Chapter 26

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"Is she looking at me? Or, let's be real, most likely Yeonjun."


written by: j

Beomgyu fidgeted with his tie. "Would you like a drink, Your Highness?" A servant asked him, holding out a water bottle.

"No thank you." Beomgyu said, shaking his head. The servant moved on to ask Yeonjun. Beomgyu sighed and leaned back into the small throne he was sitting in. He had so many other things he wanted to be doing right now than watch girls gush over Yeonjun. He wished he was in the kitchen snacking with Taehyun instead of anticipating the large, formal dinner to follow the interviews.

"We're live in five, four..." the director shouted. The Queen tapped Beomgyu's shoulder, reminding him to sit up straight. He sat up, and rested his hands in his lap.

"Welcome back folks! We still have eight more lovely ladies to talk with." Gavril Fadaye dramatically said to the camera. "Let's chat with Harriet Meyers, from Clermont," he said. A girl with short, curly black hair approached the sitting area in the middle of the set. Her silver dress sweeped dramatically around her as she sat on the loveseat. Gavril sat across from her in a purple armchair. Beomgyu attempted to study Yeonjun's expression, but Yeonjun kept a pleasant, emotionless face. Beomgyu wished it was obvious to tell who his brother liked so he could make fun of him.

Harriet spoke enthusiastically throughout her brief questioning. One down, seven to go, Beomgyu thought to himself. His thoughts drifted off to his Quebecois lesson earlier that day.

"Please welcome Maddie Toller, from Hansport!" Gavril called. Beomgyu immediately snapped out of his thoughts. He watched Maddie as she moved toward the sitting area in front of the royal family. She sat on the loveseat and anxiously fidgeted with her dress.

"It is a pleasure to have you here tonight, Ms. Toller." Gavril said.

"I am so grateful to be here," Maddie replied politely.

"So, you have been at the palace for almost a month now, how are you liking it here in Angeles?"

"I love it here, I am very thankful for the generosity the royal family has shown us in our time here," she replied. Beomgyu couldn't take his eyes off her face. Her blue eyes sparkled in the lights of the set.

"Have you and Prince Yeonjun spent any time together? I heard your birthday was a few days ago!" Gavril said with a wink.

Maddie blushed and looked back at the royal family. She and Beomgyu locked eyes, and he quickly looked away, embarrassed to be caught staring. "Yes, I had a lovely birthday celebration," she replied. "I also got to spend some time playing kickball with the princes, and a few others."

Beomgyu thought back to that day. He hadn't stopped thinking about her since their encounter on the first day of the Selection. He loved her laugh, witty comments, and her competitive personality when they were playing kickball with Yeonjun and Taehyun. He made a note to bring her up to Taehyun later. They obviously seemed to be close with each other, and maybe he could find out more about her through him. It's not like he could just go knock on her door and ask to spend time together since she was kind-of dating his brother.

"Oh wow, both princes were there?" Gavril said, seeming shocked by the fact Beomgyu had been involved in the get-together. Beomgyu blushed, once again embarrassed, and slightly frustrated at Gavril's comment.

"Yes, there was a large group of us there, it was quite fun!" Maddie said with a laugh.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you!" Gavril said, standing up and reaching out to shake Maddie's hand. She shook his hand firmly, and made her way back to her seat.

"Next up, we have Zarina Landsberg, from Tammins!" Gavril called. Beomgyu watched Maddie walk back to her seat. He saw the other girl from the picnic, Amy, give her a big smile and a thumbs-up. Beomgyu continued to observe Yeonjun throughout the broadcast, sneaking glances at Maddie as often as he could. He caught her looking in his direction a few times. Is she looking at me? Or, let's be real, most likely Yeonjun. Why would she want to be looking at me? Beomgyu thought. He couldn't wait for the Report to be over.


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