Chapter 14: Too Much Trauma for a Kid His Age

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I love writing willow's pov chapters :D

Willow's POV:

I woke up sprawled across the bed as usual, my pillow on the floor, and my blankets crumpled at the bottom of my bed. I sat up and shook my head to "fix" my hair. I checked the time on the alarm clock sat on my nightstand. It read 10:47.

I stretched, getting up and going to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and hair, putting my hair into two pigtails as usual afterwards. I got dressed, grabbed a small bag and hopped downstairs, seeing my dads sitting at the table sipping on coffee. "Hi dad, hi papa!" I pulled waffles out of the freezer, and popped them in the demon fire toaster.

"I'm gonna be going out today, is that okay?" I asked with a smile, looking over to my dads as I filled a plastic bottle with ice cubes and water. "Yeah, sure! Where are you going?" My dad asked, watching the news on our crystal ball.

"Just out to the market, might stop by a friend's place. He's been through a lot lately, and Gus told me he found him staying at Darius' house. Gus was looking everywhere, until he realized that Darius and Raine are the only coven heads that are actually nice to him. Aside from Eberwolf of course, but I don't even know if they live in a house. And-" Papa cut me off before I could ramble on anymore. "Wait, coven heads? Are you going to visit that Hunter kid? Also, what do you mean he's been through a lot lately?"

I paused to think. Should I tell them? I know they'll get really worried, but they'll be even more worried if I don't tell them. Uhg, I don't know what to do! I sighed, attempting to relax my thoughts temporarily. "It's a long story. But basically.. Hunter and Luz accidentally got trapped in the emperor's mind. They found out that he's totally an evil witch hunter, and The Day of Unity is going to kill us all." I looked up, and both of my dads' jaws were practically on the floor. Dad was spilling his coffee on the crystal ball, and Papa had dropped his mug onto the floor.

"Well I gotta go now! Byeeeee!" I ran out the door, pulling out Clover as she turned into a staff. I flew off to the market, landing without much resistance once I got there. I looked around, heading to a food stand to grab something for Darius. I grabbed some fruits, bread, fireberry jelly, waffles, and some different kinds of chocolates.

I hopped back on my staff after paying, and raced through the sky, following Gus' directions to Darius' house. I landed, almost tripping because of the uneven weight of the bags. I walked over to the door, tapping the other end of my staff of the door, because I didn't have any free hands. Sorry Clover.

Not long after, Darius opened the door. "Um, who are you?" Darius questioned, leaning against the doorframe. "Hunter'ssss..." I thought, only getting a raised eyebrow from Darius. "bestie. We're besties. For sure." I paused putting on a smile in hopes he would believe me. "Oh- I brought you a bag of food for him. It's not much, but I figured he needs to eat normal food for once, instead of whatever sh-... crap he was eating at Hexside." I laughed, relieving tension as I held one of the bags out to Darius. He laughed slightly, examining the items in the bag.

"Thanks, what's in the other one?" Darius asked, and I pulled out the chocolates I bought for Hunter. He nodded, moving inside to free the space in the door. "Thank you, head witch Darius." I giggled a bit, walking inside and looking around. Damnn, his place is nice.

"Hunter! I've brought you some stuff!" I called throughout the large house. One of the first doors up the stairs flung open, Hunter peaking his head out of it. "Willow!!" I nodded, smiling, and held up the bag. He ran down the stairs, almost running into me as he tripped on the last step. I laughed, catching him in a hug.

Darius poked his head around the corner and looked us over. "Be careful, if you hug him for too long he falls asleep. That boy has never touched a soft bed in his life before he moved in with me." Darius commented, glaring at Hunter, who was already slumped over on my chest. I looked down at him, then back up at Darius. "Don't worry, I lift weights every day for at least an hour. I could pick this poor scrawny boy up with ease." I smiled proudly, earning an eye roll from Darius.

Darius went back around to corner, to what I assumed was the kitchen. "It's always the weightlifters who get the most bitches." From the tone, it sounded like a complaint. I held in a laugh as I picked up Hunter bridal style and moved him over to the couch. I lied him down gently, ruffling his hair a bit as I did so. Walking over to the room where Darius was (which was indeed the kitchen), I leaned up against the counter and set my bag of chocolates there. "Where do you want me to put these?" I asked, knowing Darius most likely needed a helping hand.

"You can put them on the bottom shelf of the fridge, he has sensory issues with melted chocolate." I nodded an ok, putting the chocolates in the fridge where he requested. I asked Darius if there was anything else I could do while Hunter was asleep, because I still wanted to be here when he woke up. He said I could do some cleaning and organizing if I wanted. And after I was done, he thanked me and I walked over to the couch. Hunter was still sleeping, so I lifted his head just enough to move him but not wake up, and sat his head on my lap.

"You want some tea? I'm making some if you want any." Darius called from the kitchen, and I heard him pour the water into the pot. I called back a quick "Yes please!" without waking up Hunter. Later, Darius handed me my tea, and put some sugar on the table. I stirred some in with a spoon, which I set on a napkin. "Really, thanks a lot Darius." I smiled at him, and Hunter squirmed a bit.

"You two would make a good couple. Y'know, he talks about you a lot." I felt my face heat up. "No, no, we're just best friends. But don't tell Luz, she'd overreact as usual if she found out she's not my best best friend anymore." Darius furrowed his brows, looking down at the sleeping Hunter on my lap, who squirmed again.

Hunter rolled over, his face now squished onto my knee. I poked his cheek, trying not to laugh. Darius spoke up again. "No, I'm serious. You two talk to each other almost every night, he talks about you more than any of his other friends, and not to mention whatever the fuck y'all are doing right now." Darius gestured down to the sleeping Hunter on my lap. I felt my face get a bit warm, but ignored it.

"I can get why he talks about me a lot, because other than Flapjack, who is literally just a palisman who got attached to him, I was Hunter's first friend. I invited him onto my flyer derby team, even though Gus had a bad feeling, which he told me about and I still ignored. I was the first person he told the entire story about how he got his scars, in fact I'm the only person the told the entire story to. I have cried with him, I have helped him through tough times, and I am right now letting him sleep on me because he has too much trauma for a kid his age. So no wonder he talks about me a lot, he's my best friend, and I love him like one." I looked down at him, to see his eyes open, staring into mine.


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Toxic Mentality~ {TRANS HUNTER AU}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt