Chapter 22

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"Maddie had forgotten what it felt like to hang out with friends. She loved it."


written by: j

- author's note: this is part one of this chapter. the other part will be coming soon :) -

With her maids' help, Maddie had been able to spend her free time in the palace making clothes. She worked on the hand stitching in the parlor, while she was socializing with other girls, and machine stitched in her room, in her free afternoons and before she went to bed. Usually, the selected girls' maids stitched and sewed in the palace workroom, but Maddie had convinced Rhetta, Annmarie, and Elaine to move their sewing machines and materials into the sitting area of her room. Rhetta, Annmarie, and Elaine worked during the mornings, while Maddie was out, and Maddie worked alone in the afternoon and nighttime. Maddie preferred working alone and she found this time in her day to be the most relaxing.

Maddie pulled on the high waisted, pleat front, teal trousers she had made two days before. There were four teal fabric buttons along both front pockets. The pants were accompanied by a white button down blouse she had also made, and a solid, dark tobacco colored cardigan that Elaine had found for her. Although they didn't completely go with her outfit, Maddie slid on Jos's white sneakers, as a reminder of her family. This was going to be her first birthday without them. Thankfully, Maddie had Amy to keep her company today. She was going to make the best of it. How many people can say they've spent their birthday in the palace?!?

With Yeonjun's permission, Maddie had worked out with Sylvia that both her and Amy could spend the entire day in the palace library. Maddie was allowed to pick lunch, dinner, and dessert for the two girls, which would be delivered to the library throughout the day. She chose grilled cheese sandwiches and potato chips for lunch, then orange chicken and crab rangoons for dinner, and vanilla ice cream with mini chocolate chips and whipped cream for dessert. Maddie didn't usually get to have ice cream at home, as it was considered somewhat of a luxury item, so she was extremely excited. It was clear Sylvia was less than pleased to be a part of the planning, but with Yeonjun's enthusiastic approval, she didn't say anything.

After eating a quick breakfast of toast and eggs in her room, Maddie heard a knock at her door. Maddie jumped up from her chair and swung the door open excitedly. There stood Amy, wearing a lilac-colored dress.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Amy said, quite loudly.

"Thank you," Maddie replied while laughing at Amy's enthusiasm.

"Come on, we have a big day ahead of us," said Amy as she pulled Maddie out the door by the arm, leaving Maddie with barely enough time to pull it closed. The two headed towards the library, giggling and chatting the entire way.

"What do you want to get into first?" asked Amy.

"It's been a long time since I've actually spent time in a library. I've kind of forgotten what I even like to read," replied Maddie. Amy knew Maddie's life in West Hansport was very different from her own in Angeles, but she didn't realize how much Maddie really gave up. Back when they were kids, Maddie and Amy had always loved reading, that's how they became such good friends despite having very different personalities. Maddie's passion for learning and reading when she was younger made it almost impossible for Amy to imagine her not reading for seven years. She was now even more determined to make this birthday special and help Maddie rediscover her love of reading.

"What about 21st century Palomian poetry? It's one of my favorites, and you were always so good at Palomian in middle school."

"I don't remember any Palomian. When we moved, my siblings and I started studying Quebecois instead. Most families in the area speak both English and Quebecois, but there are some people that only speak Quebecois, so it's been useful on occasion."

"I'm sure we can find some Quebecois poetry, if you want. Or, we can always find a work of theater and act it out like we did when we were kids!"

"Oh my goodness, yes! I totally forgot we did that!"

The girls approached the large doors of the library.

"Close your eyes," Amy said.

"What, why?" asked Maddie.

"I have a surprise for you, just close them." Maddie put her hands over her eyes and heard Amy open the doors. Amy gently led her into the room.

" them." Maddie lifted her hands to see Taehyun, wearing khakis and a gray heathered quarter zip sweater, looking back at her with a smile.

"Happy birthday," he said softly.

"SURPRISE! I convinced Taehyun to take the whole day off so we could all be together, just like old times! This is going to be great!" Amy said, already scanning the shelves and exploring the library. Maddie and Taehyun stood frozen, looking at one another, neither knowing what to do or what to say. Finally Maddie walked over and gave Taehyun a hug.

"Thank you for coming. I'm really glad you're here," she said. Even though things were kind of weird between them, Taehyun was still one of her best friends and she couldn't wait to make up for lost time. Maddie decided to not think about Taehyun's kiss today and just enjoy the company of her two best friends and probably the largest library in the country, everything else could wait until tomorrow.


Amy, Maddie, and Taehyun spent the morning together, laughing, reading, and talking. Maddie had forgotten what it felt like to hang out with friends. She loved it. She loved it so much that she forgot about the kiss, she forgot about the Selection, she forgot about everything, and just lived in that moment, in that library, with her friends.

At about 2:00, there was a light knock at the door and Yeonjun peaked his head into the library.

"Hey all!" Yeonjun said to the group. "Can I borrow Maddie for a second?"

"Oooooooohhhhhhhh, you're in trouble!" Amy said sarcastically, mimicking a 4th grader. Maddie glared back at Amy as she stood up from her seat.

"I hate you," Maddie whispered to Amy.

"You love me," Amy responded with a smirk.

Maddie stepped behind one of the stacks with Yeonjun.

"I just wanted to stop by and say happy birthday," Yeonjun said with a smile. He looked down and fidgeted his hands. "You said last week you would consider spending some time together today...have you made a decision?"

"Yes, I've decided I don't want to spend time with you, sorry," Maddie said with a straight face.

Yeonjun, completely taken aback, said, "Oh, of course. Whatever you want." Yeonjun began backing away when Maddie grabbed his arm.

"Wait, stop. I'm just kidding! Of course I want to spend time with you, that's the whole reason I'm here." Yeonjun laughed, still slightly confused by her sarcasm but happy to see her smile.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"You don't have anything planned?"

"Well, it's not my birthday. I thought you should pick."
Maddie paused, taking a moment to decide if she should mention her desire, "There is actually something that I've been thinking about doing lately, but if you don't want to, I'd totally understand. It's just that, I'm 20 now, and I don't know how to drive."

"You don't know how to drive!" Yeonjun said, louder than they had previously been talking.

"No! My family doesn't have a car. There was no reason for me to learn. Plus, I don't think my dad ever trusted me to operate a vehicle."

"Well, I can give you a driving lesson, it'll be fun. Meet me at the south entrance in half an hour," Yeonjun was on his way out when he quickly poked his head back behind the bookshelf, "Wait, why didn't your dad trust you?"

"I think he thought I would crash and kill both of us," Maddie said completely seriously.

"Oh, so nothing I should be worried about," said Yeonjun, trying to hide his newfound fear. 


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