Chapter 20: Rose Tinted Glasses

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Hunter's POV:

Willow walked back down the hall with a smile, and walked into a room which was out of my view. "Y'know she talked about you last night?" Luz spoke up randomly, causing a rosy tint to grow on my cheeks. She snickered, about to ruffle my hair like Willow did, but I swatted her hand away.

Just then, Camila walked into the room. "Hola mija, do you think you and your friends would like to go to the pool today?" Luz's eyes widened, and she jumped up in surprise. "YEAH!!" She then proceeded to scream "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" at the top of her lungs while running through the house. Once everyone was awake, she repeated many times that the water in the human realm isn't constantly boiling, so we could go swim at the pool.

I slowly raised my hand, earning a snort from Luz as she held back a laugh. "Yes, Hunter?" I paused for a moment, my ears going down in embarrassment. "I can't swim." As I lowered my hand back to my side, she just stood there, making an "oh." face. "Alright who can swim?" Luz asked, clapping her hands together. Gus, Willow, Amity, and Vee all raised their hands. How the fuck do they know how to swim??

Amity made a strange face. "Well, I'm not great at swimming because my parents never took me anywhere fun, but I'm not terrible." Luz smirked evilly. "Amity Blight," She bowed down. "I shall do you the great honor of teaching you how to swim." She paused, still with a shit eating grin, as she stood back up and took Amity's hand. "Willow, teach Hunter how to swim." I blushed slightly. I know what you're doing, Noceda.

And with that, Camila came in, got us breakfast, and took us off to the store to buy swimsuits.


S H I T .


I paced back and forth in an empty isle of Walmart, heart racing. I attempted to calm my breathing, and went off to find Camila. I searched aimlessly for not as long as I thought I would, spotting Camila on her phone, standing next to Luz. Luz had already picked out the swimsuit she wanted, and had it under her arm while she looked around the store for what I could only assume was our friends. Once she noticed me, she waved me over.

I nervously walked over to the area they were standing at, to which Camila looked up and immediately noticed the worried expression on my face. "Luz, go help your friends pick out swimsuits." Luz groaned as her mom sent her off on the task, walking as slow as physically possible. And once she was finally out of earshot, Camila looked me in the eyes with an expression I could not quite place at the time, and spoke in a gentle tone. "Are you okay? You seem worried about something."

I looked slightly up at her, then back down at the ground to avoid eye contact. "I uhh.." I took a breath in to hopefully gain more confidence. "I don't- I can't wear a uh..." I lowered my voice, hoping that only Camila could hear me. "A swimsuit. It's- I don't know, it's complicated." I said it was complicated, but if I had just told her I'm trans she would have known why in an instant. "Oh, that's okay. You don't have to wear one if it makes you uncomfortable, you can just wear shorts and a t-shirt." I smiled as she said that, finally looking back up at her in relief.

"Thanks." I smiled sheepishly, then headed back off to get shorts and a shirt. I walked over into the clothing isle, and found Luz looking around for everyone. "Have any luck?" I snickered, earning a glare from Luz. She went off to find everyone, leaving me in the isle alone. I picked out a pair of baggy-ish red and black shorts, along with a black t-shirt. Afterwards, I headed back over to where Camila was standing, to find Luz still missing. "Want me to help find everyone?" I asked Camila, who smiled at me in return and responded with "I'm sure Luz can handle it, but you can if you want." I softly smiled back, deciding to stay there instead.

A few minutes later, Luz emerged from one of the isles with an entire line of witches plus Vee behind her. Camila looked up, and shook her head from how strange it was, considering me and Amity were the only ones wearing anything to cover our ears. We went back home to change, and everyone was getting ready. I was the first done changing, and was sitting comfortably on the couch when Luz walked out of her bedroom wearing a one piece purple and black bathing suit with frilly bits where the sleeves would be.

Amity went into the bedroom after Luz came out, and walked back into the living room shortly afterwards wearing a matching swimsuit. And right as Amity came out, Willow came out of the bathroom wearing a two piece green ombré swimsuit with yellow flowers on it, and her hair in a bun on the back of her head. She had a small yellow cross bag on, and out of it she pulled gold rimmed circular glasses with a red-ish tint on the lenses. I felt my face heat up as I studied her, and she put her glasses on top of her head and sat down on the couch next to me.

I noticed Luz snickering to herself as Amity stood next to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek and lacing their fingers together. I looked back over to Willow, who smiled at me. I decided the the wallpaper looked really interesting, and that I should be staring at it instead of looking back at Willow. She noticed this, and giggled quietly before starting up a conversation. "Is that what you're wearing to the pool?" I glanced back over to her, then looked back at the interesting wall. "Uhh, yeah. Don't ask about it, it's complicated."

"Oh no, I'm not judging. Just asking. It's completely alright to not be comfortable in sort of revealing clothes. I know how you feel, I was really insecure about my body before I met Luz." She lowered her voice, scooting closer to me. "And I totally had a huge crush on her." She giggled, and I saw Luz smile proudly. "Yeah, I'm just that good with the ladies.. Unlike Hunter." She snickered, to which I glared at her, bearing my fangs slightly.

Camila came into the room with Vee, right before Gus came out of the basement in blue swimming shorts. Vee was in her preferred human form, but wearing a green and blue two piece bathing suit. "I think I'm finally starting to really love this body!" Vee spoke as she looked down at herself, smiling. Luz ran up to Vee, giving her a high-five. "Get it, girl!" They then spun around holding each other's hands, the frilly bits of Luz's bathing suit flapping around in the wind. Amity giggled at their antics, joining them soon afterwards.

After a few minutes of whatever the fuck that was, Camila called us all to the car and we headed off to the pool.

1232 words

idk what to write here :p

hope yall have a good day or night or whatevs :DD <33

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