Chapter 10

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It was only the first day, and he was ready for the Selection to be over.


written by: t

Soobin paced back and forth in front of the door to Miss Aberra's room. He was feeling extremely stressed. His ex-girlfriend, Jessica, was one of the Selected girls. Although he knew she was coming, he was not prepared for the uncomfortable feelings that came with watching a girl he still had residual feelings for dating another man, sort of. And she was rooming right next to the girl he was assigned to, no less! Soobin pushed his hair out of his face with a sigh.

"Are you doing alright Lieutenant Yun?" Lieutenant Rasmussen, the guard who was stationed at Jessica's door, asked. Soobin immediately put his hands at his side, trying to stop them from anxiously fidgeting.

"Yes. I'm fine," he replied. Soobin stopped and stood still to the right of his Selected girls' door, just like he was supposed to be doing.

"Aren't all of these girls something? I've never seen such nice-looking girls in my life," Lieutenant Rasmussen commented, making sure there wasn't anyone else around before doing so.

"Haha, sure are," Soobin laughed nervously. He did agree with his coworker, unfortunately. Jessica had broken up with him over a year ago. Not only was she his first relationship, but she was his childhood best friend. When she broke his heart, it hit him like a ton of bricks. Soobin wasn't used to receiving love from someone, and was shocked when the one person who loved him suddenly stopped.

"Like these two right here?" Lieutenant Rasmussen said, gesturing to Miss Aberra's and Jessica's doors. "Ten out of ten."

Don't remind me, Soobin thought. He gave him a short nod in reply, not wanting to further the conversation. High-pitched laughter interrupted Soobin's thoughts. The laughter belonged to two girls in ball gowns. They had their arms linked and continued to gasp and laugh at things that the other said. As they got closer, Soobin recognized the emerald green dress that belonged to Miss Aberra. He straightened his posture and fixed his gaze forward as the girls approached. The girl he didn't know continued down the hallway. He could see Miss Aberra struggling with the key to her door.

"Damn key!" she exclaimed quietly. Soobin pretended he heard nothing, but the corner of his lips turned up to a slight smile at her amusing outburst.

"Would you like some help with that?" he asked politely. The girl threw her brown hair behind her shoulders.

"Yes, that would be great actually," she replied. He put the key in the door and unlocked it with one turn. She looked dumbfounded, and he had to stop himself from smiling again.

"Wow. I'm dumb," she said in a dull tone.

"Do you need anything else, Miss?" Soobin asked, unsure of what to reply to her comment.

"No, I think I'm okay. Thank you," she replied.

"Alright, I will be here in the morning to escort you to the first official meeting at 8:30," he replied.

"Sounds good. I'll see you then," Miss Aberra replied, closing the door behind her. Soobin rubbed his brow and walked away, his shift officially over. It was only the first day and he was ready for the Selection to be over.


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