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I remember it like it was yesterday.

Flash back********************

I was  running as fast as I could. I never knew I could run like this. But I guess when it's about life, your legs can carry you beyond your expectation.

All I could hear was,

"Get her!"

Voices of the security men here and there. I can't tell how many were after me because I didn't dare look back.

I kept running.

My heart was beating incredibly fast. The thought of getting caught was giving me terrifying chills.

I ran till I entered the road, appearing  in front of an approaching blue car making the driver stop with impulse and few inches close to me. He almost knocked me down.

I was beyond terrified.

I stood there, lost into space. I saw my life flashing before my eyes. I can't even move my feet. Next I felt someone touch my shoulder, snatching me out of my trance.

I look at him. He is tall and handsome. His blue eyes are so pretty that it took my worries away for a moment. His two hands are on my shoulders and he is looking at me with worry on his face.

"Are you okay?" His voice, so enticing.

I kept staring at him.

He furrow his brows. "You can't speak?"

I don't respond. He sighed, looking around.

"What are you doing out here alone?" He asked.

"Save me....please" I barely whispered, my teary eyes looking at his.

He arched his brow confusedly

"There she is!" I heard one of the men said aloud.

I quickly hide behind the tall mad as the men approached us. He stared at them as he moved me behind him the more with his hand.

The men approached us and he beat them up. They were five of them but this man beat all of them up.

I was beyond surprised.

He turned to me.

I shifted from where I stood.

"It's okay" he said, noticing my fright.

"You are safe now"

I look down hugging myself.

"My name is Hunter"

I look up at him slowly.

He gave me a warm smile. "Hunter Jeremy"

His smile melted heart. I instantly felt safe around him.

"Aren't you going to tell me yours?" He asked.

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