Chapter 15

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"Yeonjun, it's okay. I know it seems scary, but you need to trust your instincts."


written by: t & h

Yeonjun tiredly waved goodbye to the last girl. The instant the large doors slammed shut, Yeonjun slumped down in the cozy armchair and sighed. He was exhausted. He had no idea how tiring keeping up conversations could be, especially with 35 potential spouses. 

Yeonjun glanced over at the black binder filled with each girls' photo and application, but looked away quickly. He was anything but excited to go through the binder and stare at the pictures, trying to remember who was who; but Yeonjun knew he didn't have a choice. A knock on the door interrupted his scattered thoughts.

"Your Highness?" a guard entered and bowed. Yeonjun shot up from the chair and straightened his clothes, embarrassed to be seen in a state of distress. "I believe that is all for today, the ladies have made their way back to their rooms."

"Thank you, you may go," Yeonjun said to the guard. The guard bowed and quickly exited the room. Yeonjun grabbed the heavy binder and walked back to his office. He slunk around the hallways, checking around each corner to make sure a Selected girl wasn't in the next hall. After a long afternoon of conversing with all the girls, Yeonjun did not feel like talking to anyone. He had a lot of information to process, and just wanted to have some time alone to do so.

"Your Highness," the guard posted outside of the door greeted him when he reached his office, bowing to him.

"Lieutenant Yun," Yeonjun said politely, with a nod. Lieutenant Yun was fairly new to the palace, but had already been placed at posts with both princes and one of the Selected. Yeonjun appreciated his professional manner, and assumed this is how he was able to move up the ranks so quickly.

Yeonjun sat down at his desk, stretching his legs in front of him. He took a drink from a glass of ice cold water a servant had fetched for him. He opened the heavy binder and began to look through the pieces of paper, making notes about the girls he found interesting. He also made notes about the girls who he knew he wanted to eliminate, but couldn't help feeling a sense of guilt while doing so. He disliked having to send girls away after only talking to them for five minutes, but he didn't have a choice.

Remember, each elimination will let you get closer to the girls you truly felt a connection with, even if it hurts to send anyone home. Yeonjun mulled over his thoughts, attempting to encourage himself to keep working. He continued to flip through the pages and landed on the image of a girl with familiar green eyes. Her curled, brown hair rested lightly on her collarbone. She was smiling brightly in the picture, obviously excited to be wherever she was. Yeonjun recognized her as Amy Aberra from Angeles.

Knows Beomgyu's friend

Angeles University

Pretty smile

Doesn't like flying? 

Yeonjun scribbled down notes, trying to remember details from their conversation. He continued to flip through the binder. Eventually, he got to a picture of a girl with short brown hair. Her blue eyes stood out against the white background and blouse she was wearing. Yeonjun double checked her name before writing down any notes. He flipped to the next page and saw the name Maddie Toller written in beautiful cursive.

Knew another selected girl (Amy)

Lots of siblings

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