Chapter 18

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"He's the only person in the entire country that can date 35 girls at once, how could I not make a joke."


written by: j

Beomgyu had been friends with Taehyun since they were kids. When they were little, Taehyun would talk about his school friends Amy and Maddie, which made Beomgyu jealous. As they got older, Taehyun started talking about Maddie and Amy differently. Amy was always Amy, but the way he talked about Maddie changed. Beomgyu sensed that Taehyun had a crush on Maddie, but Taehyun never admitted it. He remembered when Maddie's family moved, Taehyun was mopey for a week. Taehyun was usually the one that reigned Beomgyu in, but that week, things got wild. Without Taehyun stopping him, he lit fire to the drawing room curtains and then was grounded for two weeks. Over the past seven years, Beomgyu had heard less about Maddie. He had just assumed Taehyun had gotten over her, especially since he thought she was just a middle school crush, but he was wrong.

Beomgyu was sitting on the counter in the kitchen eating raw cookie dough when Taehyun came bursting in. Beomgyu enjoyed eating in the kitchen because he could be around people, even if they ignored him 100% of the time, but also because it was less likely his parents could find out what he was eating. His mom was always on him about eating too many sweets in one day.

"I need your help," Taehyun said, out of breath.

"Did you run here?" Beomgyu asked jokingly.

"I'm meeting up with Amy, Maddie, and Yeonjun this afternoon, but I don't think I can do it."

"Is it because of Yeonjun, because he's worse than you think, I can guarantee that," said Beomgyu, still joking.
"This is no time for jokes. I don't know what to do!"

"What if I join you guys? Then, if things get awkward or weird, I can break up the tension. Plus, if things go too well, I can break you and Maddie up, since she's in the Selection and Yeonjun will be there and all."

"I don't know what you're implying."

"Are you serious? You like Maddie. That's why you're so nervous. This is the first time you're seeing her in seven years. This is the moment you've been waiting for."
"First of all, I don't like Maddie, we're just friends. But, I do think it would be a good idea if you came, just to make sure I don't look like an idiot."

"I can't stop you from looking like an idiot, I'm not a miracle worker, but I'll do my best to help."
"Perfect, I'll meet you on the lawn at 2:00."

"Wait! Do you want to join me? It's chocolate chip cookie dough today."

"Sorry, I can't, I have to get to work. But I'll see you at 2:00." With that Taehyun left Beomgyu in the bustling kitchen, eating his cookie dough alone in the corner, watching the staff prepare lunch.


It was now 2:00 and Beomgyu and Taehyun stood on the lawn, waiting for Yeonjun and the girls. Taehyun had changed out of his black work pants and dress shirt and into green shorts, a white shirt, and an unbuttoned long-sleeved navy shirt. Beomgyu, not really caring how he looked, came in what he already had on for the day, black athletic shorts and an old gray shirt. Being the second born prince meant that he had less responsibilities and could get away with more things than Yeonjun, including wearing whatever he wanted.

Beomgyu and Taehyun spread out a light blue quilt on the grass in the shade. Beomgyu stacked some board games in the center while Taehyun spread out the snacks they had requested from the kitchen. Beomgyu noticed Taehyun's hands shaking as he arranged the cheese and crackers on the tray.

"You have to calm down, everything is going to be fine," Beomgyu finally said.

"I know, I know. I'm just nervous. I haven't talked to Maddie in seven years, what if she forgot about me. What if she's hated me all these years?"

"I'm very sure she hasn't forgotten you, that's crazy. And, no one could hate you, you're Taehyun!"

"That's not very reassuring." Just then, the garden doors of the palace opened and Yeonjun and the girls walked out. Beomgyu watched as the girl on the right paused, looked over at the other girl, and then broke out into a run towards Taehyun and Beomgyu, who were about 50 yards away. She was wearing sneakers which allowed her to run at a decent pace.

"Taehyun!!" she yelled, almost leaping into his arms for a hug. Now that she was closer, Beomgyu realized this Maddie was the coffee stain girl from the first dinner. Even though he had learned her name, he didn't connect the dots until this very moment. Beomgyu liked Maddie, she seemed different. He could see why Taehyun liked her so much.

"I can't believe you're here! It's been so long. Oh my gosh, you've grown up!" she exclaimed.

"I can't believe you're here either!" Taehyun replied, both of them smiling from ear to ear.

After Maddie had taken off running, Yeonjun had grabbed Amy's hand and they jogged over together, reaching the picnic spot twenty or so seconds after Maddie. Even though everyone seemed in good spirits, Beomgyu could feel Yeonjun's eyes on him. Behind Yeonjun's smile Beomgyu knew he was angry that he was there. "I'm glad you could join us Beomgyu, I wasn't expecting you," Yeonjun said. 

"Taehyun invited me. I wanted a front row seat for your first polygamous date," Beomgyu responded, proud of himself. Maddie laughed quietly, seeing that Yeonjun wasn't pleased with his comment.

"Always one with the jokes. Well, why don't we sit down and get started!" Yeonjun said, regaining his positive demeanor. Beomgyu sat down, avoiding eye contact with his brother. For some reason, Yeonjun was super sensitive about the Selection, he never saw the humor in it. He's the only person in the entire country that can date 35 girls at once, how could I not make a joke.

Beomgyu turned his focus back to Taehyun and Maddie, who were busy chatting and laughing. He needed to make sure things went well, but not too well.

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