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Sam's pov:

I gripped the steering wheel as i drove unto the highway, the image of Mon's body keeps crawling up to my mind and i cant help but getting angrier and my thoughts growing darker on how im going to let that little brat suffer,

Minutes later i arrived in an abandoned warehouse and parked my car inside to avoid suspicion, i got out of the car and got inside the warehouse.

All i hear is the sound of my shoes taking big steps and stopped infront of a black door.

I touched the handle and opened it revealing one girl tied up in the chair crying and begging for mercy infront of kade who was just smirking she looked into my direction and she instantly smiled, "ah my old friend! Its good to see you! " she hugged me like theres no girl screaming behind her.

"Shes a fiesty one, i would have liked her but oh well. Might as well have fun with her. " she smirked dragging her knife on the wall, making the girl cry even more.

"Behave kade, i said we dont need to hurt her, we just want to.... Give her a taste of her own doing, but twice as worse. " kade patted my back and she opened her hands urging for me to move forward and i did, i looked at the girl and i quickly recognize that face.

Its Nita.

I knelt down and held her face tight, "Didnt i already told you to back the fuck off? Why didnt you listen to me? " i let go of her face harshly and she stopped sobbing and i knew she realized it was me and cried,

"I-IM SORRY! P-PLEASE DONT K-KILL ME! I-ILL DO ANYTHING! JUST LET ME GO! " she tried to struggle and i just chuckled slightly,

"You know... This would have gone so easily if you just didnt hurt Mon AND bullied my sister, you know why im this pissed? YOURE THE FUCKING REASON WHY SHES LYING IN A HOSPITAL BED WITH SLIT WRIST BECAUSE OF YOUR MOTHERFUCKING DISGUSTING MOUTH TELLING HER TO DIE! " i burst out and she flinched and i composed myself and took off her blindfold and looked straight into her eyes and all i could see was pure fear and i smirked

"You listen here, and listen good. You will NEVER bully my Sister EVER again. You will never touch or say anything to My Mon and YOU WILL NEVER! cross paths with them. If i know that even one slightest of hair from my sister and Mon is damaged and it was you? I swear no one will know that you died in my very own hands Nita. Even if you try to tell the authorities no one will go against my family. You got that? " she nodded furiously and i chuckled.

"Kade you make sure that her mouth stays shut about what happened. If she does try to go to the authorities and tell her parents? You already know what to do. " Kate nodded and smiled sweetly,

"Of course! of course Sam, you know i can get that done. Now lets go pay a visit to our friends and your lovely Mon. I wanna meet the girl who makes my friends' heart so soft like this. " i smiled lightly and nodded and i looked at Nita and said,

"We wouldnt be like this if you just didnt fuck with the wrong family. "

Me and Kade walked out of the warehouse and got into my car as we drove off back to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital and got flowers and foods for my friends, i opened the doot an i didnt expect seeing older sister Neung there.

"Neung? Why are you here? " i gave the food to my friends and placed the flower besides Mon's side table and faced Neung and she smiled at me and turned serious, " i heard what happened about Song and Mon, that girl is a bastard for hurting them. I suppose you took care of it? " i nodded and she smiled knowingly that shes gonna take care of it, "and ill be at the precinct taking care of the mess you left again Sam. " she chuckled and i huff and sat down in the chair beside Mon.

Neung maybe a lady of the anuntrakul family but shes a highly skilled member of the Police Force and a chief deputy in this country, whatever happens here she knows it right away though i never know how she does it but she just knows.

"You know you should let your friend Kade do all the work. I mean...she is one of the biggest,famous and most feared Mafia. She can just erase this whole thing and i dont need to get my ass off the precint cleaning off what you did." Neung said and Kade fake gasp infront of us, "Neung! How rude of you! Is this how you treat a friend? " she pouted and Neung just laughed and i smacked her head for making too much noise and she laughed quietly looking at Kade still pouting i shake my head smiling lightly and looked at Mon.

Wish you were awake to see this Mon...

Neung looked at me and she smiled, "you really love this girl dont you? " i nodded smiling and held Mon's hand tightly, "i do... Shes just.... Perfect... I love her to the point it hurts to the point ill do ANYTHING just to keep her safe. If i could give the world and galaxies to her i would. Shes that worth of my blood, sweat and tears Neung... " she smiled and patted my head, "then keep her safe no matter what. Grandmother and me will always be here for you and for whatever choices you make as long as it makes you happy we will also be happy for you. " i looked at Neung and smiled.

"Thank you Neung... " she chuckled and patted my shoulder as she stood up, "well its best i go first guys. Duty is calling already, ill visit again when Mon's awake. I have a lot to talk about with her. " she smiled and i shook my head knowing what shes gonna do she bid her goodbyes to my friends and Kade also left to take care of the "business" at the warehouse.

I told Tee, Noey, Jim and Yuki to go home and i will stay here with Mon and they can come back here tomorrow morning and they all nodded feeling the drowsiness getting into them.

I looked at Mon's unconscious face, i touched her cheek, her nose, her lips, her face... Shes so angelic.... Too fragile...too precious like a diamond in the rough.... I kissed her forehead and caressed her hair and held her hand,

"When you wake up, i will make sure you will be very protected and i will make sure that none of them will mess with you. You will not be getting this kind of treatment from those stupid kids. I will lay my life for you just to protect you Mon.... Thats how much i love you..."

I looked at her face as i feel my eyes slowly closing and i fell asleep holding mon's hand waiting for her to wake up and face a new day with me as her lifetime supporter and partner...


HELLO MY LOVELIESSS ITS BEEN A WHILEE!! as you can see as ive promised i will be updating the story if i get a free time! Now here it is!!! Thank you so much for being so patient with this! With so much enthusiasm and energy to read this i am truly grateful for your support and also! I dedicate this specific chapter to Savvy3112 for always reading and giving love to this ongoing story❤ and the brilliant idea to add on to this chapter❤ i couldnt have done this chapter without his/her idea❤ STAY TUNE FOR MORE CHAPTERS TO COME! LOVELOTSSS!

P. S if you want to share an idea for the story feel free to leave a comment down below❤ i would really appreciate it. 😊 TOODLES!

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