Chapter 5

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"Remember, we are all counting on you. Not just me, but so many people in Sonage."


written by: h

Jessica grunted as she struggled to zip her backpack. There was so much she wanted to bring, but she knew that all the girls were only allowed to bring one backpack with them to the castle. They would receive most of the clothes they would need for the Selection at the castle, but Jessica wanted to wear her own clothes. Not only would they be way more comfortable than the dresses she was sure they would make her wear, but they would also give her some comfort being away from home. She also added a couple of her favorite books, and that itself was hard to choose as well.

They weren't allowed to have contact with the outside world, and she knew that she would probably get bored, so she had desperately shoved 4 of her favorite books in her bag along with as many shoes, shorts, t-shirts, and leggings as she could. Her mother had also forced her to pack a couple nicer outfits as well, so her bag was just about to burst even though it was the bigger ones they could find. Luckily it was summer, so most of the clothes were lighter, but she still wanted a sweatshirt or two for comfort.

Jessica shoved her favorite forest green sweatshirt down deeper into her backpack and finally was able to zip her backpack shut. Jessica let out a big sigh and slumped down where she sat on her bed, but whipped her head back up and reached to grab the small knife under her pillow when she heard laughing coming from her bedroom door. Jessica let out an annoyed groan when she saw that it was just her mother, who laughed even harder when she noticed that she startled her daughter. Jessica's dog, Luna, ran into the room and jumped onto Jessica's bed.

"Seriously Mom! You scared me." Jessica complained as she pulled the fluffy Husky into her lap. While Luna recently turned six years old and had been full grown for years, she still loved sitting in Jessica's lap as if she were a small puppy, even though she was a bit too big to truly fit anymore.

"I'm sorry dear, but watching you struggle to fit all of your sweatshirts in that backpack was too funny. Do you truly need that many clothes? The palace seamstresses will be making most of your clothes." Her mom replied as she walked behind where Jessica sat on her bed. Jessica silently gave her mother her hair brush and some hair ties from her bag and her mom started to divide her blonde hair into two sections to braid into french pigtail braids, knowing it was her daughter's favorite hairstyle.

"I know, but I don't want to always wear dresses and whatever they make me there." Jessica replied, slowly relaxing as her mom braided her hair. Having her hair played with always calmed her down as a kid, and her mom knew that she was extremely anxious about the Selection. While Jessica tried to keep a calm facade about the Selection, she was very nervous about being a part of it. Not only was dating the prince along with 34 other girls stressful, but there was also a lot of pressure from her father to do well in it, and she hated disappointing him.

"I wish I could take Luna with me," Jessica said as she petted Luna's soft head. Luna looked up when she heard her name and lolled her head to the side, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. Jessica laughed and aggressively rubbed Luna's head, but was careful not to shake her own head as her mom finished her braids.

"I don't think they allow the Selected girls to bring their dogs, but I'll be sure to give her extra love while you are gone." Her mom replied. "Alright, your braids are done, are you finished packing? You have to leave in 20 minutes for the palace." 

"Yes, I'm finished packing. Thank you for doing my hair." Jessica replied as she stood up and smoothed her white sundress. Luna simply rolled over onto her otherside, not ready to get up. For some reason, all the contestants had to arrive at the palace wearing white, and her mother strongly suggested wearing a sundress as opposed to Jessica's original idea of wearing white shorts and a white sweatshirt. Apparently as a Two she had to hold herself at a higher standard or something, why that meant she couldn't rock a sweatshirt and shorts outfit she wasn't sure. She grabbed her backpack and took one last look around her room, scanning to see if she forgot anything. Once she was satisfied, she and her mom walked out of her room. Luna hopped off the bed and followed out at their heels, and they all walked downstairs.


"Bye baby! I love you so much! Be a good girl and if Dad doesn't walk you feel free to bite him." Jessica cooed to Luna as she pet her goodbye. Luna rolled over onto Jessica's white converse as a sign of protest, and Jessica laughed as she gave Luna a belly rub as her dad put her backpack in the backseat for her.

"Hey! Don't tell her to bite me, I'm the one driving you!" Her dad exclaimed, shutting the backdoor. Jessica's mom laughed and walked over to give Jessica a long hug.

"I love you, and I know you will do amazing there." Jessica's mom said with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too Mom." Jessica replied, squeezing her mom one last time before giving Luna one last hug and sat in the car, her dad already waiting in the driver's seat.

"Ready to go?" He asked, and Jessica nodded her head. They pulled out of the driveway and Jessica rolled down the window and waved at her mom and Luna as they drove away. It would be about a 45 minute drive to the palace from Sonage, so Jessica settled into her seat with her book for the drive.

When they entered the city, Jessica finally looked up from her book and stared at all the buildings. As she stared at the buildings, her dad started to speak.

"Are you nervous?" Her dad asked. Jessica looked away from the buildings and looked at her father.

"Honestly, yes I am, but I am excited too." Jessica said.

"It's ok to be nervous, as long as you don't let it overwhelm you. You're one of the strongest people I know Jessica. I know you can do this." He said confidently. Jessica looked away for a second and tried to control her face to a more confident face to continue this conversation. Her dad put so much pressure on her with the Selection and it tended to overwhelm her whenever she thought about it. She also knew that while there was a ton of pressure from him, he also was putting all of his faith in her and that scared her more than anything. As much as she resents the pressure that has been put on her by him her entire life, he is her father and one of the things she hates most in this world is disappointing him.

"Thank you. I will try my best." Jessica replied, looking back at her dad. They had rolled up to the front entrance of the palace and it was time for Jessica to get out and check in. Her dad said nothing as they both got out of the car. He grabbed her backpack from the backseat and sat it down next to him as he brought her in for a hug.

"You won't just try your best; you will do your best. Remember, we are all counting on you. Not just me, but so many people in Sonage." He whispered. Jessica just nodded her head and pulled away, schooling her face into a smile.

"I love you sweatheart." He said, handing her backpack. She put it on and gave her dad one last quick hug.

"I love you too Dad." She replied. Her dad gave her one last proud smile and got back into the car. As he drove away, Jessica breathed heavily a couple times, calming herself. Once she deemed herself ready, she turned around and walked towards where the Selected girls were supposed to check in with a big smile.


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