Chapter 34: First Day

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Hunter's POV:

As soon as I walked into the room, The teacher told me to take a seat wherever I wanted, so I sat in an empty chair closer to the back of the class, but still near the door so I would be able to get out of class sooner than those at the other end of the classroom. "Hey, I like your shirt." A girl with long black hair said, sitting across from me. I smiled. "Oh- thanks." She returned the smile, and waved a shorter girl over, who sat down next to her. They almost immediately started talking, clearly friends from the year before, and gossiped to each other about what happened over the summer. Not long after I had walked in, the bell rang and the teacher shut the door. "Hello everyone," She greeted, "I am Ms. Ravenson, but you can call me Ms. R, or Coraline. And before anyone asks, yes, like the movie." She laughed to herself. What movie? I thought.

The whole period was pretty much just Ms. R telling us stuff about her, making us introduce ourselves to the people at our tables, then just having 20 minutes to draw whatever we wanted. I practiced drawing wings, which were in my opinion, the most difficult part of a bird to draw. Once the bell rang, I then headed to second period, which was Spanish. That period was boring, since it was mostly just an introduction to the class and teacher, whose name was Mrs. Rodriguez. My third period was Math, in which I saw Asher, and sat next to him. We talked almost the entire period, until the teacher, Mr. Quillen, got onto us. My next period was lunch, where I met Luz, Gus, Amity, and Willow.

"Gus, I thought you were staying home with Vee?" I questioned, thoroughly confused. "Camila argued with the principal for like, an hour, and finally got me in." He smiled, looking over at Luz for agreement, only to find she was aggressively hugging Amity and showering her with attention. I gagged at him, to which he returned the gesture, and we laughed to ourselves. After a few minutes of talking amongst our group, Asher sat down next to me. "Hey man, how's it going?" He asked. "Hey, Asher! Not bad." I said, setting down my soggy pizza. All of us talked for a while, until the bell rang and we had to go our separate ways. Checking my schedule, I then headed to Science after throwing away my food. Just before I walked into the classroom, though, the teacher stopped me. "Young man, you're not allowed to wear hats in school, take it off." He said with a stern tone. I was shocked. "But Luz is always wearing a hat!" I protested, worried about how humans would react to pointed ears. He sighed and shook his head. "Noceda? She does whatever she wants. Do you know how many times she's gotten detention?" I guess Luz wasn't exactly the best example to follow at human school. I blushed in embarrassment and pulled off the hat, then flattened out my hair as I walked into the room, ears angled downwards. I sat down at an empty chair in the back of the class, looking down at my scarred hands as two girls behind me whispered to each other and laughed at me. I have a feeling I'm not gonna like this class, I thought, unknowing that this was just the beginning.

That class went by painfully slow, but afterwards I got to go to my next class- Social Studies. Mrs. Finnegan was pretty nice, and the class wasn't bad. After it, I went to English. When I walked into class, The first person I noticed was Luz. "Hunter!" She called out to me, the gloomy look on her face disappearing. "Hey, I didn't know we had the same English class." I returned the smile with my ears perked up in excitement. I sat next to her and we started talking, but stopped when a voice interrupted us. "Oh my gosh, the weirdo has a friend! And it's even weirder than she is, if that's even possible." About half of the class laughed in agreement, some trying to pretend like they didn't find it funny, and holding in their laughter. My face and ears went red, ears pointing down. The girl let out an "ew."

"At least I have friends, Amber. And unlike you, Hunter has naturally blonde hair." Luz retorted, this time causing the other half of the class to laugh. It almost seemed like some sort of class war, and now I had been added to the equation. A snort of laughter left me when I saw the look on the girl's face. She was pissed. "Amber, please sit down." The teacher walked into the room, "Hello everyone, I am Mr. Graye." A few kids in the back of the room snickered. "Yes, har har har. His name is Graye and he's got gray hair, BUT-" He turned around and wrote his name out on the board. "Mine's spelled with an e." He finished.

The rest of the hour was basically an introduction to the class and the books we'd be reading during it. And after that, we were allowed to go home. "So, why aren't you wearing your beanie?" Luz asked, walking next to me as we all walked back to Camila's house from the bus stop. "Yeah, I was wondering the same thing." Willow trotted up on the other side of me, "Did someone steal it? I'll beat them up for you." She (I think) joked, planting a fist in the palm of her other hand. I awkwardly laughed it off, silently declining the offer. "No, no, one of my teachers made me take it off. I think it was Mr. Levine." Luz immediately nodded in understanding. "Uhg, he got me in trouble like, five times last year, and I wasn't even in his class!" She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, you're gonna have lots of fun this year." I was pretty sure she was being sarcastic, since I had gotten better at reading tone of voice, but wasn't totally sure. Before long we all reached Camila's house, did any homework or studying we had to do, ate dinner, and went to sleep. Well, everyone except me. I wasn't tired, so instead I read a book. It was called 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' and I had read about halfway through the whole book before I started to get tired. Taking off my binder and calling Flapjack over to sleep next to me. I lied down onto my stomach, and let the little red bird curl up on the pillow, right next to my head.

1141 words

i feel bad for them 😭

anywayss have a good rest of your day/night :3


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