Chapter 23

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"Your dream is calling to you for a reason, follow it!"

taehyun & amy

written by: t

Taehyun and Amy waved to Maddie and Yeonjun as they left.

"They're gonna need all of the luck they can get," Amy commented, shaking her head with a grin. She crossed her legs and turned the page of the book she was reading.

Taehyun nodded his head in agreement. The two sat silently, reading books they chose to indulge in that day. Amy skimmed through a collection of romantic Palomian poetry. Taehyun chose to read a fantasy novel he had enjoyed as a child. They relaxed comfortably, quietly enjoying each other's presence.

Suddenly, Amy slammed the cover of her book closed. "You didn't tell me you kissed Maddie."

Damn it, I knew she would find out eventually, Taehyun thought. His face turned red, and he scooted as far away from her as he could in his armchair.

She moved in closer to him from her spot on the couch. "Spill. Now." Amy demanded, staring him down.

"I... I don't know, it just kind of happened," Taehyun said, embarrassed. "And it wasn't even a real kiss..."

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER!!" Amy shouted.

"Be quiet!! We're in a library!!" Taehyun said in a panic.

Amy sighed and took a deep breath to compose herself. She folded her hands together.

"Taehyun, you cannot just go around kissing people and not tell me. This is a big deal! I always tell you when I kiss someone for the first time," she whined, pouting her lips.

"I know, I know," he replied. "It was like some weird force or something took over me! You know I don't have the confidence to just do those things."

She sat quietly for a few moments, tapping her chin in thought. "Have you talked to Maddie about it?"

"Well no..." Taehyun shifted his gaze away from her.

"Good God," Amy said, putting her head in her hands. "Have I not taught you anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"You need to talk to her about it! You both need to sort your feelings out! Was it just a one-time thing? Do you like her? Well, you obviously do..." Amy said rapidly.

"How do I even bring it up?" Taehyun asked.

"Just ask her to talk, then just say it. No need to sugarcoat anything."

"But that's so awkward! I'm not going to do that," he huffed, crossing his arms and looking away from Amy.

"So you are never going to address it? I promise you she is equally, if not more confused about it than you are."

"What about our friendship? If I tell her how I feel it'll ruin everything..."

"Okay, fine," Amy replied. "Maybe it will. But, you don't know until you try! What if it brings you even closer? She might be feeling the same way, you know."

"Wait, do you know?" Taehyun asked, raising his brows.

"I'm not Maddie. I can't tell you exactly what she's thinking."

"Though she must have said something to you. So..."

"So," Amy interjected. "That's why you need to talk to her. I am not the knower-of-all-things going on in Maddie's mind."

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