Chapter 10: After "The Incident"

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hey bitches i am writing this on ZERO hours of sleep and i js realized i love yall sm <33

Hunter's POV:

After "The Incident"

With a flash of light, I was in The Owl House. I sat in shock for a sec, with flapjack pulling on my hair. When I realized that Belos would actually kill me if I went back, I stuttered out a few words along the lines of "He knows. He knows we were in there! I can't go back!" although I don't really remember what all I said, because my trauma reaction pushed it into the back of my head.

Throwing off my cloak, a symbol of the Emperor's Coven, I ran out the door and towards the woods. My vision blurred with tears, and not a star visible in the sky, I ran head first into someone. I fell back and looked up to find three hooded strangers. Panicked, I attempted to scoot backwards, away from them.

But that was when the person I ran into took off their hood, and revealed Darius. The shorter person then shook off their hood, revealing Eberwolf. Their glasses shining in the dim glow of The Owl Lady's house lights, Raine also revealed themself. "Are you okay little prince? What happened?" Darius said, helping me up. I thought back to what happened for a second, only causing me to cry harder, and grip onto him.

Darius let me cry into his arms, hugging me and whispering a quiet "I'm sorry." This was the first time I had heard him apologize, and I looked up at him in surprise. I think he realized he had said that, because he wore a surprised look, but then he simply smiled.

"We're going to have to find a place for you to hide, because I know when you don't come back, he's going to be looking for me next." Darius said as he let go of me, waving me in the other direction as he and the others turned to go back. "If you want though, you can stay with me tonight until you figure out where to go."

I had gone non-verbal, so I just nodded in response. We walked for a while before coming to a town, where we would definitely be considered suspicious, or recognized. "Now we have to figure out how to get back." Raine said with a groan.

How had they gotten across before?

Knowing they would be sitting here trying to figure it out for a while, I decided I would introduce everyone to Flapjack. He had hidden in my pants pocket when I ran into Darius, so I simply tapped on his head and he squeezed right on out of my pocket.

Knowing that when I tapped on him instead of calling him I had gone non-verbal, he turned into a staff. I don't know how Raine didn't notice him when he came of of my pocket, but they did now. They gasped loudly when he appeared in staff form, and I held him out to show Darius. "Oh! Good thinking little pri-"

"OH MY TITAN YOU HAVE A PALISMAN?? HE'S SO CUTE! DARIUS WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME HE GOT A PALISMAN?" But before they could bombard me with anymore annoying questions, Darius butted in.

"I didn't tell you, Raine because I didn't want to disobey Hunter's trust. I only found out about Flapjack after Hunter met his new girlfriend." He was so annoying. I wanted to yell "WILLOW IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" but I was still non-verbal. So instead, I blushed and made an angry face at him and shook my head aggressively. He just laughed a bit though.

Rolling my eyes, I hopped on Flapjack. I scooted forward, gesturing for them to hop on, and Darius got on first, Eber jumping up onto his back. Raine then got on carefully, a scared look on their face. "You sure this staff can hold all four of us Hunter?.." I nodded, taking off into the sky straight afterwards.

Raine almost fell off backwards until Darius grabbed their shoulder. "Be more careful, and less worried. You should be glad I decided to catch you." Raine only scoffed as they grabbed onto the staff. "Thank you so much Darius." I snickered slightly, as I could hear the sarcasm dripping from their voice. Usually, I couldn't tell if someone was being sarcastic or not, but this was so painfully obvious even I could tell.

"Shut up or I'll push you off." My snickering stopped, and I decided it would be a good idea to pay more attention to flying. The flight was feeling very long, and it probably was, considering we were flying over half the Titan.

"Couldn't you just dash over there? I've seen you do it hundreds of times." Raine asked, letting out a long, annoyed groan.

"If he did that, Raine you would fall off. Again." Darius replied, getting comfortable and pulling out his scroll. We eventually did get to Darius' house, though. It was about medium sized, and a dark color I couldn't identify at night.

Raine was the first to get off after we landed, letting out what sounded like a breath they held in the entire flight. I then hopped down, turning Flapjack back into his regular form as I did so, Darius falling onto the ground and glaring at me.

Raine and Eberwolf went into Darius' house (I assumed for planning) and Darius brushed himself off. As he headed for the door, I stopped him. "I think I know where I want to go."

938 Words

heyyyy im rlly tired lmao love yall sm :)



i js edited this, and only now am i realizing how many sleep deprived spelling errors i made 😭

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