Chapter 11

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"I should only care about what Prince Yeonjun thinks!"


written by: t

"Nice one!" Amy scoffed to herself while taking off her shoes. "You can't even figure out how to use a key." She tossed her shoes to the side and flopped down on the comfortable couch. This was the second time Amy had embarrassed herself in front of her guard that night. He probably thinks you're an idiot.

"But wait," she said out loud, to herself. "Why do I care what he thinks? I should only care about what Prince Yeonjun thinks!" She shook her head and filled a glass of water for herself. I didn't screw up too badly in front of him tonight. Just a little bit. "That's what matters," she reassured herself.

Amy took off the crystal necklace and placed it on the vanity. She then noticed a note set next to a handheld mirror. 

Hello Miss,

We hope you had a great first day at the palace. Please find the towels, toothbrush, slippers, and other essentials that we left for you. If you need anything at all, please call for us.

See you in the morning,

Cleo, Aurelia, & Faye

Amy smiled at the note. The sisters seemed sweet and kind; she couldn't wait to speak to them more. She was curious if any of them had applied for the Selection. Amy made a mental note to ask them later.

Despite the long day she had just endured, Amy wasn't feeling tired. She went into the bathroom to put on a pair of pajamas. She opened the door and was shocked by how clean the room was. Each tile on the floor seemed to sparkle. Amy found a pair of pink, silk pajamas waiting for her on the counter. She took off her dress, placed her silver necklace on the counter, and scanned the bathroom. Amy wasn't sure where she should put dirty dresses, so she opened the door to the closet.

"Oh. My. God," she gasped. She had thought her closet at home was big, it was nothing compared to the one she just stepped into. Gowns of every color lined the walls, along with tops and pants of every fabric. Amy ran her hand along the gowns, feeling the amazing textures of the dresses between her fingers. Her bare feet sank into the plush carpet on the floor. A large window let moonlight into the room. There was even a small sitting area in the middle of the closet.

Amy turned on the light, and found a hanger for her green ball gown. She hung the dress in an empty section of the closet, which she guessed was for gowns that needed cleaning.

She stepped back into the bathroom and decided to take a warm bath. She saw that her maids had left her an array of shampoos and soaps to choose from. She selected a rose scented shampoo and a eucalyptus scented soap. After her bath, Amy brushed her teeth, washed her face, and brushed her hair.

Amy walked back into her bedroom, replaying the events of dinner in her mind, and reached into her backpack. She pulled out the romance novel she was currently reading. There was only one chapter left to read, and the last one had ended on a cliffhanger. Amy slipped on the fuzzy pair of slippers sitting next to her bed and went onto the balcony. A cozy chair awaited her, and she settled into its plush fabric. The cool, Angeles night air soothed her as she relaxed for the first time that day.


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