Chapter 12

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"But, she wasn't going to tell Prince Yeonjun that."


written by: t

"Miss Amy Aberra?" Sylvia called over the excited chatter of the selected girls. Amy gulped; she was very nervous to meet Prince Yeonjun. Luckily, she was placed toward the end of the meeting list, so she had been studying each girl as she came out of her meeting. Some beamed with pride, lots shook with fear, and one girl even immediately burst into tears.

Despite her nerves, Amy was determined to show her best self to Prince Yeonjun. She spoke with him briefly at dinner the night before, and she knew that their interactions could have gone a lot worse. Amy stood up and approached Sylvia. They exited the meeting room and walked down the hallway until they reached a set of doors.

"Good luck," Sylvia said flatly to her as two guards opened the set of double doors. Inside of the doors was Prince Yeonjun in all of his glory. He was wearing a perfectly tailored black suit with a forest green tie. His black hair was pulled away from his forehead, and shined in the lights. He looks even more beautiful in real life, she thought. Amy walked into the room and curtsied as deeply as she could.

"You're Amy Aberra, right? From Angeles?" Yeonjun asked casually.

Stunned by the lack of formality, Amy stuttered, "Y-yes, that's me."

"I thought so! I remember you from dinner last night," Yeonjun said with a smile. He motioned for her to sit down, which Amy did, reluctantly.

"Haha, yes!" Amy nervously laughed, still shocked at his casual demeanor. She expected a very formal questioning, but the meeting so far was anything but that.

"So, are you attending university right now?" Yeonjun asked, taking a sip of water.

"Yes, I am in my first year at Angeles University. I'm in the Librarian Studies program," Amy replied. She relaxed her shoulders, beginning to feel more comfortable.

"Impressive! I've been on campus a few times," he replied. "There is some interesting architecture there." He took another sip of his water. Amy attempted to control her excitement at the fact the prince had been to her university.

"I agree. I had an internship at the library last semester. I could not believe how stunning it was!" she said, excited to talk about one of her favorite places in the world.

"That's great," he replied, looking her in the eyes with a smile. "So, you're from Angeles, are you from the Royal City?"

"Yes! Actually, I live in Palace Hills," she gestured to the south where her neighboorhood lie. "I only had a twenty minute drive to get here yesterday. Much better than having to fly," she chucked.

"Not much for flying?" he grinned, to which Amy shook her head in response. Prince Yeonjun leaned further back in his chair and draped his arm over the side. "You know, Beomgyu... Prince Beomgyu," he said correcting himself, "has a friend who lives in that neighborhood."

"Is it Taehyun Kang, by any chance?" Amy asked. She happened to know exactly who he was talking about. Taehyun and Prince Beomgyu had been friends for years. With Taehyun's dad working at the palace, and Prince Beomgyu being the same age as Taehyun, the two ended up spending a lot of time together. Amy even knew that Taehyun was first invited to spend time with him because the queen was worried that Prince Beomgyu was lonely since his older brother was attending tutoring sessions all day.

But, she wasn't going to tell Prince Yeonjun that. From what Amy observed at the dinner last night, the brothers didn't seem to be that close.

"Yes, that's him! Do you know him?" Yeonjun asked eagerly, seeming curious about Amy's backstory.

"Taehyun has been my one of best friends since birth, practically," she replied, using the common answer she gave anyone who asked about their friendship. "He drove me here yesterday," she replied cheerfully. Yeonjun nodded and grinned.

"That sounds much better than having a seven hour flight!" He exclaimed. She beamed back at him, finally comfortable in their meeting.

"Oh yeah, much better!" Amy replied. The pair smiled at each other, and there was a lull in the conversation. Yeonjun tugged on the sleeves of his suit and quickly filled the silence with another question.

"Is there anything you'd like to do during your time at the palace, besides participate in the Selection, of course?"

"Hmmm, that's a great question." Amy pondered over her answer. "You know, I think I would like to visit the Royal Library, if that is allowed."

"Of course! The library is open to all of you; as you are my personal guests," Yeonjun replied.

"Great! And, I'd really like to go to a party. Like a ball! That would be so much fun!" Amy said excitedly, unable to help herself from asking about the elite social events of royals that she so desperately wanted to attend.

"You know, I think I can make that happen," Yeonjun said with a wink. Amy blushed immediately, unsure of how to react to his beautiful deep brown eyes.

A sharp knock on the door signaled that their meeting was over. Prince Yeonjun stood, and Amy quickly followed.

"It was a pleasure officially meeting you, Your Highness," Amy said with another deep curtsy.

"You as well, Miss Aberra." Yeonjun gave Amy a quick wave as she turned to leave, to which Amy replied with a wave and smile. She walked through the open doors and scurried back to the waiting room. Amy felt like she was floating on a cloud. She could not wait to tell Maddie everything that had just happened.


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