Chapter 8

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"I cannot believe I'm going to wear one of these!"


written by: t


Amy couldn't stop smiling now that she and Maddie were finally reunited. Luckily, Amy's stylists had agreed to switch stations so the girls could be next to each other and catch up on the seven years they have been apart. Knowing the importance of gossip in high society, Amy was sure they were eager to hear personal details about both Selected girls. The girls were instructed to take a seat in their respective salon chairs, and the hefty makeover process began.

"You know," one of Amy's stylists started. "I think we don't have to do much to your hair. I love your curls; are these natural?" she said while running her hands through Amy's hair.

"No, I curled it this morning. I wish they were natural!" She shifted in her seat. "Also, could you please not cut it? I've been trying to grow it out and really want to keep it this way," Amy chatted nervously, trying not to be too needy. The glimmering scissors on the counter were scaring her.

"Of course. I think longer hair would look better with your face shape anyway," the stylist replied while brushing out the front strands of Amy's hair.

Amy noticed a stylist taking scissors to Maddie's hair. She was glad that wasn't her. Luckily, Maddie didn't seem to mind. In fact, she smiled as the stylist chopped off the ends of her hair. How often do Sixes get their hair styled? she wondered. She immediately stopped herself. Maddie was more than a Six, she was her friend. Amy was embarrassed that she had even thought such a thing, and moved her gaze to the makeup on the counter. 

The stylist began to curl Amy's hair. It's nice to not have to do this myself, for once. Amy glanced around the room. The hustle and bustle of stylists made the atmosphere lively. The air smelled of hairspray, but it didn't make her nose itch like some of the other girls. After the stylist had finished her hair, Amy couldn't believe her reflection. She had never seen her usually limp hair look so shiny and voluminous.

"Can you do my hair every day?" Amy asked the stylist, not entirely joking. The stylist laughed and began to poke through a basket of neatly organized makeup. She chose three different eye shadows, and held them up next to Amy's face.

"Now, since you have green eyes, we definitely want to do something with a little gold," she said while analyzing Amy's face.

"Absolutely. That is my usual. I find warmer tones to look best." From attending so many parties, Amy knew exactly what worked and what didn't. Though she trusted the professional judgment of the stylist, she could not let anyone prevent her from looking her best. 

"I agree with you, and I think I have just the palette. I am going to go grab it, I will be right back," the stylist said while walking off. Amy turned to see Maddie's stylist doing the same thing, holding up eye shadows to Maddie's face. She is certainly a cool tone, Amy thought.

"How's it going over there?" she asked with a wave. Maddie gave her a thumbs-up, not wanting to disturb the deep thought her stylist seemed to be in.

"Alright, I think I'm ready to start your makeup!" Amy's stylist said while approaching from behind with an expensive eyeshadow palette. Amy nodded, giddy about the stylist selecting a palette that was too expensive for even most Threes to use. The stylist began by applying foundation to her face. Amy's makeup took much longer to do than her hair; taking almost double the time. It seemed as if Maddie was in the same boat, since Amy hadn't heard a word from her in a while. 

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