Chapter 13

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 "She had played it quite casually in hopes that it would set her apart, not send her home, but she'd have to wait for the first elimination to know for sure."


written by: j

Maddie had mixed feelings about this whole process. On one hand, she hated the Selection and all of its rules and she just wanted it to be over, but on the other hand, she wanted to do well for her family and experience this crazy amazing sophisticated life, as it would probably be her only chance. Maddie decided to play it safe, hold her punches. She would be her nice, reserved-ish self. Now that the Selection was officially starting, Maddie knew she needed to change her attitude and start really trying. No more silent dinners. No more zoning out. She was in it to win it.

Amy was scheduled to go before Maddie, thankfully. Five minutes after being called in, Amy came back and sat down next to Maddie. They had approximately ten minutes for the next two girls to go before Maddie would be called.

"How did it go? Was it like an interrogation?" asked Maddie.

"No actually, it was nice. I was really surprised. He even knew that I was a student," responded Amy.

"So he's done his research. I don't know if I should be relieved or frightened. He could ask me anything about my past."

"My interview was super casual, he's not going to bring up anything complicated. I'm sure of it."

"Good, because I am not ready for that conversation."

Amy knew what Maddie was referring to: the reason her family had to move to Hansport. It was a long and complicated story that left Maddie's family disgraced and Amy without a best friend seven years ago. To be honest, Amy didn't really understand the whole thing, but she knew that Maddie was sensitive about it.

"We actually talked about Taehyun too," Amy said, wanting to change the subject.

"Really?! Does he know Taehyun?"

"Yeah, he said he's seen him around since he's Beomgyu's friend."

"Right. I totally forgot they were friends. Do you remember when Taehyun tried to keep it a secret from us when we were 8?" 

"Oh my gosh, yes! His mom told him he couldn't tell anyone because we'd be jealous, but we cornered him at recess..."

"Then we pressured him into telling us! He could never keep a secret."

The girls laughed together, thinking back to all those years the three of them spent together. Maddie knew it was unlikely that she would see Taehyun around the palace, but she sincerely hoped she would run into him at least once during the Selection.

"Miss Maddie Toller?" called Sylvia. Maddie looked at Amy and Amy smiled back. Maddie made her way to the door, looking back to see all 34 girls watching her. The doors opened and Maddie walked into a beautiful, quaint room with lots of natural sunlight. Against the back wall sat Yeonjun, wearing yet another fabulously made suit. When Maddie entered the room Yeonjun stood up. Maddie curtsied, and they both sat down. It was at this exact moment that Maddie realized that she hadn't curtsied last night when she ran into Beomgyu in the hall. She could no longer truthfully say she had a clean conscience, as she now had yet another thing to apologize for. She didn't have time to worry about that now. She needed to focus.

"Maddie Toller. Hansport," Yeonjun said.

"Yes. Yeonjun Choi. Angeles," responded Maddie, hoping the prince would not be offended by her casual response. Maddie knew she needed to be liked, but also remembered.

"Yes," replied Yeonjun, with a smile. Madde felt relieved. Something about his smile made her feel comfortable, like hot chocolate on a cold day. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. "This is one of the first times in the history of the Selection that we have two participants that knew each other before the Selection, that's you and Amy, right?"

"Yes! We've been friends for a long time. I'm really glad she's here with me."

"It's just very statistically unlikely that selected people from different provinces would know each other prior to selection, but I think it's really cool. I wish I had a friend to go through this with!" Yeonjun joked. "So, how do you spend your time, on an average day?"

"I'm a seamstress. I work with my mom. We create custom clothing and do alterations, mostly for high-class families. I also help make clothes for me and my siblings."

"Oh, how many siblings do you have?"

"Four. I have three brothers: Jos, Martin, and Caleb, and one sister: Angeline. I'm the oldest."

"I have one younger brother, whom you may remember from dinner, Prince Beomgyu. Are your younger siblings somewhat, how do I say this, unruly?"

Maddie laughed, "Of course! I think all younger siblings are required to cause their older siblings grief. It's part of their life mission. Just before I left, my one brother, Jos, hid all of my shoes on the roof! It took me an hour to find them and then another hour to get them down!" Maddie and Yeonjun laughed together. Maddie felt like it was going really well.

"I also read that it is your birthday next week. Is there anything special you would want to do, if you spent it in the palace?"

"Honestly, I don't want to make a huge fuss. If we're not doing much that day I might just hang out with Amy, if that would be alright?"

"Of course, of course! We'll have to see how some things go, but, would you be completely heartbroken if you shared some of that time with me too?"

"We'll have to see how some things go, but, I'd say the odds are in your favor," Maddie said, playfully mimicking Yeonjun.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Maddie Toller. Hansport."

"You as well, Yeonjun Choi. Angeles."

Maddie rose and curtsied before leaving. She had played it quite casually in hopes that it would set her apart, not send her home, but she'd have to wait for the first elimination to know for sure.


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