Chapter 24: Thunder

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more huntlow fluff :D

Hunter's POV:

Me and Willow talked about a lot of stuff for what felt like a lot of time, before Gus ran down the stairs and hopped over the railing at the end. "Stop flirting and get off my bed." He said plainly, kicking Willow in the side as he sat down on the arm of the couch. I felt my face fluster as he said that, and I stood up in response, looking away from Willow to avoid her noticing. "Uhm, if you want, we can go upstairs and talk. But it's alright if you're tired and just want to sleep." I noticed her smiling as I looked back at her.

"Sure, let's keep talking. See ya tomorrow, Gus!" She waved him off as I followed her upstairs, and into the living room. It was slightly dark, only the lamp on the end table illuminating the room. Everyone had gone into their own rooms, and only the quiet echo of chatter from the girls upstairs was heard. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" Willow asked, breaking the calm silence. I paused for a moment, only then realizing that I didn't know. I just wanted to keep talking, with Willow. "I don't think I really know. I guess I just didn't want to go to sleep. I usually don't sleep much anyway." I fidgeted with my fingers, and picked at the skin around my nails nervously.

I glanced up to see Willow studying the scars that ran across my hands. I unintentionally made a small noise of surprise when she took my hands in her own, lifting them up gently for a closer look. I felt my face heat slightly, only for Willow to pull me into a hug. I sat in shock for what felt like forever, before returning the hug with a smile plastered across my face. "Thanks." I muttered out quietly, humming softly as she rubbed one hand across my back. "No problem." As she replied, she gave my body a soft squeeze, then pulled away.

She scooted slightly closer to me, her outer thigh then touching mine. I cursed myself in my mind for being so easily flustered, and looked down at my hands to avoid eye contact. "Willow-" I was immediately cut off by a flash of bright white light, and a loud rumble of thunder that quickly followed. I shrieked unexpectedly loud, high pitched, and feminine, which caused Luz to slam her bedroom door open, Amity right behind her. They both had messy hair, and were unnaturally sweaty. "WILLOW!" Luz yelled, Amity leaning lazily against her shoulder. "ARE YOU OKAY??"

...Do they think that was Willow that screamed? Wait, why are they so gross and sweaty? Does my voice really sound that feminine, though? Do I sound like a girl? Do I look like a girl? I'm still wearing my binder, right? In an attempt to silence the thoughts that ran rampant through my mind I buried my face in my hands, ears drooped downward with a gentle flop. Willow giggled, and rested a gentle hand atop my head. I felt my body stiffen at the touch, and my face went red when Luz muttered out an "Ohhh..." in realization.

"By the way, sorry that we look like shit even though we just went to sleep. It's just I like to keep my room HOT. Like- I'm dripping sweat, but I still stay under all eight of my blankets. You don't even know-" Willow cut Luz off, the tone of her voice sounding slightly annoyed. "We got it, Luz. Your room is really hot. Go back to bed." I looked back up just to see Luz shrug and pull Amity back into the room they shared with Vee and Willow. I sighed quietly, only to be frightened by another clap of thunder. I jumped, hand shooting down to grab Willow's out of instinct. Once I noticed I had, though, I quickly pulled it away.

"You okay, Hunter?" Willow's soft voice soothed my nerves, sweet like fire honey, but soft like Flap's feathers. I sighed contently, relaxing and responding with a quiet "Yeahh." as I looked over at her. Her face lit up for just a moment with another flash of lightning, her small smile just barely visible in the dim light.

I hope this moment lasts forever...

728 words



Toxic Mentality~ {TRANS HUNTER AU}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz