Chapter 3

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"It was an out-dated charade in which the Prince must decide between 35 girls after knowing them for just a few months, only to choose the prettiest, shallowest, wealthiest, most connected girl."


written by: j

It had been a month and a half since Maddie submitted her Selection application. Although she had tried to tell her mom that she did NOT want to participate in the Selection, it was not worth the constant nagging from her mother. As much as Maddie thought about her old life as a Three in Angeles, she honestly liked her current life. Even though she didn't get the best education and would probably develop arthritis after twenty years of working, Maddie liked the closeness of her family. She liked staying up late talking with her sister. She liked walking with her mom in the mornings when no one else was awake. She liked helping with her siblings' homeschooling. She liked her life. Not only did she like her life, she also didn't believe in the Selection. It was an out-dated charade in which the Prince must decide between 35 girls after knowing them for just a few months, only to choose the prettiest, shallowest, wealthiest, most connected girl. Surprise, surprise. It was nothing more than a strategic political move disguised as a fun competition for love. Needless to say, Maddie wanted no part in it, but this did not matter to Maddie's mom. 

It was now mid-May and the selection of girls was going to be announced tonight. The Capital Report started at 7:00 and usually it was not a big deal for Maddie's family, but tonight her mom made everyone pack into the living room to watch. There were only four comfortable spots to sit in the living room, leaving Caleb, Martin, and Maddie to sit on the floor.

"Turn it on! Turn it on! Turn it on!" Kamilla said excitedly to Caleb. Caleb reached over and pushed the power button on the TV. Three minutes later the jingle played and the Report started. The only people that seemed genuinely interested in the Report were Angeline and Kamilla. Maddie, as well as the guys in her family, were zoning out. It had been a long day for everyone.

"Here it comes! Here it comes!" said Kamilla. After an uninspiring introduction from Yeonjun, Gavril Fadeye started announcing girls' names in alphabetical province order. First was Maren Huddleston from Allens. She had light blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked nice.

"Our next selected lady is...Amy Aberra from Angeles!" Gavril said, drawing out the A in Amy. A familiar face flashed across the screen. It was Maddie's childhood best friend Amy.

"Is that Amy, your Amy?" asked Jos.

"That's Amy! Oh my gosh, we know her!" Kamilla practically screeched. The previously silent room was now buzzing with excitement. Maddie was still processing what was going on. While she hadn't seen Amy since she was thirteen, they had kept in touch through letters, like pen pals. When her family moved, Maddie left behind her two best friends in the world, Amy and Taehyun. Unlike Amy, Maddie had lost touch with Taehyun shortly after they left, which she always regretted. She missed their friendship.

But, she was happy for Amy. Amy was always one to enjoy the drama of life and Maddie knew she would make an excellent queen if she was selected. Maddie, as well as her family, were so distracted by the news of Amy's selection that they almost missed Maddie's picture come up on the screen.

"Next up, we have Mmmmadelyn Toller from Hansport!" Gavril said with a smile. The whole room went silent and all eyes turned to Maddie. No one spoke for 20 seconds as they all processed this information.

"Was that real?" Caleb asked finally.

"Yeah, it was real. That was real! Maddie is selected!" said Kamilla. "You're going to the palace! You're going to meet the prince! You're going to be a princess!"

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