Chapter 22: Ivory's Interview

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Hunter's POV:

It vory shook her head, bringing them back to reality. "Wait- ACTUALLY??" Me and Willow nodded. They sat there for a second, seemingly very shocked, before Camila called us to head back home. I exchanged numbers with Ivory, then me and the others headed back to Camila's house.


Flapjack was sitting on my shoulder while I got my clothes out of the washing machine, and put them in the dryer, when Ivory called. "Hello?" I asked, still shoving a pair of dirty sweatpants in the dryer.

Her high voice rung throughout the call. "Hey, It's Ivory!" I closed the dryer door, turned it on, and left the room. "Hey, what's up?" I walked back down into the basement, and sat down on my makeshift bed. "Oh, not much. I just wanted to ask a few questions, nothing too personal of course." I adjusted my sitting position for a sec, getting more comfortable. "Alright,"

I could hear her giggling excitedly on the other side of the phone, before they calmed themself and asked their first question. "Since you're witches, you can do magic, right? What's that like?"



Thankfully, Gus walked down the stairs right as she said that. "GUS! GUS HELP! Gus, I don't really know how to answer these questions. I made a friend I think at the pool and told her that we're witches, BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WOULDN'T BELIEVE ME, but now I have her number and she's already asking questions I can't answer." I shoved the phone at Gus, who looked at me as if he knew something that no one else did.

"Sorry, Hunter can't do magic. Ivory, was it?" Gus put the phone on speaker, getting comfortable on the couch.

"Yes. She/They please."

"Oh, alright." Gus smiled through the phone, even though they couldn't see him.

"So- What does it feel like to do magic, and how do you do it?"

"So, witches have magic bile sacks attached to their hearts, which pumps the magic... through their veins?"

"I don't have a heart" I slapped a hand over my mouth, in reaction of saying something I definitely didn't mean to.

"I know. But um- We can pretty much just draw a circle in the air, and with the right intention and practice, we'll cast a spell of some sort. I personally am best at illusions. With how it feels though, I never really thought of it. I guess tingly? It's pretty normal for us witches, so we don't really focus much on that because we've been casting spells since we got into school." Gus just continued on with his conversation like nothing happened, meanwhile my ears drooped and my mouth hung open like I had just made the discovery of the century or some shit.

After his whole interview with Ivory, he hung up and handed the phone back to me. "Gus. You knew?.." He nodded, now looking somewhat guilty. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't want to make you sad again. You've seemed a lot happier recently, and I didn't want to ruin that." I sat and thought for a second, processing what was just dumped on me. "How?" Was all I could say.

Gus looked down at the ground, then came and sat next to me. "On the day of unity. When I used my illusions to disorient Belos with his own memories, I had to see the memories too... I saw everything. He was an awful, awful man." Tears started to well in Gus' eyes, so I pulled him into a hug. "I know." I whispered quietly, holding back my own tears.


For the next few weeks, the only thing we did was fix up that old shed near Camila's house. That was, until one night I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A small piece of green goop on the floor of the basement. Flapjack flapped down from my shoulder, pecking furiously at the small drop about the size of a snail. I was going to poke at it before Flap puffed up his feathers, and hopped towards me chirping "Don't touch it!!" Confused, I stayed back, and called Gus, who was laying on the couch.

"Hey Gus, come here." He raised his head, slowly getting up and walking over to me and squatting down to where I was. "Is something wrong?" I only pointed at the small splotch of goo, and allowed Flapjack to hop up onto my finger to get away from it. "Flap said not to touch it. Stay here." I said as I got up, and headed upstairs to get Luz and the others.

Soon, everyone was down there staring at that thing, even Camila. She said she was going to pick it up to take it outside, but Flapjack practically screeched at her before she could even bend over to reach for it. "Okay, okay. I won't pick it up." She apologized, Flapjack still glaring at her. I assumed he got tired of keeping everyone from touching it, because he dug into the small green goo drop with his talons, and flew upstairs.

I immediately chased after Flap, only to see him toss the green glob out an open window. "Hey, what was that about?" I asked as he landed on my finger, holding up one foot. "Chirp cheep twit." [I didn't want them touching it.] Was all he said in response, definitely not giving any explanation whatsoever. I looked down at the foot he held away from himself, and saw small spots of slime that clung tightly to his greyish-brown scaled talons.

"That can't be good..."

951 words

i love making yall hate me <33


anyway as usual have a good day/night or whatevs 💪💪

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