Chapter 21

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"Was this going to be her first kiss?"


written by: j

Maddie was exhausted and sweaty from their kickball game, she shouldn't have worn a long-sleeve shirt. After they had finished the game, Beomgyu had gone back inside, something about the afternoon sun and his tan, leaving Maddie, Amy, Taehyun, and Yeonjun on the lawn. Yeonjun went up to Amy who was sitting in her lawn chair while Taehyun and Maddie went back to the picnic blanket.

"Honestly, I still can't believe you're here, this is crazy," Maddie said.

"I know. I'm so glad we could spend some time together today. Do you mind if I walk you back?" asked Taehyun. Maddie looked over at Yeonjun who was flirtatiously adjusting Amy's sunglasses.

"Yeah, I think maybe Amy would enjoy some alone time with Yeonjun," Maddie said with a smile. Taehyun put out his arm for Maddie and the two headed inside, waving at Yeonjun and Amy as they passed.

"So... how's the Selection going?" asked Taehyun.

"It's going okay. We haven't really done much yet. Today was probably my best day yet here in the palace," replied Maddie.

"Can I be honest with you? I was kind of surprised when I saw your application for the Selection. I just never pegged you as a princess."

"Wow! Shots fired!"

"No no no... that's not what I meant. It's just that these girls are, you know... I don't know." Maddie was only messing with him, but she found it cute how he was stumbling over his words.

"It's okay, I know what you mean. My mom made me apply and I think she would have killed me if I didn't go after I was selected."
"Ah, I see. How is your family?"

"Good. Everyone is good. Jos, you remember Jos, is starting to drive so that he can be a hired driver. Martin is dabbling in cooking. He's gotten hired a few times by some local cooks as a sous chef of sorts for events. Caleb is still figuring it out, but it looks like he's going to go into driving as well. And Angeline, we don't know what she'll do. My mom is really nervous about letting her near needles."

"From what I remember of your sister when she was 5, I would have to agree with your mom." The two laughed together. Their laughter slowly fizzled out and was replaced with a comforting silence. Maddie looked around and saw they were alone in the hallway. Feeling uncharacteristically bold, she slipped her hand into Taehyun's.

Taehyun looked up at Maddie with his big brown eyes, full of surprise, but also a tinge of relief. Maddie responded with a smirk and a quick chuckle.

"Isn't this against the rules?" Taehyun questioned quietly.

"We're friends. Friends hold hands," Maddie responded. They continued to Maddie's room, hand in hand, not saying anything. Maddie had thought about her reunion with Taehyun for seven years, and she always imagined lots of hours catching up and talking, but the silence was more natural to her now than any conversation she could start. Maddie wished she could've reunited with Taehyun under different circumstances, circumstances that didn't involve so many rules.

When they reached Maddie's door, Lieutenant Barrett was standing guard. Maddie nonchalantly let go of Taehyun's hand and relinked her arm with his.

"Do you want to come inside quick? See my room? It's huge," asked Maddie.

"Sure, but I only have a few minutes before I have to get to a meeting," replied Taehyun. They walked through the door, still arm-in-arm. Maddie left the door open to eliminate any chance of suspicion. Maddie showed Taehyun around her room. They were in her closet when Taehyun looked at his watch.

"Well, I'd better go, but I've really enjoyed getting to hang out with you. Hopefully I'll see you around."
"Yes, I will be on the lookout for you in the palace."

Taehyun turned to start walking out of the closet, but then stopped. He grabbed Maddie's hands and pulled her close. Maddie was very conflicted. Was this going to be her first kiss? She had thought about this moment for a long time, and even imagined it being with Taehyun, but she was playing a game, and this was breaking the rules. Taehyun leaned in and kissed Maddie on the cheek. It was slow and soft. Although cheek kisses were a common exchange between friends, Maddie knew this wasn't a friendly kiss, it was intended to be something more. When Taehyun pulled his head back and looked Maddie in the eyes, there was a moment of tenderness, of closeness, before they were both dragged back into reality.

"I'll see you later," Taehyun said abruptly, seeming somewhat surprised at himself and also equally terrified.

"Sure," Maddie responded, still trying to process the events of the past twenty seconds. Taehyun left her room quickly without saying anything more, leaving Maddie alone in her closet, still shell shocked. She had dreamt about that moment for so many years and now it was over, and she didn't know how she felt. The Selection and Yeonjun aside, she wasn't sure if her feelings were that of romance or friendship. In her head, Taehyun was always her perfect match, but now in-person, her heart was telling her something else. It was like her heart and brain couldn't agree, did she like Taehyun as a friend, or something more?

Maddie couldn't even begin to process any of this, especially considering her newfound crush-like feelings towards Yeonjun after watching him play kickball in those cute navy shorts. Why was this all so complicated, and why was it all happening at once? She was fine this morning. Maddie knew she needed to talk this out with Amy, she would know what to do. Maddie remembered she was planning to spend her birthday with Amy and decided that would be the perfect time to discuss this. For now, Maddie wanted to escape her drama, so she climbed into her bed and closed her eyes for an afternoon nap. 


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