Chapter 35: Flapjack and Fun

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Hunter's POV:

I woke up at 5:30 am due to Flapjack's frantic chirping and tugging on my hair. When my eyes fluttered open, I was greeted with green sludge. It was inching once more up his black scaled leg, but thankfully not enough to really be too worried about. I scratched his head and let him rub against me, trying to soothe the small bird's nerves. "It's okay, Flap." I cooed at him. I stood up to get ready for school, but he flapped up into my hair to avoid being too far away from me. Even as I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and pushed it back to keep it out of my face, Flapjack still stayed nestled in fluffy blonde hair. "You'll have to get off sometime," I not exactly complained, with a mouthful of bland cereal. He only chirped a short "No, thanks." In response. After finishing my breakfast, I unplugged my phone, shoved it in my pocket, and grabbed my backpack. By this time, everyone was awake and getting ready, so I pulled a beanie over my ears and sat on the couch. Flapjack chirped. "Shh." I said as I pulled out my phone and opened the camera app, making sure my hair was in place (and that it wasn't too obvious that there was a bird in my hat). Belos never found Flap, so how hard could it be to hide him from a few teachers?

When we got to school, everyone headed to their separate ELT classes. I sat down at a desk and pulled out the sketchbook I kept in my bag. Before I could draw anything, though, the teacher interrupted. "Stand for the pledge." I looked up at her. "Pledge of what?"

"Pledge of allegiance. To the flag of the United States?"

I made a confused face. "Why would I pledge allegiance to the flag of a place I'm not from? Or any place for that matter?.."

"Because you live here." The lady groaned in annoyance. "You have to pledge for the flag of our land under God."

I made an even more confused face. "Which god? 'Cause the only gods I know of are the one I've personally witnessed, and the one The Emperor completely lied about, so-"

"For the love of God- Just stand up tomorrow and put your hand over your heart." The old woman then walked away, leaving me in confusion, as I would most definitely not be doing that. "...What?" I questioned to myself, just as the bell rang for first hour. As I stood and gathered my things, a boy with fluffy brown hair and blonde tips trotted up to me. "Hey, I'm Aspen. I'm usually pretty nervous to approach people, but I heard what you said to Mrs. Mullohan. Where are you from?" It took me a minute to process what they had said, before realizing I hadn't responded. "Oh, uhh you wouldn't know it, it's pretty secluded." I lied. "Oh alright. We have art together, could I walk with you?" They asked as he fidgeted with a mechanical pencil. "Why not." I said, beginning to walk towards the classroom. "Thanks!" He beamed, chugging the rest of his cheap coffee and tossing it into the trashcan by the door. "Eugh. That coffee tasted like ass." Aspen complained, wiping spilled coffee off on the black sleeve of their hoodie. "The coffee shop I usually go to is closed for maintenance because someone broke in last night and shattered a whole window. There was glass everywhere, dude." He said with a chuckle. I gave them a strange look, which seemed to indicate that he needed to explain how he knew that. "I work there. By the way, what's your name? I don't think I ever asked." They said.

He talks too fast. I thought. "Hunter."

"Awh that name is cool!"

"So is yours."

"Thanks, I chose it myself!"

What??  "So, what's uhh- I'm terrible at small talk-"

"Same, man."

"When's your lunch?"

"After third."

"Oh- same."

"Sweet, wanna sit together?.. itstotallycoolifyoudontwanttothoigetitcusyouprobablyhavetonsofotherfriendsbutwecouldsitwiththosefriendsidonthavethatmanyfriendsandsophiawouldntmindifididntsitwithhertodayunlessyouhatemeandwanttoavoidmeidontmind."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, we can sit together. My friends are really loud so we're hard to miss." I smiled. "I'll see you at lunch."


Before long, it was lunch time. "HUNTER! WILLOW JUST TOLD ME- SHMFNM!!" Willow slapped a hand over Luz's mouth, blushing bright crimson. "Don't listen to her she's lying!" She yelled as I sat down across from her. I pushed my plate to the side after staring at it for a bit, not very hungry. "Are you gonna eat that?" Aspen sat down to the right of me. I shook my head. "You were right, your friends are loud." They laughed, turning to face the others. "I'm Aspen, me and Hunter have homeroom and art together." Aspen said with a smile. We all talked until lunch ended, then headed to our next classes, and I took off my hat before I got to science, making sure Flapjack was comfortable inside, and set it in my hoodie pocket so he could stay resting comfortably. Sitting down at my seat, I put the beanie inside the desk and grabbed a pencil out of my bag to start on study notes. About halfway through class, Flapjack chirped inside my desk, and the entire class went silent. I looked down at him and scratched his head gently, putting a finger to my lips to indicate that he needed to be quiet. The small bird gave a gentle nod, and curled back up. A few minutes later, after class had resumed, I tapped on his head to wake him. "Do you know how to calculate speed?" I whispered. "It's part of a review but I wasn't allowed to learn this stuff in The Emperor's Coven." Flapjack only did the bird equivalent of a shrug. I sighed. "Why are you talking to yourself?" A boy behind me peered around my shoulder, immediately noticing Flapjack sitting in my desk. "Oh shit, you've got a bird?" His voice lowered, "That's so cool. Is it a service animal?" He asked. I turned my head to look at him, "No, he just didn't want me to leave him at home, so I hid him in my hat."

"Is it real?" The boy reached towards Flapjack, petting his head gently with one finger. The small red bird chirped quietly, blinking a few times. "Aww, man that's sick." Flapjack puffed out his feathers, and moved to preen one wing.


After that class, I slid my beanie back onto my head and periodically checked on Flapjack until we got back home. I didn't have any homework, so I just lied on my sleeping bag and listened to music Luz recommended me through an old pair of headphones she gave me. I slept good that night, and for the first time, I was truly happy. My life was getting better.

1150 words

I actually cant believe its been over a year since WAD :(

cya guys in two Fridays !! :D

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