Chapter 6

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"Amy had to refrain from dropping her jaw at his beauty. This palace is full of attractive men!"


written by: t

Amy could hardly contain her excitement. She rolled over and looked at her clock; it was only 6:00. She didn't need to be up until 6:30, but decided to just start her day then. The summer sunrise was flooding her room with a golden glow. She swung her legs out of bed and stretched her arms up into the air. 

Today is the day! she thought. Amy did a little happy dance while moving toward her closet. She could hardly wait to put on the brand new outfit she picked out the week before. I am meeting Prince Yeonjun today! I will be living in the castle! I will get to see Maddie again!  Thoughts were running through her head at a rapid pace. Amy couldn't believe that she was selected. The fact that Maddie was also selected astonished her. She could not wait for her and Taehyun to be reunited again. She smiled at childhood memories of the three of them spending the summer at Taehyun's house.

Amy slipped the white shirt and shorts onto her body. All of the selected girls were required to wear white when arriving at the palace. Amy didn't care, this was one of her best colors. Her tan skin and dark brown hair made the color stand out perfectly. She was also thankful she didn't have to fly into the Angeles Airport; she couldn't imagine having to sit through a long plane ride then to get thrown into the festivities of the Selection. She was glad Taehyun offered to drive her to the palace. Especially since he has his own parking spot and everything, she smiled. She hoped it would send the right impression to the other selected. She was here to win, and she knew just how to do so.

Amy's thoughts continued to run at full speed as she curled her hair. She took extra time that morning to make sure each curl was perfect. She also took extra time on her makeup. Although she knew they would be receiving makeovers at the palace, Amy wanted to look her best. She wanted, no, needed, the other girls to know she would be competition for them; unlike her current lack-of-relationship situation. Amy was determined to win this thing. I am coming out of this a princess, she affirmed herself. She had dreamed for so long to live the lifestyle of a princess, marry a prince, and sit on the throne. Now that she had the chance, she was not going to let it slip through her fingers.


"Well don't you look nice!" Amy said to Taehyun as she hopped into the front seat of his car. The goodbyes with her family had been short and bittersweet. Amy was too overjoyed about the Selection to care about her lackluster goodbyes. She tossed her backpack into the back seat and smiled at her handsome friend, dressed for a day of work at the palace.

"Right back at you!" Taheyun said as he shifted the car into gear. He looked over at her, his expression suddenly serious. "Are you ready for this?" he asked in a tone to match. Despite Amy's happy-go-lucky exterior, he knew his friend too well. He could sense the tense feelings she was trying to suppress. Amy looked back at her house and toward her bedroom window. She touched her neck, to double-check that she was wearing her great-grandmother's necklace. She sighed. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." She turned forward and Taehyun drove away from her house. Amy took a deep breath.

"It's going to be fine, trust me," Taehyun said. "I work with Prince Yeonjun almost every day. He's a good person."

"That's good to know. I mean, I'm sure he's amazing, he's the prince! But, you have to wonder what the royal family hides behind interviews and cameras," she said, staring out the window as they climbed the hills of Angeles.

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