Chapter 11: Post-Hexside

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Hunter's POV:

(this takes place after Labyrinth Runners- so srry for all the timeskips, filler chaps r hard to think of )

After I was done explaining everything about the day of unity, I flew over to Darius' house and knocked on the door quickly. "Hold on a sec!" I heard a muffled yell from Darius, who I assumed was doing his artsy crafty gay shit.

I knocked again after a few minutes, then receiving a muffled, louder yell. "Hold on! I'm a little busy right now!" I heard a loud clatter that sounded like it was from Darius' room upstairs, followed by "YOU HACK QUIT KNOCKING OVER MY SHIT!"

Who the fuck is in this man's house?

A few minutes later, Darius came to the door. He fixed his robe, and put his hair back into a man bun. "Oh! Hello Hunter. How are you?"

I smiled at his random kindness, deciding not to ask who was in his room. "Sorry this is on such short notice, but my current living situation has been... Uhh anyway, I need to stay with you." I scratched the back of my head, smiling a bit out of awkwardness.

"Oh alright. Come on in, just don't go in my room." I don't think I had ever actually been in his house, but it was really nice. Everything was neatly organized, and the colors complimented each other, being mostly shades of purple and other dark colors.

"Your house is nice. Where should I sleep?" I was willing to sleep on the couch if I had to, but seeing how expensive his house looked, I knew he had to have a guest bedroom.

It looked like it had just clicked in him that I had to sleep here. "Oh! Yeah you can sleep in the guest bedroom. Make yourself at home, and get used to your surroundings."

"ThAanks." My voice cracked, as I hadn't taken off my binder since I slept last night. Being extra cautious, I made sure to put on my binder every time I sent Flapjack out for food just incase someone followed him back.

Wearing your binder every day, all day, for a week or so is not exactly good for you. And sometimes I forgot to take it off before I went to sleep, then wearing it all day, I know is really bad for you.

So the first thing I did when I got into my room, was lock the door, pull my shirt over my head, and toss my binder at the foot of my bed. It was all sweaty and disgusting, so I knew I should've put it in the washing machine instead, but I didn't.

I flopped down onto my bed, the soft material nothing like I've ever slept on. It was, and still is to this day, the most comfortable thing I have ever even touched.

I fell asleep pretty much immediately, waking up to a knock on the door about an hour later. "Huh- Oh, hold on for a second please!" I called as I threw my shirt back on, and used one of Darius' various pillows to curl up with to hide my chest. "You can come in." I said, feeling a little nervous for some reason.

Darius walked into my room, leaving the door open only by an inch or two as he sat down next to me on the bed. "How's the room?"

"It's good, really-" I yawned, stretching my arms above my head, and closing my eyes. "really comfortable." Darius smiled at this, giving me a hug in return. I wrapped one of my arms around him, simply giving a small smile as well.

"Dinner's ready when you want some." Darius seemed happier than usual. It almost seemed as if he was just glad I was alive. "Thanks, be down in a second." I smiled at him as he walked back out of my room, and downstairs.

Toxic Mentality~ {TRANS HUNTER AU}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat