Chapter 26: Trans Boys Are Real Boys

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i think yall might like this chapter :3

i like this chapter

Willow's POV:

"You're pretty."


I paused, the silence becoming heavy and suffocating. "Nothing." I said, voice just above a whisper. "Um, ok." Hunter responded, a slight shade of pink visible on his cheeks from the city lights. I blushed, only able to hope that he didn't actually hear what I said, and sat down on the edge of the cliff with my feet dangling over. I looked over the twinkling lights, cars coming and going, and thought to myself- What would I be doing right now if I never met Hunter? I certainly wouldn't be sitting here... Or maybe I would be, but I'd be alone. Sitting on the edge of a cliff, alone, thinking about life. What could have gone differently? Where I would be, what would be destroyed, and who would be dead..?

I looked over at Hunter, face lit up with what only could be described as joy and curiosity. The corners of his mouth upturned into a small smile, but still mostly resting. His eyes lit up, reflecting each and every city light. I didn't know how to describe him. Pretty? But that's usually used in a feminine manner, and I had noticed that he seemed uncomfortable with feminine terms being used on him. He hated tight clothing, too, stuck towards hoodies, sweaters, jeans, and cargo pants.

I thought about it for a second, then it clicked. "Hunter, are you trans?" He snapped his head around, eyes wide. "I'm sorry?" He asked, seeming tense in the shoulders. He looked down at his gloved hands, twiddling his thumbs. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" I cut myself off when Hunter looked up at me, seemingly ready to answer.

"Yeah. I'm trans... No one knows yet, besides Belos, Raine, and Darius, that is. Darius made my binder for me, Raine cut my hair, and you'll probably figure out why Belos knows." He paused, and I was going to speak but he continued. "I honestly thought that Luz would be the first I told outside of the Emperor's Coven." He chuckled quietly, most likely out of nervousness, but continued nonetheless. "I didn't say anything sooner because I thought you guys wouldn't like me anymore. I mean, when I found out Belos lied about everything, I just kind of figured he lied about accepting me too." Hunter turned away from me, and I caught him blink back a few tears.

"Hunter," I rested a hand on his. "it is a parental figure's job to love and accept you no matter what. That is the bare minimum. You deserved so much better than Belos..." Hunter curled up, pulled his knees to his chest, and rested his head on top of them. He then scooted towards me, back still facing me. I giggled quietly, leaning against him, and earned an uncomfortable groan in return. "You okay, Hunter?" I asked, to which he responded with a muffled "My back hurts." I nodded, patting him on the back. "I've heard your binder can cause that. Along with a lot of other troubles. Breathing problems, skin irritation, bruising, and even broken ribs! You should take it off- If you want to, that is. Don't feel pressured to if you don't wanna." I felt him stiffen under me, but he soon relaxed. The silence fell upon us once again, until Hunter spoke. "Promise you won't look?.."


Hunter looked up at me as I turned around, covering my eyes as well. I heard a shuffle of clothing, and a sigh before he told me I could turn back around. I pulled him into a side hug when he did, gentle and caring. I pulled away and ruffled his hair, earning a giggle. "Your hair kinda reminds me of feathers." He smiled at me, showing off his tooth gap, but Flapjack interrupted the moment when he landed in Hunter's hair, chirping wildly. Hunter allowed him to land on his finger, still holding up the one foot. "What's wrong?" And in response, he shook his foot aggressively, letting out a single loud chirp.

Hunter got him to calm down enough, and that's when we realized that the piece of green sludge was slowly creeping up Flapjack's leg. And by slowly, I mean SLOWLY. We had to stare at it for almost five minutes before we even realized it was moving, but it was definitely moving. I looked up at hunter, whose stare lingered on it for far too long. Something was wrong, he knew something that I didn't. I looked back down at the small glob, and for a second, it almost reminded me of Belos, when he was in that monstrous form. My thoughts told me things I wasn't even sure I believed. What if that is Belos? What if he's not dead? What if he's in the human realm? Why is he stuck to Flapjack? Is he gonna hurt Flapjack? I can't let him hurt Flapjack, or Hunter might lose it. I can't lose Hunter. I love him so much. Oh Titan, oh Titan, oh Titan, must calm my thoughts. It'll all be okay... Right?

I used the breathing technique I taught Gus, in 1..2..3..4, out 4..3..2..1. It's gonna be okay. "Hunter, It's gonna be okay. Breath." He breathed in, then breathed out. He had to do that a few times to become completely steady, then gave me a hug, Flapjack jumping off of his hand and onto my shoulder. I hugged back, resisting the urge to pull him into a spine crushing hug, so I just gave him a gentle squeeze instead. "I love you... Platonically." I whispered to him, feeling my face heat a little. "I love you platonically too." Hunter responded after a short pause, starting to giggle a bit. I giggled with him, and pulled
away. "Let's head back to the house, it's getting late." As I said that, Flapjack hopped down from my shoulder and turned into a staff. I woke up a sleeping Clover, resting comfortably in the grass, and turned her into a staff too. Hunter grabbed his binder, and gripped it tightly in his hand as he got onto his staff.

I hopped onto my staff, and we started heading home. The wind blew through my hair, cool and soft. I looked over to Hunter, who was sticking his tongue out. "What are you doing?" I asked, trying not to laugh. He sucked his tongue back into his mouth, and looked over at me. "When I stick my tongue out in the wind, it dries up and feels really weird." I giggled, and watched him stick his tongue out again, then poke it. He had his tongue out pretty much the entirety of the flight back to the house, occasionally stopping to talk to me. By the time we got inside, we were laughing and messing around, only to be met with Camila standing in the kitchen. We looked at each other, then back at Camila, an uncomfortable, stressing silence fell over the entire house. I giggled, causing Hunter to glare at me, and elbow me in the arm. "Ow- fucker." He whipped his head around to look at me, mouthing 'Language.' Camila watched the whole scene unfold, raising an eyebrow and smirking at us. "So, what have you two been doing all night?"

I immediately felt my whole face go red, realizing what she meant, and shouted "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Hunter on the other hand just looked at me with a confused expression, definitely questioning what I thought Camila thought. "What's- Not like what?.." Me and Camila then shared a look, and she let us walk through. "No seriously, what do you mean?" Hunter asked, stopping at the basement door. I snickered slightly, and gave him a pat on the head. "You poor, sweet, innocent boy." I said to myself as I walked off to Luz's room.

1319 words

im honestly so glad im back to posting again, i missed you guys :(

have a good rest of your day/night!!

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