Chapter 3: Willow <3

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im trying to update more frequently i swear 😭

Hunter's POV:

"Hunter, what is your problem lately? You've been failing missions, disobeying orders, lying. It's like you don't love me anymore Hunter, like I didn't take you in, and raise you, and love and take care of you." His words pierced through my heart. I do love him, I just don't know why I keep doing these things.

I looked up at him. "N- No! I do love you uncle! It's just- I don't- Well-..." I couldn't think of anything to say all of a sudden. It was like a clump of dirt had been shoved down my throat, my throat was rough and scratchy, tears stung my eyes, and I could barely breathe, let alone tell Belos the answer to a question even I was asking myself.

The room was coated in an unsettling silence. Until it was soon broken by a loud, slow knock at the throne room door. Relief washed over me as Belos shouted "Come in."

The gate creaked open as a guard appeared in the doorway. "Sir, if you have a moment." I recognized Steve's voice as my uncle shooed me away with a wave of his hand.

Walking out of the room, the door closing behind me, I went back to my own bedroom. And for once, without any new scars. A shiver went down my spine as I thought about the day I got my scar. I got the notch in my ear a few years later, and it didn't hurt anywhere near as much.

Taking off my mask and putting the hood down, Flapjack hopped down off my shoulder and onto the bed. I sat next to him, looking down at him and giving him head scratches with my finger.

"What should I do, Flap? Usually coming back from the throne room I have to clean up blood and put on bandages- or at least some stupid-difficult mission that takes the whole day. Today though, I don't have anything to do yet." I thought aloud, hoping Flapjack would have any ideas.

"Chirp cheep tweet chip chirp tweet?~ Chip chip chip..." [Why don't you talk to your girlfriend?~ Hehehe...] I felt my face flush. "I don't have a girlfriend!" I shouted out to him, glaring at the smug look on his face. "Chip chirp tweeett?" [What about Willowww?]

I gasped and felt my face grow hotter. "FLAPJACK!!" I slapped a hand over my mouth, my eyes wide, when I realized how loud I yelled. "I hope no one heard that." I spoke softly to myself

"But Willow is NOT my- my girlfriend!" I exclaimed, getting redder at the thought of even having a girlfriend, let alone it being Willow.

Even though Flapjack said it like that, since he mentioned it, I did want to text Willow. I got out my scroll and went to our messages.



hEy Wilow.

hi hunter! how are you?

um. gOOd 👍

i think you need a lesson
in typing hehe

Am I .Realy that bAad?



but i still like talking to you :)


I blushed. Hard.

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