Chapter 24

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"It was a little awkward, but also sweet. It was perfect."


written by: j

*author's note: this is part 2 of Maddie's birthday from her pov!*

By 2:30, Maddie and Yeonjun were sitting in Yeonjun's car. He had gotten it as a gift on his sixteenth birthday and it was one of the only things he truly considered to be his own. When he needed time away from the palace, or just away from his family, he would take a drive. It was freeing. But, with Maddie in the driver's seat, Yeonjun felt the opposite of relaxed.

"Okay, slowly take your foot off the brake and follow this road down the hill," Yeonjun instructed. Maddie took her foot off the brake, allowing the car to start rolling. She then slammed on the brake, letting out a quick scream.

"Sorry! I just wasn't ready for the car to move."

"It's okay, just take your time. Whenever you're ready," Yeonjun said, breathing heavily, trying not to freak out. Maddie, who was also breathing heavily, again took her foot off the brake, this time steering the car down the road. They were going about 4 mi/hr down the back lane of the palace.

"You can give it a little gas, if you want," Yeonjun said, hoping he wouldn't regret this comment.

"Okay," Maddie said, clearly nervous. She slammed her foot on the gas, launching the car forward.

"WOAH, WOAH, WOAH," Yeonjun said, holding onto his door handle for dear life. Maddie then slammed on the brakes, sending Yeonjun's head into the glovebox. The two sat in silence for a bit, catching their breaths. Maddie looked over and saw Yeonjun holding his head.

"I am so sorry, are you hurt?"

"No, no, I'm fine."

"Maybe we should take a break. I don't think I'm really getting the hang of this. This was a bad idea."

"No, you're doing great...," Maddie looked at Yeonjun unconvinced, "...ish. Just take a deep breath, take your foot off the brake, and slowly press the gas pedal. Don't forget to steer." Maddie did what he instructed and slowly pressed the gas pedal. The car slowly and gently began to make its way down the lane.

"Oh my gosh, I'm doing it!" Maddie exclaimed. Yeonjun admired her enthusiasm, she was a character, but she was fun.

"Yes! You're doing great. Just follow this road down the hill, then take a left."

"Where are we going?"

"I thought we'd take a spin around the Royal City. I know it's been a while since you've been here."
"Sounds perfect," Maddie said, looking over at Yeonjun, allowing the car to veer into the other lane.

"Eyes on the road!" Yeonjun said, reaching over and grabbing the wheel to pull them back into the right lane.

"Right, sorry."

"No need to be sorry, you're learning."

They drove through the city, each pointing out their favorite spots, reminiscing. As they made their way south, Maddie noticed there were more and more people on the sidewalks. Eventually there were so many people that some were in the street.

"What's going on, is there a parade or something today?" Maddie questioned.

"Um, I don't know," Yeonjun said, "It's usually not like this." After a moment of thinking, Yeonjun realized what was going on. Yeonjun looked closer and saw that some people were holding large signs and bullhorns. "Take a right, take a right now!"

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