Chapter 2

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""Are you good to go in?" Taehyun asked as they stood outside of Amy's front door, mostly alluding to the fact that she couldn't find her house key, again."


written by: t

Amy filed through her closet while sipping her strawberry smoothie. Hmm, not this one. Too dull, too pink, too old, she thought to herself while attempting to choose her outfit for the day.

"Ah, perfect!" she exclaimed as she pulled out a white blouse with balloon sleeves. She set her smoothie on her dresser and put on the shirt along with her favorite pair of jeans. Amy glanced at herself in the mirror, and did a twirl, admiring her outfit. To finish her look, she grabbed her necklace from the dresser. She carefully clipped the aging chain around her neck. This was a necklace from Amy's great-grandmother in Paloma. It had been passed down through four generations, now in Amy's possession.

Amy slipped on a pair of black boots and collected her things. She grabbed the smoothie and her backpack, and headed out for the day. That day was just like any other for a busy 20-year-old student, a day full of classes and studying. But thankfully, it was Friday! Amy was thrilled to be invited to a massive party that night at one of the largest mansions in the Palace Hills neighborhood.

She admired the warm spring sun while walking to the bus stop near her home. Her university was a quick ten minute ride away, but just far enough that it would take too long for her to walk and make it in time. On Friday's, her first class was a museum studies course. This was one of her personal favorites. She got to work in the Angeles University library, sorting through old books and classifying them. Her bright, party-girl exterior made her course of study, Librarian Studies, a shock for some.

Amy stepped onto the bus and spotted a tall blonde girl sitting in the back row. She rushed towards the girl and took a seat next to her.

"Hey, Joy!" she said. Joy looked up from her book with a smile.

"What's with all of the excitement?" she chuckled.

"Um, hello! Did you forget about the party tonight? It's at the Barlowe's! Only the most fancy home in Illéa, besides the Royal Palace," she said with a laugh.

"Oh, right, right. I've been a bit preoccupied. I have a huge test in astronomy today. I can't fail." Joy sighed with a hint of anxiety in her voice.

"But you're coming tonight right? Please? I need your help talking to Adam!" Amy pleaded. Adam Barlowe was only the most sought after man by all Angeles University students, well, besides Prince Yeonjun, of course, she thought.

"Ugh, fine. But seriously, I only had one chemistry class in high school with him, no guarantees that he is going to remember me," Joy replied.

Amy let out a tiny shriek of excitement. Joy rolled her eyes with a smile, and went back to reading her astronomy textbook. Amy shuffled through her backpack and pulled out her lip gloss, pressing some onto her lips. After fifteen minutes, the bus arrived at the Angles University stop. The girls stepped off the bus into the warm Angeles spring.

"Meet you at Lottie's for lunch?" Amy asked Joy. Lottie's was the best cafe on campus, and the place where her parents met twenty-five years ago. Amy enjoyed grabbing lunch there at least once a week. She loved the cozy atmosphere of the cafe.

"Sure!" Joy replied.

"Good luck on your exam!" Amy said as she walked toward the library. She spent the morning working with books on the history of Clermont, the province her father is from. She sorted the books by the year they were published. Amy flipped through each of the books before filing them on the shelf, seeing if there was anything of interest in their pages. She made notes of the most intriguing books in a notebook.

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