Chapter 14

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"It was a pleasure being threatened by you, Jessica."


written by: h

Jessica had sat in her chair for what felt like forever. She was towards the very end of the list, number 33, with only two other girls to go after her. She was nervous and a bit annoyed about being assigned so close to the end.

By now he's probably exhausted and won't be as excited to talk to me. That's so unfair to those of us assigned at the end, Jessica thought with an eye roll. She decided to not let that bother her. Hopefully she would feel a connection with him, and vice versa, otherwise this was going to be more difficult; trying to force a connection instead of just growing one that is already there is much harder. She could hear her fathers voice in her head, telling her that they were all counting on her.

Jessica shook her head, clearing his voice from her head as she thought about what Yeonjun would be like instead. She didn't get to sit near him at dinner and was excited for this meeting.

I really hope that the prince is truly as kind as everyone says he is, and it's not just an act, Jessica thought to herself. She knew people who had worked with the royal family and they all had great things to say about him, but that didn't mean that they knew what went on behind closed doors. Her childhood best friend's father had been a military general and he gave her some tips about surviving in the castle, which had come in handy so far.

"So Jessie, are you nervous to meet the prince? We didn't get to sit near him at dinner, I was really nervous during my meeting just now." A girl whom Jessica recognized as Catarina Peterson, or "Cat" for short, asked as she plopped down in the chair next to Jessica. Jessica sighed internally at the perkiness of Cat interrupting her thoughts. They had sat next to each other at dinner, and while Jessica found her overly perky nature slightly annoying, she didn't mind making an ally, maybe even a friend. Her dad had warned her not to get too close to the other contestants, but what harm could one friend do?

"Hey Cat. I'm a little nervous, but I'm trying to keep my confidence up. How was your meeting with him? And seriously, no one calls me Jessie. Jessica is fine." Jessica responded. Not surprising, Cat went on to tell a whole tale about her meeting Yeonjun. While slightly annoying, Jessica appreciated how Cat helped her pass the time as she waited for her turn.

"Miss Jessica Hart?" Syliva called out, interrupting Cat as she tried to figure out the best description of Yeonjun's hair, midnight black or ebony black. Jessica stood up, gave Cat a smile, and walked over to the big doors. They opened, and she walked in, trying to keep a confident facade even though her nerves were trying to break through, and nearly did when she saw the prince. This was the closest she had ever been to him and tripped a little bit when she saw him for the first time up close.

Cat didn't exaggerate, he really is beautiful. Jessica thought as she recovered from her baby trip, praying that Yeonjun didn't see it. Unfortunately, she heard a chuckle from him, so chances of him not seeing that wasn't exactly high.

Jessica walked further into the room, and Yeonjun stood up. She curtsied as he came forward and to Jessica's surprise, offered her his arm. It must have shown on her face, because he laughed again.

"I think after that little stumble there maybe I should escort you to your chair. Is that ok Jessica?" Yeonjun said with a joking smile. Jessica once again looked startled, but took his arm anyway.

"I would love to tell you that I'm capable of walking by myself, but I'm not an expert in walking in heels yet, so I think I'll sacrifice my pride a bit so as to not fall on my face." Jessica said coyly, hoping that she played it off cool.

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