called my name. "Huh?" I looked up at her as she walked into the room. "Sorry I'm a little late, Mr. Graye, I got in trouble for 'disrupting my learning environment with a wild animal'." She made air quotes.

Luz sat down next to me and placed Flapjack in my lap. "My teacher caught me with him in my pocket. I guess he climbed in this morning without me realizing." The human shrugged, scratching the small bird on the head. I gave him a few pets as well, smiling at the happy chirp he gave in return. "Hi, Flap." I hummed softly. Flapjack curled up like a cat, which was admittedly adorable.

"You look like you've had a shitty day." Luz commented. I shrugged.

"Kinda, yeah." I said.

"What happened? I'll beat someone's ass for you."

I chuckled, "You guys are so protective of me. That's twice in like the past week that ya'll have threatened someone for me."

Luz shrugged, smirking at me. "That's fine, as long as you feel safe. We've all been to school before, you haven't. We know how shitty other people can be." She said that last part quieter, presumably to keep from being harassed by Amber. "We're like family, dude."

I smiled, then explained to her what had happened in the bathroom. We whispered back and forth all class, then met back up with the others and sat together on the bus and finally went home.

794 words

the first time hunter called it home TwT

sorry for the short chapter, but i've written a 10k special for next chap since we're so close (TYSM I LOVE YOU ALL)

anywayss i hope ur having a good friday!! i'll cya next time :3

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